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Call to China


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
With the rise of the new People's Republic of China government, Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut at Royal Thai Embassy, Beijing would request a meeting between himself and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China. If the Minister is not available, he would request a meeting with equivalent personnel to the Minister of Foreign Affair in the ministry or the government. The meeting request subject is marked with Trade, Equipment purchase, Russia Civil war, and Sweden's annexation of South Africa.

Sep 28, 2021
As the foreign affairs is currently busy with other matters of importance to the state, this responsibility has fallen over to the premier of China, which is currently available to represent the country as of this moment.

Wen Duyi's secretary has been made aware of this situation and informed the premier inside his office, thailand has made a request to enter talks with the China.

Wen Duyi prepares himself, quickly reviewed related topics from the file given to him by his secretary, and then, moments later, he picked up one of the phones in his office that states "
encrypted" then confidently and eagerly dialed thailand's foreign affairs office.

"ring, ring, ring"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The phone call from Wen Duyi's office would connect to Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut's phone in his office. "Ring ring ring." He would assume that the phone call would be from one of the personnel in the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He would pick up the phone call and talk politely. "Hello, this is Attayuth Srisamut, Thai ambassador to the People's Republic of China! I assume you are one of the people working at Foreign Affairs? Can I know your name? I would love to discuss the various matter."

Sep 28, 2021
"Greetings to you Mr. Srisamut, I am Premier Wen Duyi, I speak for the ourgovernment, unfortunately the foreign minister is currently unavailable, so the responsibility now lies with me ambassador, what can I do for you? I heard you would like to discuss matters of importance to you, please, speak freely as if you were speaking to our foreign minister."


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
I see. It is okay! at least I still have someone to discuss matters with me! I have 4 matters I wish to discuss. I believe you have already acknowledged this Mr. Wen Duyi. The first matter is about Trading the goods mister premier. We are offering China the top 5 resources we are exporting. I will fax you basic papers about the resource that we are offering." Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut would fax a basic paper to Wen Duyi's office


List of offering exporting resources to People's Republic of China
1. Machinery including Computers $2,500,000.00
2. Electrical Machinery, Equipment $2,750,000.00
3. Rubber, Rubber Articles $2,000,000.00
4. Plastics, Plastic Articles $2,000,000.00
5. Mineral Fuels including Oil $2,500,000.00

Supachai Panichpak
Ministry of Commerce of Republic of Thailand

"What do you think about this offer? Do you have anything to offer us back, or do you just want to take the offer?"

Sep 28, 2021
"That's a good offer minister, we will take those numbers, in return we will also give our default offer in regards to trade agreements with Thailand."

China's premier also offered his country's trade agreement with foreign nations via fax.

1. Textiles and Clothing $3,000,000.00
2. Electronics $4,500,000.00
3. Plastics $1,500,000.00
4. Electrical Machinery $2,500,000.00
5. Vehicles $5,000,000.00



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"That's great Mr. Wen Duyi. The Vehicles and Electronics price is higher than normal. I hope the Quality is as high as its price. Since it is our government's first trade, I believe we do not need to have contemplation of the importance of resources in trading. We are happy to accept your offer too. May I ask which port will be used by yours? We will use Bangkok port. When I know the port China will be using, I will message Minister in Embassy to deal with the trade deal with our Ministry of Commerce."

Sep 28, 2021
"that is good to know minister, our companies are keen on showing off China's ability to sell quality products the rest of the world can enjoy using. The price may be higher but we can always adjust prices for different countries in the future."

"The port we will be using on our part will be the Port of Shanghai, currently known as one of the busiest ports in the known world, and we are proud of that."


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Great! Give me a moment. I will send an email regarding our trade deal to my minister." Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut would send an email to the minister to let him forward the message to the Ministry of Commerce to start a trade route with the People's Republic of China. "Okay, I finished it. Let's continue. The next subject I would like to discuss is purchasing frigates. In 1991 we have made a deal with China government to produce a Type 053 frigate in Thai designation. The name is Naresuan-class Frigate. We want to renew a deal with China government if it is possible. We want to order 10 Naresuan-class Frigate at the cost of $120,000,000 each, and this will make $130,681,200.5 profit to your government compare to its base price. I do hope the China administration can renew this deal. This will be a huge step for cooperation between our country mister Wen Duyi. If you agree, we will transfer $1,200,000,000 to China government account. What do you think about this?"

Sep 28, 2021
"that will be very profitable for our government of course, we can accept that order as soon as possible. If I may ask, what happeend to your trade deal with the previous administration of our country?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Well, there's some political problem in our country. There is a coup attempt and some economic crisis in our country. Things were rough back then. We were middle power back then, and right now we are trying to raise into Regional power in Asia, and right now we are rising power in Asia, and the Globe. China used to be the Great power of the Globe, I hope your current administration can retrieve the greatness that your former government had made. We can transfer money when a thing is fit for the situation in our country. I will tell you again when the payment has been made. May I ask about your administration position in the 2nd Russian Civil War? I assume China might support communist."

Sep 28, 2021
"I agree, both our nations can benefit from cooperation in terms of trade and military assistance. I see Thailand wants to prosper as well and I know we both can do that together."

