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Recent content by Axis12

  1. Axis12

    (China)- Call to the Empire of Congo

    Given the recent economic collapse of China and a total breakdown of normal social, political, and administrative structures the Chinese would reopen an emergency call with a one time offer for the Congolese. During this time the Chinese government would be in shambles as the true reality of...
  2. Axis12


    Chinese Foreign Ministry Foreign powers are only inviting further escalation in conflict by illegally intervening in simple border disputes which have no effect on themselves or their allies. Further interventions may have costly and even deadly consequences for those involved. @MFA_China
  3. Axis12

    On the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations with the People's Republic of China

    中华人民共和国 People’s Republic of China Encryption Level: Private Donnager Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China Dear Minister Chadjidakis, Thank you for your message and your interest in rekindling diplomatic relations between our two nations. The People's Republic of...
  4. Axis12


    South China Morning Post BREAKING NEWS: The National People’s Congress approves legislation to begin reconstruction of People’s Liberation Army Navy with a 100% majority. In addition, reports indicate that the completion of the PLAGF structure grows near, according to officials with knowledge...
  5. Axis12


    Hong Kong Free Press 即時新聞: Rumors from the foreign office continue to swirl regarding a potential evacuation of the Chinese Embassy in both the Republic of Congo and Imperial Congo. All reports are unconfirmed. Follow HKFP for further updates. @HKFP
  6. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] Type 89 MLRS

  7. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] Type 89 Support Vehicle

  8. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] SLC-2 Radar

  9. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] Wanshan WS2400

  10. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] Harbin SH-5

    Delivered to Imperial Congo Kelly the Mad (Secret)
  11. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] LY-60

  12. Axis12

    [Purchase][China] Harbin SH-5
