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Thailand | The Insurgent (Breaching the Walls)


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thai Embassy, Rome
Thursday, June 19, 2003
~10:00 A.M. CET

The explosive boom reverberated from the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican, sending tremors of shock throughout Rome. It was a sound that seemed to embody the chaos and tumult of an unforeseen catastrophe, a discordant symphony that resonated through the ancient city's streets. Nearly six kilometers away, standing proudly along Via Nomentana, the Republic Thai Embassy remained a silent witness to the distant turmoil. Its stoic facade, a stark contrast to the palpable unease that now enveloped the city, stood as a testament to the enduring spirit of Rome in the face of adversity.

"Ambassador Chirdchu!" The words, laced with urgency, shattered the quiet of the Thai ambassador's office as a man burst through the door. His breath was ragged, his eyes wide with a blend of fear and disbelief. "There's been an explosion at the Vatican," he declared, the gravity of his words hanging heavily in the air.

Chirdchu, already alerted, swiveled from the window, his gaze sharpening. "I'm aware," he responded, his tone a mix of calm and command. "What details do we have?" he inquired, stepping decisively towards the man.

They moved together through the embassy's hall, immersed in a sea of heightened alertness. Employees exchanged tense glances; their faces etched with concern. The atmosphere was charged, a palpable sense of unease permeating every corner. Chirdchu, navigating this turbulent sea of uncertainty, remained a beacon of focused determination, his every stride resonating with the weight of his responsibility.

The man's eyes swirled with a mix of anxiety and urgency as he spoke, "Local news is already covering it. The incident originated from the Apostolic Palace." He paused, gauging Chirdchu's reaction. "The National Intelligence Agency is on it. Do you want to meet with them?" His question lingered in the air, his gaze fixed on Chirdchu, who stood resolutely at the threshold of the NIA's office.

Chirdchu's response was swift, his tone edged with a mix of severity and determination. "Do you think I'd be here if I weren't taking this seriously?" He didn't wait for an answer, pushing the door open with a force that echoed through the hallway.

As he entered, his voice boomed, "What exactly is going on here?" The room fell silent, all eyes turning to him. His presence commanded attention, a clear demand for immediate and clear information from the NIA staff, who now faced the full gravity of his inquiry.

The room was tense, every ear attuned to the man in the black suit. His voice, solemn and resolute, carried an air of grave certainty. "We're not the only players in this game against the papacy. Someone else has taken the lead, acting out their plan. Our role is merely that of liaison officers; we're not involved in this," he asserted, his statement leaving no room for doubt.

Another man interjected, urgency lacing his words. "It's the Swiss Guard," he claimed, directing everyone's attention to the unfolding news on the screen. "Observe the helicopter skirmish," he pointed out. The room's focus shifted to the displayed scene - an American Guard helicopter under attack. "It's clear," he continued, "The Swiss Guard is orchestrating this assault against the papacy." His revelation hung heavily in the air, a new layer of complexity unfolding in their understanding of the situation.

Chirdchu's voice, tinged with confusion, broke through the tension. "That doesn't make any sense. Why would the Swiss Guard act like this?" His question echoed in the room, reflecting the perplexity that gripped him.

He observed as the NIA staff began to file out, their movements signaling him to follow. The air was thick with unanswered questions and the weight of the unfolding crisis.

A man stepped forward, his tone decisive. "You need to see the crime scene for yourself. Come with us." He gestured towards the door, leading the way. As they moved, he added, "The current Pope isn't favored by conservatives. He's seen as a radical." His words hinted at deeper political undercurrents, suggesting motives that lay beneath the surface.

Chirdchu, flanked by four NIA employees and six heavily armed security guards, prepared to depart for the Vatican. Their mission was clear: to witness and understand the chaos that had engulfed the heart of the Catholic world. The journey ahead promised revelations, but also untold dangers.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Saint Anne's Gate
Thursday, June 19, 2003
~10:25 A.M. CET

The distant, rhythmic echo of gunfire grew progressively louder, a jarring counterpoint to the group's steady approach. Each step seemed to amplify the unsettling symphony of conflict.

