Vitória! Vitória!
- May 7, 2019
- 735
| Marinha de Guerra Portuguesa Dona Carlota Macedo Monarquia Parlamentar de Portugal | |
To: Belgian Royal Navy
CC: Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Subject: Belgian Rogue Ship, 1996
I would like to inform you that even now, Portugal still holds the rouge ship called the Leopold ever since his venture into Portuguese sovereign waters. While we made sure to keep it as low maintenance as possible, we have come to the conclusion that perhaps you may not have heard our offer back when this all started. Because of backlogs and the general business of life, it seems that the Leopold still sits within his dock in Lisbon. I would like to apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.
We come to start an inquiry on what course of action you wish to proceed with this mighty ship. Portugal is willing to keep it if need be, but we are also open to send it back to Belgium if required. The ship is still in sailing condition, although we wish to convert it into a museum ship for all to see, making periodic stays in Belgium and Portugal. I hope to hear from you soon.
C. Macedo
Head of the Naval Council
@Flying Damascas