Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.
Hello Modern Nations,
After speaking with some of the community, I've decided to post a suggestion for an Advertisement Channel on our discord server. This will be a place to post a brief statement and link to forum content to grab the attention of others.
Designed primarily for Promotional...
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As part of our institutional mission, we're fostering the empowerment of businesses with ethical policies and best practice. Sparrow is ready to engage in the commitments arising from being members of this network, including our active participation in...
Cloudy Skies ,
Besides the Global Assembly, we have no other large treaty organisation. There is the Nordic Council, managed by Sweden but they only have three members. You're welcome to create your own, once you register.
Before you choose France or Indonesia, please consider which of the two...
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We have access to NH90 Helicopters through our majority stake (62.5%) in Airbus, helping us to hold a dominant position in high-performance aerospace products. Your transaction comes at a time when unfavorable changes have struck the exchange rate. There...
Welcome to Modern Nations, Cloudy Skies
Fortunately as Naio put it, we are fairly Dynamic which means you can achieve great things regardless of your time here. Take South Korea for example:
They've achieved World Power status, but the individual roleplaying them (Jay) is fairly new to our...
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