A man, engrossed in the data on his tablet, broke the tense silence. "There's a confrontation at Saint Anne's Gate," he reported, his tone laced with urgency. "That's our destination. Any other route will likely lead us through regular checkpoints."

Ambassador Chirdchu, gripping an FN Five-Seven, voiced his confusion. "Are we intending to engage in the conflict? Why the need for arms?" His question hung in the air, revealing his struggle to reconcile the unfolding violence with the Vatican's usually serene facade.

As the driver turned the wheel, he offered a grim response. "Amid this turmoil, don't expect leniency. They've turned Vatican City's peace into a battlefield." With these sobering words, he steered them onward, navigating through the chaos that had engulfed the city.

BOOM! Another explosion thundered through Vatican City, its force sending tremors of alarm through the air. "Look!" cried an NIA agent, his finger jabbing towards the rising smoke. "That's near Il Passetto," he said, urgency etching his voice.

A fully armored man spoke into his encrypted radio, coordinating with security in a trailing car. "Guards, be ready for a potential assault. We're almost there." He then turned to Ambassador Chirdchu. "Your instructions, Ambassador?"

As the car decelerated, weaving through the last few turns before Saint Anne's Gate, Chirdchu responded, "I'm here at the NIA's behest. Direct your questions to them."

Another NIA agent chimed in as the vehicle came to a halt. "Ambassador, there's more to this situation than meets the eye." He gazed out at the deserted Borgo Vittorio Street, eerily silent just a turn away from their destination. "It appears everyone has evacuated this area." The statement hung in the air, laden with an ominous sense of what lay ahead.

Exiting their vehicles with deliberate caution, the distant chatter of gunfire hung ominously close. "Troops, take position at the corner and survey the scene," instructed the armed leader. The six security guards, outfitted in full battle gear reminiscent of soldiers, moved stealthily. Each guard took a strategic position, cautiously peering around the corner to assess the unfolding firefight. Their movements were precise, a choreographed dance of vigilance and readiness, underscoring the gravity of the situation they were about to confront.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
In synchronized motion, the six armed security guards took their positions, each cautiously observing the unfolding conflict at Saint Anne's Gate. Meanwhile, two NIA agents, equipped with Fuji Film X-E2 cameras, subtly joined the scene. One agent focused on capturing the chaos in high-definition video at 1080p and 60 frames per second, ensuring no detail was missed. The other agent diligently photographed the scene, each image snapped in sharp 16.3-megapixel resolution. Their actions were deliberate and focused, aiming to document every facet of the turmoil with precision and clarity.

One guard, pressing his back against the wall and gripping an FN Scar L, glanced at his comrades, concern etched on his face. "Who are they?" he questioned, eyeing the chaos.

"Looks like the American Guard and the Swiss Guard," replied an NIA agent, his fingers expertly adjusting the zoom on his camera.

Another guard, his hand resting on a smoke bomb attached to his belt, chimed in, "Any idea what they're after?"

The agent, clicking his camera with precision, responded, "There's no concrete evidence yet. All we know is there's a conflict inside. Based on what we've gathered, the Pope seems to be the likely target." His tone was even, betraying no speculation, just facts as they stood.

The guard leader, his expression tense, posed a critical question. "Has the Middle East Command been informed of the situation?" He pondered aloud, "Perhaps we could request assistance from the nearby NEG5 unit."

However, the NIA agent quickly dismissed the idea. "That would be too aggressive a move," he replied, his tone laced with caution. "We're already mobilizing assets to the Mediterranean for the evacuation of our citizens." As he spoke, his camera continued to capture the unfolding scene, documenting each moment as potential evidence



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Chirdchu, fully aware of the escalating situation, interjected with a crucial update. "The Italian King has just announced a state of emergency," he informed them. Holding his encrypted satellite phone, he declared, "I'll be contacting the Royal Palace shortly."

