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[Australia]: Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Agriculture House, Civic, Australian Capital Territory
Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and ForestryThe Honourable Senator Joe Ludwig
Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and ForestryJoanna Hewitt, AO



Quarantine and Exports Inspectors

Fisheries Officers200

National Compliance Operations50x Fisheries OfficersCanberra Office
Northern Fisheries Compliance Operations50x Fisheries OfficersDarwin Office
Torres Strait Fisheries Compliance Operations50x Fisheries OfficersThursday Island Office
Tuna and International Fisheries Compliance Operations50x Fisheries OfficersLakes Entrance Office









The Thailand-Australia Partnership on Food Security in the Red Meat and Cattle Sector (the Partnership) is a bilateral initiative established in 2005. It aims to develop a competitive, efficient and sustainable Thailand-Australia red meat and cattle industry as part of a globally competitive supply chain.

The Partnership is a unique forum that brings together Thai and Australian decision makers from government and industry. Together they foster enduring relations and to maximise the opportunities for development and collaboration amongst the Thai and Australian red meat and cattle sectors.

We co-chair the Partnership along with the Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. Together we act as secretariat support for our respective countries. Reference groups advise us on Partnership priorities and industry issues more broadly. They comprise industry members, and are formed in line with the Partnership’s priorities, including:

  • Investment
  • Supply Chains
  • Capacity Building
  • Innovation and Export
  • Communication
The Australian Government will provide $60 million through to 2015. This includes $50 million of Official Development Assistance (ODA) administered by DFAT, and $10 million of non-ODA funding that we administer. The Partnership was established by a Joint Communiqué.

Thailand-Australia Commercial Cattle Breeding Program (TACCB)

The TACCB works with medium to large enterprises and commercial smallholder cooperatives to develop commercially sustainable beef cattle breeding models. The outcomes of this project will be shared with the broader commercial beef cattle industry in Thailand. This will enable innovation, expansion and investment in the sector.

Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association (NTCA) Pastoral Student Program

Thai undergraduate agricultural students undertake a combination of competency-based, accredited learning and real industry experience through extensive industry training and placements at selected corporate and family run cattle stations in the Northern Territory.

The Partnership's Internship Program

The Partnership develops an internship program which aims to provide stronger pathways to employment in the Thai red meat and cattle sector by exposing the interns to firsthand experience in Thai cattle industry. From industry point of view, the internship program is valued as an effective mechanism to identify potential employees.







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