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Call to Israel


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Republic of Thailand and the State of Israel have been participating in the same Operation in South Africa, but no official contact has been made by the two countries since 2nd term of Prime Minister Chuan Leekpai started. Ambassador (Miss) Panabha Chandraramya at Royal Thai Embassy, Tel Aviv, Israel would request a meeting between herself and Yair Lapid, Minister of Foreign Affairs of State of Israel. If the Minister of Foreign Affairs is not available, she would request a meeting with equivalent personnel in the Ministry. The meeting request is marked with Trade, Sweden Annexation of South Africa, and Russia civil war.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
An emergency phone call will try to contact a Foreign Affairs of Israel by Ambassador Miss Panabha. The phone call is encrypted and marked with top priority.



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Deputy Prime Minister Gideon Sa'ar would answer the call from his counterpart in the Thai Government, this would be done on an encrypted line to maximise security surrounding the call.

"Ambassador Panabha, it's a pleasure to hear from you. How are things going?"



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Hello! It's amazing to get a call from you! Thank you for inquiring. I'm fine and looking forward to speaking with you. I'm not going to squander any more time. For our new government and me, the situation in Israel and the Middle East is terrifying. Despite the fact that we have a travel ban in the region, our new government recognized that we collaborated in the Swedish Operation. According to Turkish news outlets, at least two Clemenceau-class carriers are on their way to the Eastern Mediterranean. The Turkish Ministry of Defense announced via Twitter that the Coastal Defense Network is now fully operational. Fuad of Saudi Arabia tweeted that they are assisting Turkey with three Udaloy Class Destroyers. It has come to our attention that the leader of Turkey's nationalist party has called for the end of the Israeli regime. We believe Turkey is attempting to foment a conflict. We are assisting Thai citizens who are currently in Israel. We are attempting to contact the Turkish and Saudi governments in order to discuss the situation. I'd like to know if our assumption is correct. If that's the case, I'd like to delve into the details of how it all began. I'm hoping you'll be able to share the source of the problem. If you require supply assistance, you may request that I contact the government as well. We plan to invest approximately $1 billion in our country's farming industry! It might take some time since we need to hold a meeting inside our government. I will let you answer now."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Thank you Ambassador, you can be assured that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs will work with the Thai Embassy to ensure the safe passage of Thai citizens is ensured as they return back home to Thailand. The Turkish Government is bitter and sour because we announced a military exercise in Israel which we're allowed to do as its in our territory and since then they have assumed we're getting ready to invade Palestine which is not the case at all as clearly seen in the media as we have announced a historic deal in the Knesset (Israel's unicameral parliament) to recognise a two-state solution and recognise the State of Palestine as an independent country."



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"This Turkish move is dangerous, Mr. Deputy. As a result, Turkey is terrified of Israel attacking Palestine, although Israel has recognized Palestine as an independent country. It's difficult to believe that such a country can behave without thinking things through. I am aware that the nationalist party is ruling Turkey. What, according to Israel, is the reason Turkey attempted a military action against you? With 20,000 Thais in Israel, I feel it will take some time to repatriate them. I'd also like to know if Israel has taken any steps to protect its citizens. Turkey's army is formidable. If Turkey attacks, Israel may be destroyed in a single blow. What is the root cause of the deterioration in Turkey-Israel relations? I prefer a neutral response, but I feel you may respond as if you are protecting your country, which is fine. We'll also have a lot of questions for Turkey. Isn't there something serious that brought the turkey fleet here?"


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