"Our position regarding the russian civil war is we want communism to spread there and hopefully throughout europe, we want economic and global dominance, slowly but surely, to lessen the grip of western influence in the world, starting from Russia, A communist centered Russia will benefit China's long term plan. I'm assuming Thailand would not object to this position?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"You China want communist to spread. May I ask if China let Thailand has a Democracy? Our people have always been satisfied with democracy, and we want it to continue like this forever. I won't object to the position made by China. Our country has nothing to do with spreading any ideology. Has China supported communists in Russia with anything yet? Supplies? I would like to know about it. We support the Russia government and want them to win, but we won't object to any decision made by china right now."

Sep 28, 2021
"China knows how to make compromises, even letting democracy flourish in certain countries as long as our overall national interests are not interfered with. Regarding your question, if we support communists in Russia, well then, I have to say that information is now considered classified since you have just mentioned that you support the current administration in Russia, remember, we wish to do good business with your country and I hope that your pledge to support Russia would not hinder our mutual interests to...prosper and build good relations between our peoples. Well to be honest, if your country is steadfast in supporting the current administration in Russia, well, that is just unfortunate, I just hope there will be no future problems between our two friendly nations in regards to that situation, despite in difference in ideology."

"We will do what we can to tender to your needs and wants, in return, we would like for you to do the same for us, in the future. but for now we do not need to worry about anything else other than festering positive diplomatic relations between China and Thailand, and do not forget about military cooperation of course, would you agree ambassador?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
We won't interrupt or disagree about China's action in Russia. We have no legitimate right to change the Chinese government's opinion on the Russian Civil War. I agree about our military cooperation. We just transferred the money to you. I believe our country can have military exercises together. We are professional at military training! We hope the production will start soon. By the way, what do you think of Sweden's annexation of South Africa? Do you think this is a colonization action?

Sep 28, 2021
"We will be processing your order shortly ambassador, you will get those ships soon. In regards to our opinion regarding the annexation of South Africa by Sweden, or whatever the international community and Sweden deem to call it, I must say that we will take Swedens side on this, South Africa declared an unprovoked war against Sweden and it is a just response for them to take action and defend their national security by any means necessary, it is the fault of the South African government that this crisis is happening to them, therefore, whatever the people of south africa is experiencing right now is due to the inability of their own administration to prevent this situation from happening to them in the first place, they made their choice, ambassador, just like how the german people made their choice during world war 2, there will always be consequences for the actions of one or the many, sometimes a firm hand is needed to prevent another mistake from happening, and I think that is what Sweden is currently doing, it is just like teaching your kids not to do bad things a second time, do you have kids ambassador? if you do, you would understand. I'm sure the south african people will come out better than ever, a little bit of quote and quote guidance, can help an underdeveloped society grow faster and more prosporous than ever before, perhaps also it is just human nature, sometimes, one is born to rule and sometimes one is not, but I am confident one day south africa will be able to stand in its own two legs one day, but for now, south africa needs its medical crutches even if they would not admit it, which means changes must be made forcibly in order to transform South Africa into a safe and friendly nation, not just for the rest of us but for Sweden as well, but at the end of the day of course, it is up South Africa if they choose to grow and adapt or not."

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I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"I am happy that China sides with Sweden. We side with Sweden in a humanitarian effort in South Africa since we are participating in it. We have over 700 Humanitarian aid forces helping South African right now! We bring food, water, medical equipment there, only to help South Africans. I might now be old enough to know about World War 2, but I have an education, so I understand Germany. My kid was born not long ago. I let him do what he wants because I believe if he made mistakes at this age, he will remember them and know how to handle them. I believe when South Africa is free, they will be a lot better.

Well, I finished what I wish to discuss, Wen Duyi. I just got the news that a Censure Motion in our parliament is about to start. Do you wish to discuss more?"

If China has nothing to discuss more, Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut would thank you to Wen Duy and say goodbye to each other.

Sep 28, 2021
"Ah of course, I always knew you were a busy person, likewise ambassador I would not want to take more of your valuable time, overall there's nothing to further discuss for now, perhaps in our next call you and i will be able to chat more. We here are very pleased with your openness with my government, I assure you we will do what we can to uplift our allies regardless of ideology. And we also thank you for supporting our friend Sweden in South Africa, I am sure they will never forget your help over there,"

"Just before I go ambassador, beware of circling sharks in the Global Assembly, Russia, The United States, South Korea, whether directly allied to each other or not, those 3 are not to be trusted completely ambassador, I do not know if you are currently dealing with these countries or anyone who supports them without question, but I insist on reminding you to always be vigilant, and a skeptic. They're schemers and plotters, inherently evil and sinister, the people who truly runs these countries from the shadow, whereas the regular citizens themselves are innocent and blind, most are ignorant, but it is not their fault entirely."

"Oh my, my ambassador, phew! I did blabber too much, quite unprofessional on my part, in which I sincerely apologize of course."

"Well then, till next time ambassador, good luck in all your endeavors from here on out."

Chinese Ambassador Wen Duyi would also like to reciprocate Ambassador Attayuth Srisamut's gesture of saying goodbye.
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