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AI Usage Rule


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Good Afternoon!

Following the numerous discussions and view points raised by everyone over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), I had requested feedback on the 29th September as to what everyone's thoughts were on the matter and how they best thought we approach it.

Based on this feedback, we'd like to know whether the following rule is something you would endorse.

The proposed rule is as follows:

"You cannot use AI for roleplay threads with the exception of policies, laws, treaties, and anything that supports roleplay but isn't part of it. You may use AI as inspiration but it should not be used to write it."

Please remember to 'Upvote' or 'Downvote' based on whether this is something you are in support of or not.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Good Afternoon!

Following the numerous discussions and view points raised by everyone over the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), I had requested feedback on the 29th September as to what everyone's thoughts were on the matter and how they best thought we approach it.

Based on this feedback, we'd like to know whether the following rule is something you would endorse.

The proposed rule is as follows:

"You cannot use AI for roleplay threads with the exception of policies, laws, treaties, and anything that supports roleplay but isn't part of it. You may use AI as inspiration but it should not be used to write it."

Please remember to 'Upvote' or 'Downvote' based on whether this is something you are in support of or not.
How will you conceptualise “anything that supports roleplay but isn’t part of it?”


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
Dutchy I would assume that means AI is only allowed to be used within your government forum or within threads in the Domestic Affairs section.


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Dutchy and Alex, I believe the 'supports roleplay but isn't apart' of it stipulation would be more geared towards treaties, Memorandums of Understanding, and the like. Something that doesn't involve RP but supports it. I suppose it could also be used within the government forums as well.


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
And what would the procedure be should someone suspect another player is using AI in their RP?


GA Member
May 22, 2020
Would probably be the same procedure as suspecting someone of powergaming, metagaming, etc etc. Creating a support ticket. But Jamie would need to be the one to clarify that.


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
I have a few question in mind. I would like to hear the clarification that I believe could help this discussion. I am in support of the rule so far.

1. How do we define what "supports roleplay but isn't part of it"? Could there be gray areas that might cause confusion?
2. What would be the mechanism for enforcing this rule? Are there penalties for violations?
3. Could there be exceptions to this rule, and if so, under what conditions?



GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
1. How do we define what "supports roleplay but isn't part of it"? Could there be gray areas that might cause confusion?
Manbear is correct in what he said: "'supports roleplay but isn't apart' of it stipulation would be more geared towards treaties, Memorandums of Understanding, and the like. Something that doesn't involve RP but supports it. I suppose it could also be used within the government forums as well."

2. What would be the mechanism for enforcing this rule? Are there penalties for violations?
No different to breaking any rule, e.g, Powergaming.. also as Manbear said. He knows his stuff! :)

3. Could there be exceptions to this rule, and if so, under what conditions?
"exception of policies, laws, treaties, and anything that supports roleplay but isn't part of it."


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Thank you! As I've seen, the community seems to have a general consensus on the rule :).


GA Member
Dec 6, 2023
I know I am new here but I wanted to give my own take. It is very common for me to use Chat GPT or Open Ai in general to support my writing helping me come up with ideas and expand my thinking especially as some one is busy with school. I type a prompt to generate a response and then edit the response to tailor to my exact thinking. while it may be seen a lazy it has been a big help for me personally on other Alt-History Forums to use ai not as a crutch but as a tool to help me draft and expand my thoughts

My question being:
If I were to use an Ai generated response as a template to my work is it fair game? Or is any use of ai at all wrong and should not be done :)


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Hi Loa,

Please allow me to interpret the rule regarding the AI Usage in MN for you.

"You cannot use AI for roleplay threads with the exception of policies, laws, treaties, and anything that supports roleplay but isn't part of it. You may use AI as inspiration but it should not be used to write it."

Interpretation of the Rule

  1. Prohibition of AI in Roleplay Execution: The core our rule proposed by Jamie is to prevent the use of AI for directly creating or participating in roleplay threads. This means that AI shouldn't be used by you to write dialogue, character's action, or plot development that are part of the roleplay narrative.
  2. Exception for Supporting Elements: Our rule allows the use of AI to generate "non-narrative" elements like policies, laws, treaties, etc. While these elements support the world-building or contextual backdrop of the roleplay, they are not direct contribution to the story or character interactions.
  3. Inspiration is Permissible: We allow AI to be used as a tool for your inspiration. This means that you could use it to generate ideas, scenarios, or background detail that a "human" writer can then develop or refine for their roleplay. The distinction here is between using AI as a starting point versus using its output directly in the roleplay.

Addressing Your Question

As a role-player of the MN community, you are expected to solely use AI to enhance your writing process, particularly for idea generation and thought expansion. This is a valuable use of AI, and it aligns with the rule's allowance for AI as a source of inspiration. The key lies in how you integrate AI-generated content:
  1. AI as a Template: You could use AI to create a "rough" draft or a template for your work, which perfectly align with the spirit of the rule, as long as the final content in the roleplay is significantly transformed or authored by you.
  2. Editing and Personalization: Editing the AI response to tailor them to your thinking is crucial. This means that it ensures the final output is distinctly your creation, with AI serving as a tool rather than a substitute for your creative process.
  3. Distinction Between Tool and Crutch: You have articulated well regarding the distinction between using AI as a crutch and using it as a tool. As a tool, AI enhances your abilities and helps overcome limitations (such as time constraints due to school). As a crutch, it would replace your creative input, which the rule aims to avoid.


Based on my interpretation of the rule and how the spirit of the rule is designed, I believe that you are free to use it per "You may use AI as inspiration but it should not be used to write it."


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