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[Australia]: Call to Sweden


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Australian Ambassador to Sweden would ring the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs on a secure and encrypted line.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
By default calls from diplomatic missions are routed to their respected bureau, in this case the Bureau for Oceanian Affairs where Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Oceanian Affairs, Teo Mårtensson would answer. The call would be encrypted as standard in line with the Swedish Documentation and Security Act 1995.

"Good Morning, Assistant Secretary Teo Mårtensson speaking, how many I help?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Good Morning Mr. Martensson..... Listen..... I know we have struggled to see eye to eye recently but I think the most largest testimony to the fact we have avoided conflict is because we have a mutual respect for one another and a general sense of maintaining restraint. The situation in the Middle East is now becoming anything but. The Government in Turkey is anything but restrained, full of respect or in anyway attempting to avoid conflict... rather simply escalating it for the sake of.... escalating it? Our intelligence from the Australian Embassy in Saudi Arabia and from open sources points to a clear sign that Turkey is imminently going to invade Israel with the support of Saudi Arabia. This will have catastrophic consequences across the globe. We will see a humanitarian crisis we have yet to see yet. 8 million Jews in Israel who are now all directly targets. We don't know what Turkey or Saudi Arabia are going to do but based on their commentary we can only imagine it is nothing but an entire annihilation of a race. After the Second World War the world vowed that we would never again allow something of such heinous nature occur to the Jewish people again yet it seems to be falling on deaf ears this time round. We have been the most vocal defenders of Israel, who.. for the record, have done nothing to provoke this imminent annihilation besides merely existing. We have been trying to get in touch with the United States and the United Kingdom about this matter but have heard nothing yet, but we are sharing intelligence with them around the clock. We frankly need a global power such as Sweden to take a tough stance on this. We will.... as a gesture of good will, put the South African and Antarctic issues to rest whilst this much more imminent and diabolical global matter is resolved. We would of course ask the United States if they could also put it to rest. Obviously, I don't have to explain it to you Mr. Martensson but saving the lives of 8 million Jews is probably going to be a bit more of a concern to us then some uninhabited islands and a sheet of ice. Call us crazy for having a moral compass, but we reach out to Sweden because we know you also have a moral compass which is why we have gone so far with our differences and keeping it solely in the diplomatic arena."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I have to say it is a surprise to hear from you, but you are right in the mutual respect for diplomacy avoiding any conflict between us. It is also interesting you have brought this to me Ambassador, I understand our Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs has just gotten off the phone with the Turkish who have essentially begged for our help in their campaign and then resorted to an attempt to blackmail the government into funding their efforts... frankly we are disgusted in their brazen attempts to seek support. It has become abundantly clear that the messages their government pump out publicly is nothing but tripe in comparison to what they are discussing behind closed doors - their foreign policy is almost as weak as their economy.

Ambassador, you have the support of Stockholm. What do you need from us?"

  • Wow
Reactions: Zak


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"The Turkish Government has frankly lost all sense Mr. Martensson. Israel has done nothing to provoke these actions and they are probably just an attempt to shore up domestic support back home in the midst of their unprecedented and looming economic collapse. Well obviously Mr. Martensson we are trying to avoid war at all costs, but Turkey and Saudi Arabia are beating those drums more than South Africa ever did to Sweden..." The Ambassador would chuckle.

"Anyway, just a light hearted joke. Sweden needs to come out publicly and condemn the actions of Turkey and Saudi Arabia, hopefully then they will really start to feel the pressure. Commentary from us only goes so far. Sweden wields an unbelievable amount of soft power in the globe so I believe enough international pressure from countries such as Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States... obviously with backed up and verifiable threats of action if they don't comply, will probably go as far as avoiding a conflict in the Middle East. They're game Mr. Martensson... but for how long? We think Saudi Arabia could crack in coming days, we are really trying with them, they are not a lost cause just yet."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"The Turkish are dangerous, their lack of care domestically is now echoing on a global scale, something we have seen time and time again...we haven't seen debt on the scale of Turkey's since the Russian Economic Crisis and even then they're not far behind overtaking that disaster. I am not aware of who exactly is financing Turkey's armed forces but one thing is for certain, and that's much of their economic situation is clearly down to an expansive growth in their capabilities. My understanding is that the Department of Defence have been instructed to begin collation of an intelligence profile outlining the extent of their publicly accessible information... as well as the information recently leaked by Roketsan regarding their ballistic missile program.

