In the wake of the first McGuinness administration's collapse, corruption, and abuse of power culminating in the suspension of the Irish constitution and parliament's decision to dissolve itself in order to hold fresh elections, which are to be held between May 22nd, 2013 and June 1st
Polling stations shall open at 9 am and will close at 9 pm, those wish to vote must provide proof of identification through birth certificate, driver's license, or passport. Voting can only be done once. Citizens must be at least 16 in order to qualify for franchise.
Parties on the ballot
Fine Gael - Liberal Conservatism, Pro-ETO, Pro-Commonwealth, and Christian Democracy
Fianna Fail - Conservatism, Pro-ETO, Irish Nationalism, and Populism
Sein Fein - Irish Nationalism, Democratic Socialism, Republicanism, and Pro-ETO
Labour - Social Democracy and Pro-ETO
Our Union - Conservatism, Pro-Commonwealth, Anti-ETO, and Anti - Republicanism
Worker's Party - Communism, Marxist Leninism, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-ETO, and Anti-Commonwealth
National Alliance - Irish Nationalism, Corporatism, Anti-Communism, Anti Capitalism, and Anti-ETO
Those voting may also write in the party of their choice if not on the ballot. There are 101 seats in Parliament.
Polling stations shall open at 9 am and will close at 9 pm, those wish to vote must provide proof of identification through birth certificate, driver's license, or passport. Voting can only be done once. Citizens must be at least 16 in order to qualify for franchise.
Parties on the ballot
Fine Gael - Liberal Conservatism, Pro-ETO, Pro-Commonwealth, and Christian Democracy
Fianna Fail - Conservatism, Pro-ETO, Irish Nationalism, and Populism
Sein Fein - Irish Nationalism, Democratic Socialism, Republicanism, and Pro-ETO
Labour - Social Democracy and Pro-ETO
Our Union - Conservatism, Pro-Commonwealth, Anti-ETO, and Anti - Republicanism
Worker's Party - Communism, Marxist Leninism, Anti-Capitalism, Anti-ETO, and Anti-Commonwealth
National Alliance - Irish Nationalism, Corporatism, Anti-Communism, Anti Capitalism, and Anti-ETO
Those voting may also write in the party of their choice if not on the ballot. There are 101 seats in Parliament.