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[Australia]: Message to Sweden [SEC=SECRET]


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018



15 July 1999

Dear Mr. Mårtensson,

I would like to invite you to Canberra to discuss a range of issues pertaining to the Swedish-Australia relationship. Particularly matters of discussion being Antarctica first and foremost followed by South Africa and the Middle East and then looking beyond those matters looking to strengthening our bilateral ties.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Carmen Lawrence.

Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:


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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Dr Carmen Lawrence,

First let me thank you for contacting me in relation to opening dialogue between our countries - we have a rich history of difficult conflicting scenarios which I do believe we would benefit greatly from discussing. I have instructed Ambassador for Sweden to Australia, Henrik Cederin, to act on my behalf in this instance as my schedule does not currently allow time for travel across the globe to Australia however I would be honoured to return in the near future.

Ambassador Henrik Cederin has been passed my agenda via diplomatic mail and should be with him imminently. Please forward the specifics of this meeting and I will ensure he receives them.

Teo Mårtensson
Assistant Secretary of Foreign Affairs for Oceanian Affairs
Kingdom of Sweden


Crown Copyright © Kingdom of Sweden
All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018



15 July 1999

Dear Mr. Cederin,

I would like to invite you to Parliament to discuss a range of issues pertaining to the Swedish-Australia relationship. Particularly matters of discussion being Antarctica first and foremost followed by South Africa and the Middle East and then looking beyond those matters looking to strengthening our bilateral ties.

Yours sincerely,
Dr. Carmen Lawrence.

Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
Protective Marking:Business Impact Level:Compromise of Information Confidentiality:Required to be Encrypted:


No Business Impact

No damage. This information does not form part of official duty.



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No or insignificant damage. This is the majority of routine information.


OFFICIAL: Sensitive

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Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Although the specific time was not provided the Ambassador for Sweden to Australia, Henrik Cederin, appointed as part of the Department of Foreign Affairs Bureau for Oceanic Affairs, would order a private hire taxi and make his way from his office in the embassy to the designated meeting point. With him would be a black conference folder with the Swedish coat of arms emblazoned on the front alongside the text 'Diplomatic Mail', within the folder would be various different documents relevant to the Sweden-Australia relationship.

Upon arrival the Ambassador would exit and make his way to an entrance where presumably security personnel would await - without prompt he would display his Swedish passport alongside relevant diplomatic paperwork.



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Parliamentary Security would lead Mr. Cederin up to the executive wing of Parliament House and to the Deputy Prime Minister’s office, down the hall from the Prime Minister’s office who was currently having a meeting with the Israeli Ambassador. The Deputy PM would welcome the Ambassador to her office.

“Mr. Cederin, welcome, I’ve been expecting you.” She would shake his hand gesture for him to sit down at the coffee table and chairs.


Tap water would be provided on the table.

“I must say we’ve had a pretty rocky relationship in the past. But I think we may see eye to eye more than one might believe. I must say our Government is erm…” She would make sure the door was locked and a Parliamentary Security officer was standing out the front.

“I must say we do feel some sympathy towards your cause in South Africa. We had been trying for decades to rid South Africa of Apartheid and finally, in 1999, it has fallen. Nelson Mandela is now a free man and I expect him to be leading the country soon enough. I’ve heard a lot of stories about Sweden being imperialist but we do firmly believe you did what was necessary to rid the world of this evil. Obviously they have concerns about the future of South Africa and they seem to believe you are fully annexing the country, but they are merely impatient. The fall of Apartheid has just occurred. Getting affairs in order to move the country forward is a lengthy process and namely the United States and Korea need some patience. I have faith your government, under the watchful eyes of the international community will move forward with plans to restore a democratically elected, open for all races government in South Africa. Having said that, our position is on the down low. We are not in a position to embarrass our closest ally, the United States, on the world stage by disagreeing with them on such a fundamental issue.”

She would take a sip of water, awaiting Mr. Cederin’s response.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Thank you Deputy Prime Minister, I hope you're keeping well... please call me Henrik, I'm not one for formalities" he smiles, helping himself to the tap water before unbuttoning his blazer and taking a seat as instructed.

"Undoubtedly we've had our... complications in the past. Antarctica was a difficult pill to swallow for all involved, but we too suffered greatly with the loss of HSwMS Sno during the conflict. Something I know the Department of Foreign Affairs is keen not to dwell on. I hope that we can collaborate in developing our bilateral relationship into something mutually beneficial and turn over a new leaf from the rotten underside of the past.

