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Bundesregierung | Federal Press Office


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The German Government, as the democratically elected representative of the German people, stands at the core of our nation's sovereignty. France's imposition of sanctions against the government and legitimate democratic parties of Germany is not only unacceptable but also constitutes a serious infringement on the sovereignty of our nation. We categorically reject such blatant violations of international law.

The Federal Republic of Germany condemns in the strongest manner the remarks made by Imperial Officials of France seeking to overthrow the Democratic Order of Germany. The Federal Republic is actively working with our European allies to mitigate the threat to European Peace that France poses.

It is clear through both rhetoric and intention that France believes its imperial status gives it the right to govern European affairs. Following swift condemnation by Germany's close allies and the work of the Federal Foreign Office, France walked back its initial remarks and modified its sanctions regime.

The actions taken by France are not only an affront to peace in Europe but also a direct assault on peace, freedom, and sovereignty. We reject this attempt to coerce German capitulation. Germany resolutely rejects all such attempts and will take every necessary and lawful measure to safeguard our national interests, sovereignty, and the indomitable spirit of the German people.

This condemnable act threatens the stability of our region and challenges the principles that underpin the European order. We call upon France to reconsider its actions and end its coercive measures. Germany remains committed to upholding the values of peace, freedom, and the sovereignty of nations.

In light of these actions the German Government shall exhaust all international recourses to protect itself, hold France accountable, and provide justice to those afflicted by these illegal actions. The Federal Republic will avail itself of all legal, diplomatic, and other measures permitted by the Basic Law to challenge France's imperial ambitions and to defend the Democratic Order of Germany.

The Federal Republic reaffirms that France's actions as baseless in international law. That what it has done is illegal. We condemn in the strongest manner the use of sovereignty to justify the economic coercion of your neighbor. The Federal Republic believes that the actions of France demonstrate a serious commitment to undermine the European order of mutual respect of sovereignty, peaceful relations, and integration. Attempting to manipulate the Democratic Order of Germany and overthrow a democratically elected government is unacceptable in today's Europe.

The regime which executes its citizens on live television with the barbaric guillotine, lets people watch as they beg for forgiveness, and holds sham elections is not a democratic regime. It is an authoritarian regime. We condemn in the fullest France's wanton disregard of its own democratic order. It is an authoritarian regime with an executive power all in the hands of a single person. It has created a senate which slaps in the face the right of equality of votes. It has brought back aristocracy to Europe in its most unequal and unjust phase.

The executive branch is given undue power to use imperial proclamations to impose far-reaching legislature. Parliament is merely a rubber stamp without any legitimate power. If this regime were in Asia or the Middle East it would be condemned as a human rights abusing authoritarian dictatorship. But because it is European we ignore it.

Yet others idly stand by and watch as it tries to justify its imperialist aims of undermining German sovereignty by using economic coercion that is unsanctioned by international law. It uses a treaty which gives it not power to justify its right to interfere in Germany's internal affairs. Condemnation is not enough. We find France's hypocrisy to be startling. We find France's actions to be disgusting. We find France to be no friend of the German people.

With immediate effect the Federal Republic has ordered a review of its relations with France and has recalled its Ambassador. The German Consulates in Lyon, Marseille, Dijon, Lille, Montpellier, Noumea, Papeete, Perpignan, Reims, Rennes, Saint Denis (Île de la Réunion), and Tours will be closed immediately and their diplomatic staff recalled to Germany.

Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution has been tasked with compiling a list of French national(s), politicians, corporations, and news agencies and shall provide a comprehensive list of actors that are deemed to be attempting to exert efforts to undermine the German Democratic Order. It is clear to Germany that France's ambitions have no limit. We call on the civilized nations of Europe to condemn France for what it is. Lesser we repeat the crimes of our ancestors who looked idly as another authoritarian regime


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Federal Republic of Germany welcomes France's decision to end the unilaterally and unjustly imposed sanctions that have damaged relations between Germany and France. We recognize this as an important step towards normalization of relations between Germany and France and urge French officials to build upon these measures to restore confidence in our bilateral relationship.

The Federal Republic urges France to be a positive force in Europe and review its decision-making process to avoid a future crisis. France must continue to respect Germany's internal affairs and sovereignty.

The Federal Republic appreciates its partners in Poland, Spain, and Canada for their support against France's illegal sanction regime. The Chancellor has expressed her personal appreciate for their steadfast commitment and support to pressure France to end its sanctions.

The Federal Republic recognizes Portugal's efforts to mediate a resolution to this crisis and extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Portuguese Government for organizing efforts that saw France unconditionally end its illegal sanctions.

The Federal Republic will continue to monitor France's compliance with ending the sanctions regime before the restoration of full diplomatic relations will be made. Germany's Ambassador will return to Paris following consultation with the Federal Government the last two weeks.

The Federal Republic urges France to continue to abide by its commitments and to take concrete steps to act as a positive force in Europe and in the Globe. Imperial Hegemony is not acceptable in whatever form that it takes. We welcome France's first step and look forward to seeing continued positive measures.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Federal Republic of Germany has dispatched teams of the Federal Police Services to Canada to participate in international investigations into the October Attacks and events since that transpired in Canada and its allegations of France's involvement in Canada's internal affairs and arming insurgency groups.

Germany welcomes France's internal investigation into its nationals and former government officials for their involvement in the October Attacks and calls for France to release evidence and other information it has found from its investigation into the actions of its nationals and former government officials.

Germany's Federal Security Services will coordinate efforts in Canada to conduct their own investigation and provide a report on the information to the Federal Government for their reporting efforts on the situation in Canada.

The Federal Police Services are actively accepting any information from individuals affected by the violence and information can be securely submitted on the Federal Police's website here.

The Federal Government will continue to provide support to ongoing investigation efforts and urges all parties to preserve information and allow for an independent investigations to corroborate allegations made.

The Federal Republic urges all parties to continue to abide by their commitments and to take concrete steps to act as a positive force in the Globe.

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