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Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
Queen of Australia
Elizabeth II
By the Grace of God Queen of Australia and Her other Realms and Territories, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith
since 6th February 1952
Governor-General of Australia
Commander-in-Chief of the Australian Defence Force
Her Excellency The Honourable Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce, AD, CVO, FAAL, FASSA
since 29th June 2001
Viceregal Consort of AustraliaMichael John Strachan Bryce, AM, AE, FRSA
Official Secretary to the Governor-General of AustraliaStephen Christopher Brady, AO, CVO
Official Residences
Government House, CanberraCanberra, Australian Capital Territory
Admiralty HouseSydney, New South Wales

Order of Australia
General Division Ribbon:​
Military Division Ribbon:​
Order of Wearing:Level:Eligibility:Awarded for:Yearly Quota:Recipients since 1995:
6Knight/Dame (General Division only)All living Australian citizensExtraordinary and pre-eminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service to Australia or to humanity at large.2 Knights
2 Dames
  • Sir Robert James Lee Hawke
  • Sir Stephen Robert Irwin
  • Dame Quentin Alice Louise Bryce
  • Dame Marie Bashir
  • Dame Linda Dessau
  • Dame Marjorie Jackson-Nelson
  • Major General (ret.) Sir Michael Jeffery
  • Sir William Cox
8CompanionAll living Australian citizens and certain living foreign citizens at the prerogative of the Governor-GeneralEminent achievement and merit of the highest degree in service to Australia or to humanity at large.35General Division:
  • Dorothy Ann Richards
  • Albert Arnold Gore
  • Naftali Bennett
  • Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela
  • Paul John Keating
  • Catherine III of Russia
  • Stefan Löfven
  • Andrew Evans
  • Helen Clark
  • Kuan Yue Shi
10OfficerAll living Australian citizens and certain living foreign citizens at the prerogative of the Governor-GeneralDistinguished service of a high degree to Australia or to humanity at large.140General Division:
  • Crown Prince Antonio Emanuele Ferdinando Maria Gennaro of Italy
  • Tziporah Malka Livni
  • Viktor Andriyovych Yushchenko
  • Benjamin V. Sinclair
  • Kitagawa Yoshimitsu
Military Division:
  • Vice Admiral Noah Irving (USN)
  • Lieutenant General Alvin Daniels (USAF)
  • Anataoly Kvashnin (Russia)
  • Brigadier General Avi Gil (Israel)
  • Air Vice-Marshal Alan Clements (RAAF)
  • Lieutenant General Michael Claesson (Sweden)
  • General Mark Bosher (Canada)
  • Vice Admiral Lucas Osborne (USN)
15MemberAll living Australian citizens and certain living foreign citizens at the prerogative of the Governor-GeneralService in a particular locality or field of activity or to a particular group.605
  • None
30MedalAll living Australian citizens and certain living foreign citizens at the prerogative of the Governor-GeneralService worthy of particular recognition.None
  • None
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
1Victoria Cross for AustraliaAustralian Defence Force personnelMost conspicuous bravery, or some daring or pre-eminent act of valour or self-sacrifice, or extreme devotion to duty in the presence of the enemy.
  • None
12Star of GallantryAustralian Defence Force personnelActs of great heroism or conspicuous gallantry in action in circumstances of great peril.
  • None
20Medal of GallantryAustralian Defence Force personnelActs of gallantry in action in hazardous circumstances.
  • None
35Commendation for GallantryAustralian Defence Force personnelActs of great heroism or conspicuous gallantry in action in circumstances of great peril.
  • None
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
2Cross of ValourAustralian citizens or a foreign citizen acting on behalf of Australia or an Australian citizenActs of conspicuous courage in circumstances of extreme peril.
  • ACT Chief Fire Control Officer, Peter Lucas-Smith
  • ACT Chief Minister, Katy Gallagher
  • ACT Ambulance Service paramedic, Euan McKenzie
13Star of CourageAustralian citizens or a foreign citizen acting on behalf of Australia or an Australian citizenActs of conspicuous courage in circumstances of great peril.
