Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
- Sep 4, 2018
- 804
To: Vizier Kanat Ozbek, Federal Minister Karsten Jürke, Mr. Miroslav Seleznyov
From: President Maxence Cuvillier
Subject: Withdrawal from the Global Assembly
Good day,
I hope this message finds you well. I am writing this message myself in hopes that France could have the honor of hosting a meeting in Paris, Versailles between myself and your governments' Head of States and Head of Government equally.
This meeting will be of the utmost importance for the difficult waves ahead of us. It is my hopes that in this meeting we will be able to look past our differences and focus on what we all desire; peace.
I eagerly await your replies.
Kindest Regards,
Maxence Cuvillier
La République Socialiste du Peuple Franc
@RedHood02 @Retroliser @NagandEmerald