South Africa, as you can expect, is at the head of our foreign policy at the moment. We have frankly been astounded the the blatant ignorance of the United States and South Korea on matters that directly effected the developing situation - one this cannot be clearer and that is the fact the South African people want Sweden to remain in the interim, without us, the country will collapse into civil war as those in support of the apartheid regime desperately clutch onto what factions remain and fight for power. I have been disgusted by the lies and hypocrisy of those present in the chambers, their attempt to overthrow an institution of peace and their utter desperation to attack Sweden that they have forgotten lives are involved in this conflict! Unfortunately this seems to be a common trend globally, the United States has a blanket across political affairs yet their actual benefit worldwide is yet to be seen.

The international stage has been quite the performance recently as the United States appears to have become desperate for a reputation and swing their Carrier Strike Group around like... well like a strippers underwear, if you excuse me metaphor Deputy Prime Minister. Their desperation is frankly embarrassing and we see right through it. If I may ask, Deputy Prime Minister, how do you benefit from the United States?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"Well just let it be known we never supported the actions of Argentina, we were purely looking for a diplomatic outcome to Antarctica and they obviously took it one step further, contrary to the advice which we gave them at the time may I add. We were a voice of reason and they were just.... reckless.

The United States is our major defence supplier, we have ties going back nearly 60 years now to the Second World War. We fought with them in Korea, Vietnam, the Persian Gulf. There's a natural people-to-people relationship and we have quite a large and vocal pro-American caucus within the Labor Party and a much bigger one within the Coalition. We are less than inclined to go cap in hand with America, but I can ensure you if the Coalition won the next election they will be in step with them the whole way. It's an accepted and normal relation that has bipartisan support within Canberra. They are also strategically important to us in this region, they have a large presence across the Pacific and we play a significant role through the South Pacific Forum with the Pacific possessions of the United States: Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands and American Samoa. Those territories essentially rely on us to supply them and we in a way ensure their peace and stability whilst the United States is not currently operating in the region. For that I believe they should be thankful."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well, that doesn't surprise me, the Argentine government of the time were less than reasonable and in all honesty I think they enjoyed the result they got in the end. Nonetheless Antarctica has finally reached peace, something we intend to retain for decades to come in conjunction with the Global Assembly resolution.

I wasn't aware the United States had much a defence industry left... in fact I don't think they do now Sparrow Industries has bought out most of the big name brands. That coupled with the disgraceful profit margins added to the American Defence Industries sales I suspect their defence industry is in a rapid state of decline while many nations pursue better quality products at a more reasonable price in Europe and Asia. History is a strong link to keeps hands coupled, but the present day can also rapidly decouple those relationships. The United States have shown their blatant manipulation and lies in the Global Assembly, their behind-the-scenes attempt to escalate the South African conflict and the as yet unchallenged violation of international law in the Mediterranean Sea.

Whilst I understand you're reluctant to ripple the waters Deputy Prime Minister, I fear your reluctance to part with the once omnipotent United States of America will see Australia's potential to be a front runner of the Pacific drown closely behind theirs. As I said before, the USA likes to swing the lantern, but the flame within is very much now just a smoking wick."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
"I believe we are the front runner in the Pacific. The United States hasn't focused on this region for a long time. Being the front runner in Asia is a different story. There's a lot of capable players in the region, such as Korea and Vietnam. We will work with our Asian neighbours more closely than any European country. It's in our strategic national interest. However due to your... presence, particularly in our former territories, we have no choice but to reach out to Sweden.

Which brings us onto the topic of such territories. The Heard and McDonald Islands were stripped of us by the Global Assembly. That is the sovereign territory of Australia, always has been. They suddenly declared it apart of Antarctica, despite the fact its not even in the globally accepted definition of Antarctica or the Southern Ocean, that being the region south of the 60th parallel. It is north of said parallel. Frankly the 60th parallel south should've been the Global Assembly's accepted definition of Antarctica and not the Antarctic Convergence, because it absorb a lot of sovereign territory of other nations, namely the French Kerguelen Islands, Norway's Bouvet Island, the United Kingdom's South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands and also others not even within the convergence, namely South Africa's Prince Edward Islands. We're not here to fight on behalf of those countries to reclaim what is rightfully theirs, we're worried about our own. All I can say is thank god they didn't chuck in Macquarie Island to that definition, because that would just be more work for me. I'm sure Sweden has no use for the Heard and McDonald Islands, they are uninhabited and desolate, and you were probably not even aware that you accidentally inherited it by international law, so I'm sure we can come to some agreeement on handover."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Whilst we respect and appreciate the fact you may focus on relationships with your neighbours, as would be wise for any newly elected government, please do not let you hands be forced into a relationship with us purely because of our overseas territory. Quite frankly our bilateral relationships around the world are for mutual benefit in a wide range of sectors, but the false sense of requirement is not one of them and frankly benefits neither of us having such a thankless bond.