  • Alison Tener (awarded posthumously)
  • Peter Brooke (awarded posthumously)
  • Douglas Fraser (awarded posthumously)
  • Dorothy McGrath (awarded posthumously)
21Bravery MedalAustralian citizens or a foreign citizen acting on behalf of Australia or an Australian citizenActs of bravery in hazardous circumstances.
  • 116 scientists who were detained by Swedish authorities during the Australian Antarctic Expedition 1996-1997
36Commendation for Brave ConductAustralian citizens or a foreign citizen acting on behalf of Australia or an Australian citizenAn act of bravery that is worthy of recognition.
  • None
Distinguished Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
14Distinguished Service CrossAustralian Defence Force personnelDistinguished command and leadership in warlike operations.
  • Air Vice-Marshal Alan Clements
  • Major General (ret.) Maurie McNarn
22Distinguished Service MedalAustralian Defence Force personnelDistinguished leadership in warlike operations.
  • Rear Admiral (ret.) Chris Oxenbould
  • Admiral (ret.) Chris Barrie
  • Vice Admiral David Shackleton
37Commendation for Distinguished ServiceAustralian Defence Force personnelDistinguished performance of duties in warlike operations.
  • None
Conspicuous Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
Service Cross
Australian Defence Force personnel and Australian Defence Force Cadets instructorsOutstanding commitment to duty or outstanding application of exceptional skills, judgment or dedication, in non-war-like situations.
  • None
Service Medal
Australian Defence Force personnel and Australian Defence Force Cadets instructorsMeritorious achievement or dedication to duty in non-war like situations.
  • None
Nursing Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
19Nursing Service CrossAustralian Defence Force personnelOutstanding devotion and competency in the performance of nursing duties, or for an act of exceptional dedication in the performance of such duties in warlike or non-warlike conditions.
  • 10 members of the No. 3 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron who deployed to Thailand on Operation QUICKSTEP in the aftermath of the Don Mueang Airport missile attack
  • 40 members of No. 3 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron who deployed to Zimbabwe on Operation RAMP
  • 50 members of the Primary Casualty Reception Facility who deployed to Zimbabwe on Operation RAMP
  • 300 members of the No. 2 Expeditionary Health Squadron who deployed to Iraq on Operation FALCONER
Meritorious Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Yearly Quota:Recipients since 1995:
23Public Service MedalEmployees of the Australian Government or state, territory or local governmentsOutstanding service.100
  • None
24Australian Police MedalCommissioned officers of an Australian police forceDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members for each police officer
  • None
25Australian Fire Service MedalMembers of an Australian fire serviceDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members for each full-time firefighters
1 per 5,000 members for each volunteer firefighters
  • Peter Lucas-Smith (ACT Fire & Rescue)
26Ambulance Service MedalMembers of an Australian ambulance serviceDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members for each full-time ambulance members
1 per 5,000 members for each volunteer ambulance members
  • Euan McKenzie (ACT Ambulance Service)
27Emergency Services MedalMembers of an Australian state emergency serviceDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members for each full-time SES members
1 per 5,000 members for each volunteer SES members
  • None
28Australian Corrections MedalMembers of an Australian correctional serviceDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members of a state or territory correctional service
  • None
29Australian Intelligence MedalMembers of the National Intelligence CommunityDistinguished service.1 per 1,000 members of the National Intelligence Community
  • None
33Australian Antarctic MedalAustralian antarctic expedition members and support staffOutstanding service in scientific research or exploration, or in support of such work, in the course of, or in connection with, an Australian antarctic expedition.None
  • 116 scientists who worked on the Australian Antarctic Expedition 1996-1997
  • 40 scientists who worked on the Australian Antarctic Expedition 1999-2000
Campaign Medals
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
38Australia Service Medal 1939–45Australian military, merchant marine and Volunteer Defence Corps personnelService in World War II.
  • None
39Australian Active Service Medal 1945–1975Australian Defence Force personnelService in prescribed warlike operations in the period after World War II, and prior to February 1975.
  • None
40Vietnam MedalAustralian and New Zealand Defence Force personnelService in warlike operations in Vietnam between the 29th of May 1964 and the 27th of January 1973.
  • None
41Vietnam Logistic and Support MedalAustralian Defence Force personnel, entertainers, journalists, civilian surgical and medical teams, Qantas aircrew and embassy couriers.Service in non-warlike operations in Vietnam between the 29th of May 1964 and the 27th of January 1973.
