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A Busy Night Ahead


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

"It's time." Khaleefa al-Azam stared at the message on his phone, he trembled as his attention turned to the Kalashnikov rifle which rested upon the bed which he had been awaiting the final message and approached the bed in which he picked up the rifle before which he huffed, laying it back down on the bed before approaching the window where he looked out onto the busy Oslo streets from his hotel room, the streets were busy with people leaving work and those commencing their evenings by preparing for Christmas which was just a few days away and people were enjoying the festivities across the city.

He slung the Kalashnikov over his shoulder before placing his trench coat on which was needed in the harsh Norwegian winters with temperatures dropping to a bitter -6 degrees. The young student argued with himself constantly, growling about whether or not his intentions were worth the effort or if he should consider surrendering to the authorities but he knew that if he didn't commence what had been assigned to him, his family would be put in extreme danger and killed, he had been brainwashed to commence an attack and there was no going back. The journey into central Oslo took a mere five minute walk as he mingled into the busy Oslo evening rush, he had been reading a newspaper which he had picked up on his way back to the hotel that exact morning from grabbing breakfast. He had arrived at the exact spot which he scouted out many days on the run to look for any security and to make sure that it was the best place for his mission.

That was it, jackpot. He turned around to face a wall before unzipping his coat in which he pulled the rifle around and turned around at exactly the same point before doing the unthinkable. People scattered in different directions as they screamed out for help, bloodied bodies falling to the ground as Khaleefa took his own life, dropping down next to his victims, dead.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

The night shift was underway with officers leaving their respective stations across the city and it was not long before Officers Liv Reitan and Robin Fuglestad received their first call came over the radio and it was a call that no officer had ever wanted to hear, a call out for units to respond to a potential terrorist incident so it was game on, the lights and sirens of their patrol van came on as they, and other units from across the city rushed towards the scene of the incident.

Officers Liv Reitan and Robin Fuglestad were first on scene as they led people away from the incident, having their loaded MP5's over their kevlar vests as the area was deemed unsafe but had to protect many lives which were still in the area. This was an experience that the young officers had not been trained in but used their initiative to lead those away until backup arrived on scene.

Armed police flooded the streets of Oslo which had become a ghost town as cafes, bars and shops held shelter to many of those who had come out to enjoy their evening. Ambulances had also been dispatched, paramedics trying to save the life of those who had succumbed to that of Khaleefa al-Azam once it was deemed safe to do so.

The Prime Minister would be informed of the suspected terror incident by one of her ministerial aides, as she ordered for Oslo to be locked down with transport hubs coming to a standstill for investigations to be held.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Kate Osland arrived on scene, she was your typical alpha female and she was one of the top agents of the Norwegian Intelligence Service and being a former member of the Norwegian Special Forces, she had her fair share of dealing with counter terrorism after many tours across the world offering her expertise with different countries as well as serving to protect her own country. The streets of Oslo were filled with police officers scouring for evidence, the bright blue lights of the emergency vehicles filled the Oslo streets which were desolate .

"Sorry to keep you waiting." Kate Osland says apologetically. The agent was a stickler for being on time and professional so to be late for the assignment she was given was not sitting well with her.

"Kate Osland, Norwegian Intelligence Service... You must be the guy I'm looking for? Oskar Eide..." Upon hearing his name, Nikolai turned around from speaking with one of the officers working on the case, he tried to hide the pain that was rushing through his body upon hearing that the Norwegian Intelligence Service was on scene and were probably going to take the lead on the case.

"Yeah, that's me. I guess the powers up top gave you guys the lead on the case?" Kate ponders the question for a moment. She didn't really have an answer for it because she didn't really know herself, as she took a sip from her coffee cup before offering a reply back to the Norwegian Police Commander.

“Seems that way - the case got passed onto the Ministry of Defence, it seems like they’re going all the way with this one.”

The next few hours would be spent trawling through evidence gathered at the scene and examining the body of the suspect as fingerprints would be taken and his personal belongings would be examined to determine a name of the suspect so that progress could be made in the investigation.

Hours later, a flood of emergency vehicles made their way to the Grand Hotel which was the chosen place that the suspect had set up camp whilst he resided in Norway. Armed officers entered the hotel and made their way to the suspects room and used the keycard which was gathered from the suspects wallet and entered the room and began their evidence gathering once more.

"And this is what I've been looking for the most, a passport - I will get this passed onto the Ministry of Justice and Public Security and perhaps we can find out if there's any more information that they have on him because I've never had this name hit my desk at all." Kate scrolled through the pages of the passport, before bagging the evidence up. It was only one step forward, but it was a huge one in the right direction, they now had more information to work from to get justice for the victims involved and their families.

The rest of the evidence in the room, including the suspects phone and laptop would be recovered to be examined by technical analysts back at base where they could gain a further insight to the suspect. Time was now of the essence as officers began to piece together what had happened from witness reports gathered in the aftermath of the devastation that had hit Oslo over the Christmas weeks.

Officers standing guard outside Grand Central Hotel in Central Oslo.

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