Meanwhile, the two NIA employees, sensing the mounting danger, began readying the vehicles for a swift departure. "The situation is becoming too perilous," one remarked, leaving the car doors ajar for a quick escape. "With thousands of troops on their way, our position here is increasingly risky."

The security leader, his voice heavy with concern, highlighted their precarious situation. "If we're mistaken for hostiles, despite being neutral, we'll be in dire straits." He glanced around the corner cautiously. "Ambassador, we need you to liaise with the Italian authorities," he urged.

As Thailand's highest diplomatic representative in Italy, Ambassador Chirdchu was uniquely positioned to navigate these diplomatic channels. He dialed the highest echelons of the Italian Government on his phone. While his preference was to speak directly with the King, he was prepared to engage with any high-ranking official. His call would ensure that the Italian authorities were aware of his and his team's presence.



GA Member
Nov 13, 2023
While calls of this nature would normally go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, per the State of Emergency as declared by the King the ultimate authority within Rome at this moment was the Minister of Defense, General Alessandro Russo. As such the call would be directed to his office instead.

Alessandro for that matter was currently overseeing ground and air operations inside Rome and issuing new orders as needed to respond swiftly to the highly fluid situation when his assistant Lieutenant Fernando Gualtieri walked in. "What?" General Russo asked somewhat annoyed.

"General, the Thai ambassador is calling, he wishes to discuss a matter related to his personnel outside the embassy"

Russo really didn't need any interruptions now but he figured a quick response would probably avoid further distractions down the line. "Fine, put him on line 1" He said as he stepped away from the large table that showed maps and movements and into his adjoining office. Once behind his desk he would pick up his phone.

"This is General Russo, Minister of Defense"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Ambassador Chirdchu, phone pressed to his ear, announced to his team, "It looks like we'll be speaking with the Minister of Defense shortly."

Amidst this, a voice from the back called out playfully, "Look at this, we might just make the headlines!" The group turned to see two NIA employees posing for a camera, with a reporter visible in the distance.

The security leader, though amused, reminded them of their situation. "Stay focused, everyone. We're close to the conflict zone. Let's not get distracted by the reporter. We need to appear professional and genuine."

Chirdchu, closing his eyes for a brief moment as the call connected, was greeted by a firm voice from the other end. "Good morning, Minister of Defense and General Russo. I appreciate your time," he responded respectfully.

"I'm currently with my embassy's security team, surveying the situation in Vatican City. We've made the news just now. But let's focus on the more pressing matters," he said, his tone light yet serious.

"We've been in touch with our Defense Minister regarding airspace access for our evacuation operation. We're prioritizing the safe exit of our citizens from the area," Chirdchu explained, pausing to let the gravity of his words sink in with his Italian counterparts.

Chirdchu, speaking with a tone of sincere cooperation, informed the Italian official, "Currently, we're on Borgo Vittorio Street, just a short distance from Saint Anne's Gate, where the conflict is ongoing." He conveyed this calmly, emphasizing the deserted state of the area. "It appears all local residents have evacuated; we observed many leaving as we arrived," he added, underscoring their non-threatening presence.

"I'm accompanied by six security guards and four employees from the NIA – that's the Foreign Ministry's liaison division, not Thailand's intelligence agency," he clarified, aiming to alleviate any potential misunderstandings. "Their role is purely diplomatic, to facilitate communication between our global offices."

Chirdchu's request was clear and diplomatic. "I'd appreciate if you could recognize our group as neutral, or even as allies." His voice carried the weight of his diplomatic status. "I still retain my diplomatic immunity and would prefer to keep my escort for safety, unless the Italian authorities wish to assume responsibility for my protection." His words, firm yet respectful, sought to build a bridge of mutual understanding in these turbulent times.