The conflict in Antarctica went on for a substantial amount of time, saw to the Southern Oceans waters bloodied with our sailors blood, the seabed littered with the wreckage of our vessels and the former tranquillity of the continent tarnished for little to no reason other than spite. The same can be said for the Global Assembly Resolution on Antarctica which was not only a logistical nightmare navigating the various charters and requirements to gain a non-member state ratification but also the lengthy debate that ensued to see to the fair distribution of territorial claims over the region. We were and always have been very aware of our territorial claims - and it was my understanding that whilst Australia cast a vote at the end of the debate, your representation did not partake in the discussion... perhaps this is why the Antarctic islands of Heard Island and McDonald Islands went undisputed?

I have to say, Deputy Prime Minister, there are bigger fish to fry at the moment with the Middle East conflict rapidly unfolding, some form of Russian civil war ongoing and South Africa threatening to destabilise the Global Assembly... is now really the best time to discuss Antarctica?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
“Well that depends. I’m not pressed to return the sovereignty of the Heard and McDonald Islands to Australia, we also have more pressing issues to deal with right now. But Sweden is running out of friends in the world at the moment, and I believe I’ve already made it clear we have a traditional alliance with the United States that will continue to be pursued until such time as new opportunities arise. If you’re not going to fill those opportunities by… let’s just say… sweetening us up, then when the time comes and we’re asked to make a choice between Sweden or the United States, I think you know what our answer will be. And there’s lots of opportunities I see there, but we must start with dealing with the fact that you’ve got co former Australian territory at the moment. A very small price to pay I believe for a massive shift in Australia’s geopolitics away from the United States. They offer us an historical alliance, what do you offer us? You’re starting from nothing at the moment.

Well I’ve already told you what you can offer, the ball’s in your court. We can make alliances easy and have a global network of allies. You’re struggling with too many fingers in the pie at the moment. So the ball is definitely in your court because I can ensure you we are not begging to have a meaningful alliance with Sweden. I’ve already told you our focus is on Asia, which yes, includes the United States.”



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh please don't be swayed by differing of opinions in the Global Assembly as a loss of friends, Deputy Prime Minister, Sweden is in an extremely strong position in the international community at the moment and we continue to retain our work closely with allies, friends and partners around the world to ensure our interests are met. You are not the only nation that has come crawling to us with a chant of support behind closed doors, there are many governments worldwide that are scared to talk back to the United States as a result of their historical prowess, but nonetheless we retain the upper hand with strategic partners throughout the globe that continue to adopt a 'mutual benefit' stance; the same one I mentioned to you earlier.

Whilst I respect the fact I sit in your office, I have clearly missed the part of this conversation where Australia has somehow become essential to Swedish foreign policy? I have not begged for your alliance, much rather you have invited me here... what exactly can you offer Sweden when you have no political reputation of your own?

I have no idea how you expect me to persuade the Department of Foreign Affairs to handover territory with what... your word that you might support Swedish foreign policy over the United States? After you've told me how dear they are to you? What makes you think you're trustworthy?"



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
“I never said they were dear to us, I said we have a historical alliance and they offer us more than you are offering us right now. You have something we want, that is something you can offer us. A gesture like that will go a long way Hendrik. If they need convincing, and you think it’s a wise decision, then that’s something to keep you busy at the conclusion of this meeting.

In terms of what we can offer you, we’ll that’s up to you to make that decision. What direction do you see Australia heading on the world stage? I’m optimistic. We will be a strong middle power, again, in a matter of no time. That’s something that can’t be overlooked. But rather you should also look at it as blocking opportunities for the United States. Frankly I think geographically we have a lot more to offer the United States than Sweden. I’m sure you understand. So should I be ringing them up now and asking for a meeting to reaffirm our historical alliance or will you be trying your hardest to convince your Department this is a worthwhile trade off, Hendrik?”



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Oh we by no means intend to blockade your relationship with the United States, so please feel free to give them a call. You have every right to have a close bond with whatever nation you believe aligns with your people. I don't intend to stand in the way of your historical alliance, nonetheless I remain intrigued as to how it would pan out in the future given we have gone so long without an Australian government worth talking about. The United States may be on a spiralling path of self destruction, but they're smart people, and your merry-go-round politics probably won't butter up Washington as much as you think it's going to.

One thing is for certain, Deputy Prime Minister, it doesn't matter what happens on this Earth or how big your military is - blackmail does not work in Stockholm."



Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018

She would gesture to the door.

“Security will escort you back out to the car park,

Have a nice day.” She would smile gently.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
The Ambassador rises from his seat and takes his belongings. On his way out he would begin dialling for the Department of Foreign Affairs. He'd exchange no words with the Deputy Prime Minister on his way out as the meeting proved a complete waste of his time. Clearly the government of Australia was just as rogue as the world had began to get used to... history repeats.

Once able, the Ambassador would return via private taxi to the embassy.

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