- Sep 26, 2020
- 1,089
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To: Aleksandr Mikhaeev, Chief Executive Officer, Rosoboronexport Alex
My name is Monique de Chateaub. I am Head of Acquisitions here at DCI Défense Conseil International. I am contacting you this morning in order to gauge your interest in selling off a portion of the troubled asset of your 50% stake in Russian Helicopters JSC. We understand that the value of the stock is currently down significantly and would like to pay above market value for it. This along with the Russian Empire currently in conflict with rogue elements in the middle east, we thought the idea of raising capital from a troubled asset might interest Rosoboronexport. We would of course be willing to allow for the Russian Empire to produce products from Russian Helicopters JSC domestically, just not for resale. Our own French Government currently shares a similar business arrangement with Sparrow Safeguards. Our hope is to reinvent the brand and move it to the forefront of DCI Défense Conseil International’s military product line. If you are interested we would be keen on hearing a price for such an acquisition. We would be willing to negotiate any terms on any of the particular portions of the deal. I do hope that both DCI and Rosoboronexport can share a healthy working business relationship together in the future.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Monique de Chateaub
Head of Acquisitions
DCI Défense Conseil International