His Dudeness
- Jul 2, 2018
- 1,433
The Following Message Has been Encrypted by The Brazilian Defense Agency
To: President of the Russian Federation, Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsein
From: President of Brazil, Victor Herraro
It is with my upmost respect and honor to finally talk with you, Mr. President. The powerful Russian Federation has been run down by one administration after the next for far too long. It is finally in the rights hands of a charismatic, yet tough and seasoned leader. Brazil has been aching for stable leadership in the Kremlin since I took power, so that together, along with other countries we can begin to change the balance of power in this world. Or at the least, make the globe more balanced in terms of power.
If you would like to make your first state visit to Brazil, it would be my honor. It would also be my honor to be one of the first guests of the New Russian Federation.