We have assets available for deployment from Africa, sub-Antarctic and Swedish mainland; none of which are very far from the Mediterranean but we will await a better picture of exactly what we're dealing with before we commit forces to this.

I will have this passed up to the Secretary of Foreign Affairs for a public announcement of condemnation."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"We have assets moving in to the region now as we speak. I just want to touch on something else... the Koreans. As you are probably aware our Foreign Minister is in Hanoi for the ASEAN Summit and apparently the Koreans have had some interesting stuff to say about this situation. They started talking about their commitment to an independent Palestinian nation, talking about Israel's crimes against Palestinians and destroying national aspirations? He then went on to talk about Israeli-backed regime in the West Bank, something about indirect rule through Zones B and C of the Oslo Accords? Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip? And then said Palestine is not fully independent and that Korea does not recognise Israel as a country....

Frankly, what they were saying is more absurd then anything that's come out of Turkey's mouth. Most of the stuff they mentioned is made up? Oslo Accords? Zones B and C? What the fuck is that? Palestine is an independent nation in the entirety of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, including East Jerusalem, and there is no Israeli military in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip or any actions against either? So we really have no clue what they're banging on about.

We must frankly... apologise to Sweden for ever assuming they were wrong in standing against Korea. Korea is batshit crazy by the looks of it and we didn't really have the opportunity to talk to them and only assumed from their close relationship with the United States. Frankly, the United States needs to re-assess their relationship with Korea at this time. There is a global lie being peddled against Israel and we will not tolerate it from any country. Palestine is independent. Israel is independent. The two live in harmony and the only conflict or disruptions to peace that are occurring are from outside aggressors such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and now... Korea. We believe that because of the delusional situation they've created in their head and the lies they are peddling that they are probably aware that Palestine is independent, that Palestinians live in peace and it has nothing to do with liberating them. This is anti-Semitism disguised as liberation. Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Korea are finally trying to do what Hitler failed to achieve. Mr. Martensson, a lot of people are going to die if we allow Israel to get invaded. You know how they talk about the thin blue line of the police being the line between law and order and complete and utter chaos? Well we are that thin blue line now and we can't let it fail."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"...the Oslo Accords? To my knowledge the Norwegian government has been dormant in international politics since their success in their recent elections, I haven't been made aware of any recent international summit; hell we haven't heard from Norway for years and we're right next door! I have absolutely no idea what the Oslo Accords are or why Korea is once again spouting utter tripe.

This worries me. It appears the power and success Korea has seen over the past couple of years has finally reached tipping point... we're verging on the point of insanity. They have become a machine of lies in-which they pump out propaganda to their allies in order to force their own ideology internationally under the guise of being a wise, safe and stable nation. It has to be said that Korea has moved away from a 'diplomatic' resolution to most situations and there is often a physical agenda attached to their decision making; at least that was the threat with South Africa. I fear that we could see a Turkish, Saudi and Korean coalition move into the Mediterranean which will be dangerous, especially if they are now refusing to recognise Israel.

The most sensible point of entry for Korea is via the Suez Canal. I trust you gained access to the Mediterranean without trouble? Fundamentally we need an intelligence gathering capability at the mouth to monitor inbound foreign military traffic which will allow us to take note on the extent of Korean involvement in this matter. Is this something you have capacity to do with your current deployment?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I don't believe Korea is preparing any military movements, only diplomatic support at this stage. There's nothing for us to suggest they are moving militarily. Our fleet is heading into the Gulf of Aden, not passing through the Suez at this time. Primarily their focus will be on responding against Saudi Arabia and yes... to monitor any movements coming into the Red Sea. We don't nearly possess the military capabilities to hold off Turkey but we reckon we have a good shot at keeping Saudi Arabia at bay and in their ports to the point where they give up on this farce."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Well they're definitely not now... I think you summoned the Gods or something when you said Korea is at a tipping point, it has now officially jumped off the tipping point and full on collapsed..."


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