  • None
42Australian Active Service Medal 1975–1995Australian Defence Force personnel.Service in prescribed warlike operations in the period after February 1975, and prior to February 1995.
  • None
45Iraq MedalAustralian Defence Force personnel.Service on Operation FALCONER.
  • 3,985 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation FALCONER
46Australian Service Medal 1945–1975Australian Defence Force personnelService in peacekeeping or non-warlike operations in the period after World War II, and prior to February 1975.
  • None
47Australian General Service Medal for Korea 1953–1956Australian Defence Force personnelService in operations in South Korea during the post-Armistice period between the 28th of July 1953 and the 19th of April 1956.
  • None
48Australian Service Medal 1975–1995Australian Defence Force personnelService in peacekeeping or non-warlike operations in the period after February 1975, and prior to February 1995.
  • None
49Australian Operational Service Medal – Border ProtectionAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (RESOLUTE I, II, III).
  • 1,930 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RESOLUTE I
  • 1,936 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RESOLUTE II
  • 1,939 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RESOLUTE III
50Australian Operational Service Medal – Greater Middle East OperationAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (FALCONER, ACCORDION, ACCORDION II).
  • 3,111 members of the Royal Australian Navy who served on Operation ACCORDION
  • 3,337 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation ACCORDION II
  • 3,985 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation FALCONER
51Australian Operational Service Medal – Special OperationsAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (FALCONER, GOLD, SOLACE, QUICKSTEP, ACCORDION II, RAMP).
  • 600 members of the Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation ACCORDION II
  • 100 members of Clearance Diving Team Two who served on Operation ACCORDION II
  • 500 members of the 2nd Commando Regiment who served on Operation GOLD
  • 300 members of Clearance Diving Team Two who served on Operation GOLD
  • 100 members of the 2nd Squadron, Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation SOLACE
  • 20 members of the Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 20 members of the 2nd Commando Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 150 members of 4th Squadron, Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation RAMP
  • 250 members of 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando) who served on Operation RAMP
  • 300 members of the Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation FALCONER
  • 25 members of the Chemical, Biological and Radiological Response Squadron who served on Operation FALCONER
  • 250 members of 4th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment (Commando) who served on Operation FALCONER
  • 120 members of Clearance Diving Team Two who served on Operation FALCONER
52Australian Operational Service Medal – Counter Terrorism/Special RecoveryAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (QUICKSTEP, SOLACE, RAMP).
  • 9 members of No. 36 Squadron RAAF who served on Operation SOLACE
  • 100 members of the 2nd Squadron, Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation SOLACE
  • 24 members of No. 33 Squadron RAAF who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 24 members of No. 37 Squadron RAAF who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 20 members of the Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 20 members of the 2nd Commando Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 1,258 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RAMP
53Australian Operational Service Medal – AfricaAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (RAMP).
  • 1,258 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RAMP
54Australian Operational Service Medal – Indo-PacificAustralian Defence Force personnelService on declared hazardous operations (GATEWAY, SOLANIA, QUICKSTEP).
  • 24 members of No. 33 Squadron RAAF who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 24 members of No. 37 Squadron RAAF who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 20 members of the Special Air Service Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 20 members of the 2nd Commando Regiment who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 10 members of the No. 3 Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron who served on Operation QUICKSTEP
55Australian Operational Service Medal – CivilianAustralian Defence Force civilians and other civilians who are employed on ADF operationsEmployed on a declared operation for a period of not less than an aggregate of 30 days.
  • 24 members of the Australian Medical Assistance Team who were employed on Operation QUICKSTEP
  • 100 employees of Qantas Airways who were employed on Operation RAMP
56Rhodesia MedalAustralian Defence Force personnel, members of an Australian police force or civilians prescribed by the Minister for DefencePersonnel who participated in the resolution of Zimbabwean independence and on Operation RAMP and the Zimbabwe crisis of 1996-97.
  • 1,258 members of the Australian Defence Force who served on Operation RAMP
  • 100 employees of Qantas Airways who served on Operation RAMP
Special Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
57Police Overseas Service MedalOfficers of an Australian police force or the Royal Papua New Guinea ConstabularyService with international peace-keeping organisations or following requests for assistance from foreign governments.
