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[Australia]: Call to Saudi Arabia


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Ambassador of Australia to Saudi Arabia would make a call to the King of Saudi Arabia on a private and encrypted line.



Apr 8, 2021
The King Is unavailable for communication and the call would be wired to foreign affairs Minister Saud bin Faisal instead.

“Salam Alaykum, this is Foreign Affairs Minister Saud bin Faisal speaking, how can I be of service?”



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"This is Philip Knight, the Australian Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. Listen, we were quite alarmed when we saw a tweet earlier by your King explaining that you're going to deploy three destroyers to assist Turkey in their endeavours. This is a grave escalation in the matter. We want to know why Saudi Arabia is participating in this. We need you to understand that following Turkey blindly into this may have grave consequences for yourself, a nation that the west has held with great regard for many decades now..."



Apr 8, 2021
“Mr. Knight, we are not engaging in any armed conflict and we don’t believe that there will be any consequences for our completely legal actions. While there has not been an official press release as of yet by the Turkish we are simply conducting arms embargo against a state that does not exist and oppresses the People of Palestine. For decades we have remained out of these conflicts because of western pressure from nations such as you own but we now have Broken the chains of western dependence and decided to think for ourselves this time. We participate because our one of the second largest Muslim religious centers is currently occupied by a foreign power not too different from the Swedish Occupation that we know your government is opposed to. If New Zealand was conquered years ago by a foreign illegitimate state but at the time you could only watch but now you have an opportunity to liberate the Kiwis from this stat wouldn’t you begin that liberation? We do this on the behalf of Allah and all Arabs and I suggest that you stay out of our affairs.”


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"But Mr. Faisal, you are not the international police. This matter has not been taken up with the GA. You cannot simply just place embargoes, in international waters, against a country without any real justification. You are VIOLATING the International Law of the Sea and we are taking this matter urgently up with the Global Assembly because we believe you have broken international law by policing international waters which is governed under the International Law of Sea. As a GA member we expect you to abide to such laws.

Palestine is an independent nation, it co-exists alongside Israel and so far I have heard nothing from the Palestinian Government asking for this to happen. There will be consequences for placing an illegal embargo on an innocent nation, it is an act of aggression even if there is no armed fighting involved. And may I remind you that the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosque remains under Palestinian control. (OOC: MN recognises the 1967 borders for Israel and Palestine with Palestine as an independent state.) We are not going to stay out of these affairs. We saw what happened in the Second World War and we vowed that it will never happen again and we will stand with the State of Israel against acts of aggression, it is as simple as that and we will not be budging on that matter, it is not up for discussion our involvement in this matter.

So as a friend, as a nation with a long-standing friendship with Saudi Arabia we are asking you to reconsider your acts because at the moment, Israel is not being aggressive and these are the only acts of aggression so frankly the ball is well and truly in your court. The Middle East had been peaceful until now and you and Turkey are disrupting that peace. Turkey is run by fanatics and frankly they have lost their marbles and I think Saudi Arabia would be idiotic to follow cap-in-hand with Turkey during this period of their.... mental instability."



Apr 8, 2021
‘But Mr. Knight, you speak of assisting Israel without fully knowing the situation, we have gained access to documents provided by the Turkish that show us what we need to know and have you even heard of the Palestinian Attack just recently that appears to have been undertaken by Israelis? You hypocritically are suggesting that we cannot handle our own region yet you think you can walk in and take over our own situation and not call yourselves the world police either? Furthermore you talk of our illegal embargoes yet should I remind you of the 1982 Israeli blockade of Lebanon and the Siege of Beirut where the International Community did nothing to Israel? Again, you mention the GA but from what I've seen it is a bureaucratic slog that does nothing for the Global community as seen by the complete inaction against Sweden for a war that was totally illegal. There is no global police and we will handle this ourselves, do not interfere and our two governments can still continue our past of healthy relations, but if Australia decides to persist and indeed does send forces to assist Israel then we will take action against you. I’m sure you haven’t forgotten that Saudi Arabia is one of the largest producers of Petroleum and Oil worldwide and we could cripple your economy with ease by denying your western hunger for black gold, and if you try to enter an armed conflict with our government you could send the entire worldwide economy into chaos. Not to mention we have the power to shut down the Red Sea Route with ease which would cut off half of your trade worldwide to further cripple your economy. Therefore rethink your plans or the Kingdom will make sure you play the price for interfering with the work of Allah who punishes all who interefere wilth his plans.


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
“Mr. Faisal, our commitment to Israel is not up for negotiation. Your empty threats will not be taken lightly. We will not negotiate with people who are making threats towards us. Good day.”

He would hang up the phone.


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