Federal Republic of Ethiopia
- Jul 1, 2018
- 4,311
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia የኢትዮጵያ ፌዴራላዊ ዴሞክራሲያዊ ሪፐብሊክ Message from the Ministry of the Environment _________________________________________________________________________ |
Status: Private To: French Manufacturing Conglomerates Zak Re: Acquisition of civilian equipment |
To whom it might concern, I would like to commence by extending the warmest regards from the Government of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia and from our Prime Minister, Abyi Ahmed himself and would like to refer to a potential acquisition of french civilian equipment. The Eco-Tourism National Park Program is a project that falls currently under my Ministry and that aims, among other things, to significantly boost the tourism industry in our country, by providing better infraestructure and experiences to both national and international visitors. As part of it, a big investment is being made in modernizing and expanding existing facilities, but also improving the tools and equipment with which our staff and rangers work. Their tasks include the safeguard of visitors and the enforcement of law within the National Parks as well as the conservation of flora and fauna. It is due to that reason that we would like to inquire about the possibility of acquiring a different types of civilian transport vehicles from different french manufacturers. The specific vehicles we are interested in are: - Cagiva T4 350 Enduro Bike - Aero Synergie J300 Joker - ACMAT TPK 4.20 SC - Eurocopter AS350 Ecureuil Additionally, we would like to know if your manufacturers provide any vehuicle similar to a General Purpose 4x4 Vehicle. We would appreciate, if the sale would be approved, to get a quote per unit of each product in roder to make the corresponding payments. Respectfully, La'qe Ayalew Minister of the Environment Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Addis Ababa |