  • None
58Humanitarian Overseas Service MedalMembers of declared eligible organisations, an Australian police force or the Australian Defence ForcePerform humanitarian service in a foreign country, particularly in dangerous environments or during a humanitarian crisis.
  • 24 members of the Australian Medical Assistance Team who deployed to Thailand in the aftermath of the Don Mueang Airport missile attack
59National Emergency MedalMembers of identified organisations or individualsRendered sustained service during specified dates in specified places in response to nationally significant emergencies within Australia.
  • 3,000 members of the Country Fire Authority of Victoria, NSW Rural Fire Service and ACT Rural Fire Service for actions during the 2001 Alpine bushfires
60Civilian Service Medal 1939–1945Australian civilians during World War IIService in arduous circumstances in support of the war effort as part of organisations with military-like arrangements and conditions of service.
  • None
61National Police Service MedalOfficers of an Australian police force15 years ethical and diligent service, or for a lesser period if that service was terminated due to the member's death, or to an impairment related to the discharge of their duties as a Constable of Police.
  • None
73Australian Sports MedalSporting competitors, coaches, sports scientists, office holders, and people who maintain sporting facilities and services.Recognition of sporting achievements.
  • 68 Australian competitors who won a medal at the 2000 Sydney Olympics
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
7280th Anniversary Armistice Remembrance MedalAustralian World War I veterans still living as of November 11, 1998To commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Armistice of 11 November 1918
  • 71 surviving World War I veterans
74Centenary MedalAustralian citizens and living Australians born on or before January 1, 1901To commemorate the centenary of the Federation of Australia and to recognise citizens and other people who made a contribution to Australian society or government, including centenarians.
  • 15,845 Australian citizens
  • 1,400 Australian centenarians
85Anniversary of National Service 1951–1972 MedalAustralians who were conscripted under the National Service Act 1951 or National Service Act 1964To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the National Service Act 1951.
  • 127,000 National Servicemen
Long Service
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
75Defence Force Service Medal (until 1999)Australian Defence Force full-time personnelMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
76Reserve Force Decoration (until 1999)Australian Defence Force reserve officersMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
77Reserve Force Medal (until 1999)Australian Defence Force reserve non-commissioned personnelMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
78Defence Long Service Medal (from 1999)Australian Defence Force personnelMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
79National MedalOperational members of specified organisations which serve or protect the community at hazard to themselvesMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
80Australian Defence MedalAustralian Defence Force personnelMinimum of 4 years "qualifying service", death during service, or discharge as a result of injury.
  • None
81Australian Cadet Forces Service MedalAustralian Defence Force Cadets instructorsMinimum of 15 years "qualifying service", including an assessment of good conduct.
  • None
84Service Medal of the Order of St JohnAustralian citizens affiliated with the Order of St John and its subsidiary institutionsMinimum of 10 years service.
  • None
Other Medals
Ribbon:Medal:Order of Wearing:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
82Champion Shots MedalAustralian Defence Force personnelAnnual winner of the three service target-shooting competitions.
  • None
Unit/Group Citations
Streamer:Insignia:Name:Eligibility:Awarded for:Recipients since 1995:
Unit Citation for GallantryAustralian Defence Force unitsExtraordinary gallantry in action.
  • Special Air Service Regiment
  • Clearance Diving Team Two
Meritorious Unit CitationAustralian Defence Force unitsSustained outstanding service in warlike operations.
  • HMAS Collins
  • HMAS Waller
  • HMAS Dechaineux
  • HMAS Sydney
  • HMAS Perth
  • No. 1 Squadron, RAAF
  • No. 3 Squadron, RAAF
  • No. 10 Squadron, RAAF
NoneGroup Bravery CitationGroups of Australian citizens.Collective act of bravery by a group of people in extraordinary circumstances that is considered worthy of recognition.
  • Rivers ACT Rural Fire Service Brigade
  • Tidbinbilla ACT Rural Fire Service Brigade
  • Molonglo ACT Rural Fire Service Brigade
  • Southern Districts ACT Rural Fire Service Brigade
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