- Mar 27, 2023
- 133
German Confederation
Office of the Chancellor
Office of the Chancellor
This correspondence is encrypted and highly sensitive
Dear Prime Minister Koizumi EnigmaMage
It is with great pleasure that I write this correspondence to your office. It is a great sight to see an internationally active government once again restored in Japan.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your governments successful accession into office.
I am writing to yourself to officially open a dialogue between our two nations and initiate diplomatic relations.
It goes without saying that Germany and Japan share a profound and rich history, for better and for worse and, I believe, a long and prosperous future together.
In order to ensure this prosperous future, my government would like to open formal discussions between Germany and Japan in order to progress our cross-border partnerships and integration in numerous areas, including science and technology, education, trade, law enforcement, immigration, energy and national security.
I would like to inform you that as part of the re-invigoration of our diplomatic relations, we would be assigning Ambassador Clemens von Goetze to serve as the representative of our government in Tokyo
To kick start the new era of German-Japanese relations, I would like to personally invite you to Berlin at your earliest convenience for discussions. I very much hope that you will agree.
I will eagerly await your reply.
Yours Sincerely,
Gerhard Schröder
Chancellor of Germany
German Confederation