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Broadcast Hijacking

Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Early on Saturday morning, cartoons are interrupted by a disturbing broadcast. The hour-long live video feed showed 30 Muslim men in a bare room, shackled to the wall. Ten men in military esc uniforms, armed with rifles and black hoods, proceeded to shave all of the men's large beards. Then they perform a group waterboarding. Next, they take batons and beat each man to near death, breaking bones and injuring organs. Finally, they impale them in a certain way on wooden stakes so that they live longer, and set flame to the room around them. The tape ends when the flames engulf the camera, killing the feed. audio continues for a minute or more afterward. The government tries to stop the spread but eventually, tapes reach internationaly.


Kelly the Mad

Congolese Empire
Oct 28, 2020
Early this morning a second Hijacking occurred, seemingly by the same people. The broadcast starts, from the rafters of a mosque. Below three dozen Muslims were praying. It was pre-dawn and fewer people were attending the mosque than usual. After ten minutes the doors are kicked open. 6 men, all in the same green uniform and black hoods as the men in the last broadcast, walk-in carrying sabers. They close the doors behind them and begin to execute the Muslims one by one, by decapitation. The elderly Imam tries to stop the men, but gets his ribs broken by a strike from the pummel of a blade. The attack lasts an hour and a half. Despite more attempts by the Romanian government to block publication of this event it doubtless reaches international audiences.


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The National Intelligence Centre as privately put Romania under its watch list, and will begin surveying the nations public accessed information, gathering all available information possible and will direct it towards the Department of State and the National Security Council. It was deemed not yet necessary to monitor the nations private information, however this may change in the future. The NIC will gather information on these individuals perpetuating these acts of terror, and start to link that they are the same group acting in the same modus operati. Attacking and Killing Muslims in Romania.

From the information gathered, it was deemed that, the use of wooden stakes was akin to what was used during Vlad the Impaler acts of tyranny. Meaning the group could be linked towards the Iron Guard, led by Vlad Dracula, which shared the same ancestry. Information will continue to be gathered from these public publications and acts. However it was looking more and more that these acts were being started by possible members of the Iron Guard.

This Information would not be realeased from Spanish Knowledge for the meantime.

Kelly the Mad


GA Member
Nov 23, 2020
Throughout Pakistan, the news of further instances of continued Islamaphobia in Romania of a most violent character was greeted by outrage. The Religious Establishment and The Pakistan Muslim League (O) were quick to condemn the inhumanity of the murderers while telecommunications and the press utilised a graphic combination of images and footage in order to recognize the historical necessity of Pakistan, as the common inheritance of all its people and as the source of their security in both life and property.

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