Start Year: 1995
Current Year: 2004

Month: March

2 Weeks is 1 Month
Next Month: 14/04/2024


Administration Team

Administrators are in-charge of the forums overall, ensuring it remains updated, fresh and constantly growing.

Administrator: Jamie
Administrator: Hollie

Community Support

Moderators support the Administration Team, assisting with a variety of tasks whilst remaining a liason, a link between Roleplayers and the Staff Team.

Moderator: Connor
Moderator: Odinson
Moderator: Vacant

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Search results

  1. B

    [MN]: St. Kitts and Nevis Registration

    <table class="mngeneric"><tr><td>REQUESTED COUNTRY</td><td>St. Kitts and Nevis</td></tr><tr><td>OFFICIAL COUNTRY NAME</td><td>Togrador</td></tr><tr><td>TAX RATE</td><td>105.00</td></tr><tr><td>JOIN THE GLOBAL ASSEMBLY</td><td>yes</td></tr><tr><td>HOW DID YOU HEAR ABOUT US</td><td>Google...
  2. B

    Hello, Everyone

    I am checking this game out to see if it can be of use in my school. Has anyone tried using this game as a teaching tool? However, even if it will not work in that capacity, I intend to keep playing and building my nation, anyway. I look forward