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[Australia]: Defence Media Centre


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
The Australian Defence Organisation (ADO) is an Australian Government organisation that consists of the Australian Defence Force, the Department of Defence, the Department of Veterans' Affairs and other related organisations. In present use, the ADO is referred to as "Defence". Defence's mission and purpose is "to defend Australia and its national interests in order to advance Australia’s security and prosperity". The functions of the portfolio are broadly classified into the following matters as laid out in an Administrative Arrangements Order:
  • Defence, including:
    • international defence relations and defence co-operation
    • defence scientific research and development
    • defence procurement and purchasing
    • defence industry development and co-operation


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
3 February 2005
The Australian Defence Organisation has undergone a restructure which includes the following changes within the Australian Defence Force:
  • The Chiefs of Service Committee has been moved under a newly formed Australian Defence Force Headquarters and the Vice Chief of Defence Force Group has been moved from the Department of Defence to the Australian Defence Force under this new headquarters.
  • The Australian Defence College, Joint Health Command, Joint Logistics Command, Defence Space Command, Joint Military Police Unit and Information Warfare Division have been restructured under a single group known as the "Joint Capabilities Group".
And within the Department of Defence:
  • The Defence Support and Reform Group has been renamed the Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group. The Deputy Secretary for Support and Reform has been renamed to the Deputy Secretary for Estate and Infrastructure.
  • The Defence Science and Technology Organisation has been renamed the Defence Science and Technology Group. The Chief Defence Scientist role remains as is.
  • The Defence Material Organisation has been renamed the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group and the Chief Executive Officer is now the Deputy Secretary for Capability Acquisition and Sustainment.
  • The Australian Submarine Agency has been established as a newly formed Defence agency under the Capability Acquisition and Sustainment Group.
  • James Gaynor has been appointed as the Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force.
  • The Army and Air Force Canteen Service and the Royal Australian Navy Central Canteens Board have been brought back under the Defence Estate and Infrastructure Group as prescribed Commonwealth authorities rather than non-profit organisations.
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Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
8 February 2005
The Australian Defence Force has embarked on expanding capabilities for space monitoring and control. This includes the establishment of the Defence Space Command which will coordinate whole-of Australian Defence Force efforts and have three branches under the command of the Defence Space Commander (Air Vice-Marshal Catherine Roberts) but subordinate to various structures of the Australian Defence Force:
  • The Defence Space Coordinating Office under the Australian Defence Force Headquarters as the apex Defence Space unit which will formulate and dictate defence's space policy and set priorities and goals.
  • The Australian Space Operations Centre embedded within Headquarters Joint Operations Command at the General John Baker Complex to bring space operations into the realm of Joint Operations and to deliver the Chief of Joint Operations further capabilities in terms of space command and control.
  • The Air Force's Air and Space Operations Centre at RAAF Base Edinburgh under the Chief of Air Force which will coordinate and deliver the Royal Australian Air Force's efforts to Defence Space Command utilising a variety of Air Force units including the No. 1 Remote Sensor Unit.

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