GA Member
Nov 13, 2023
The more the Thai ambassador spoke and the more he revealed about what he and his people had been up to the more annoyed Russo got. His first instinct was to tear him a new one, but he remembered the lectures he had before about being undiplomatic and opted to hide his frustration for now.

"Mister Ambassador, I appreciate and understand your desire to obtain information. However, the street you are currently on is a part of the Kingdom of Italy and not the Holy See. It is also covered by the King's State of Emergency, the local residents have evacuated because in the wake of the explosions the threat of harm to civilians is unacceptably high. As we speak Swiss and American Guard are fighting on the streets of Rome, and the Royal Italian Army is moving in to neutralize both. When the shooting starts we cannot guarantee any third party's safety. For that reason, I must most strongly insist you and your team return to the Thai embassy. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will publish regularly to all embassies in Rome on events as they develop, but you cannot stay anywhere near areas that are likely minutes away from erupting into full combat." He spoke over the telephone, his assistant would also be listening on the call and taking down notes to relay to the Officers in that area so that at the very least if they encountered the Thai delegation they wouldn't be shot on sight.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
With a warm, appreciative smile, Ambassador Chirdchu ended his call with General Russo. "Thank you for your understanding, General. We're ready to leave as our transport is prepared," he expressed gratefully. "Please coordinate with our Defense Minister. And if the situation resolves before our evacuation team arrives, feel no obligation to open your airspace for us. Thank you, and may peace be with Rome," he concluded, his tone imbued with heartfelt sincerity.

As Chirdchu hung up, a man in a black suit queried, "So, are we heading back?" He glanced around at the group. "Let's get to our cars. The situation here is becoming increasingly volatile."

In that instant, the distant sound of a bell echoed through the streets of Rome, its somber tone resonating deeply. Chirdchu, visibly shaken, exclaimed, "That's impossible! The Pope, dead?"

They quickly boarded their vehicle, the atmosphere heavy with tension. An NIA employee, consulting his tablet, responded cautiously, "I doubt that's the case." He paused, analyzing the latest intelligence. "It contradicts our agency's analysis." The car sped away, leaving behind the uncertainty and chaos that had engulfed the Vatican.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Inside the ambassador's car, a voice crackled over the encrypted phone of the driver, breaking the tense silence. "Vehicle one, we're tracking several black SUVs and a limousine. They're moving fast, in a tight formation, blatantly disregarding traffic laws. We're keeping tabs on them," the message relayed.

Ambassador Chirdchu turned to Supak, the NIA employee beside him. "What's happening, Supak? Can I have a look at the screen?" he inquired, just as their car began to slow down, bracing for any unexpected developments.

Supak, absorbed in his analysis, replied softly, "This is peculiar... their movement pattern seems familiar yet enigmatic." He continued to scrutinize the data, while his colleague peered out, observing the convoy's progression.

"That looks like a mafia convoy," another NIA agent in the car declared. "Vehicle 2, keep an eye on their route and movements."

The response from vehicle 2 came quickly, "They're heading towards Castel Sant’Angelo. A significant number of men are assembling, securing the area." The screen displayed a live feed, showing the convoy arriving at their destination, heightening the sense of urgency within the ambassador's car.

The ambassador's car came to a halt at the roadside, a sense of urgency filling the air. The driver, doubling as a security guard, glanced back at Ambassador Chirdchu. "Ambassador, what should we do next? We could rendezvous with vehicle two," he suggested, awaiting instructions.

Chirdchu, however, turned his attention to his NIA team. "What's your take on this? Why would the mafia mobilize so suddenly from near the Vatican, especially right after the bell tolled?" His gaze was fixed on the live feed, a mix of confusion and deep thought marking his expression.

One of the NIA agents hesitated, his reluctance palpable. "I... I'm hesitant to speculate," he began slowly. "But if the Pope is indeed safe, then this sudden activity by the mafia seems far from coincidental." His words hung in the air, suggesting an ominous connection between the day's events.


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