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Call to Korean Defense Industries


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
TDE Administrative Official Sulien Ontoak would call Korean Defense industries with an exiting new offer for the South Korean Government.


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The International Affairs Director of the Korean Defense Industry Association would be in her office as she oversaw a number of files regarding recent transactions and exchanges, following up with company email chains and sending out her responses. Her Secretary would walk in, a well built man, in a grey three piece suit with such an beautiful jawline that complemented his sharp wits. She would regain conscious as he handed her a note reading the call from the Turkish Defense Export companies. She would of course nod as he patched the call into her office and ensured a secure and encrypted call, a service provided for by the Korean Government and upgraded by the KDIA, picking it up, she spoke first.
"Hello Mr. Ontoak, it is a pleasure to be speaking with you. I hope business as been well in with the TDE."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Sulien would be surprised to hear a female on the other end but would reply the same as always on a secure line
“A pleasure to be speaking with you too madam, business has been excellent recently and I hope all is the same over at KDIA as well, as I’m sure it is. On to buisness, Now, I’m sure you are quite familiar with the recent Turkish Investments in KDIA for a variety of weaponry and equipment but now we would like to allow KDIA to potentially make an offer on revolutionary new technologies designed right here in Turkey. I’m referring Specifically to the state of the Art T129 ATAK helicopter that we have been developing over the past few years in order to become a leader in the aerospace industry. We have a serious issue though, while Turkey is a very developed and rapidly modernizing nation we-do not have the resources to produce the T129 and a few other AFV/Aircraft. Therefore we would like to offer KDIA a one time opportunity to have the full design layout and technical details for the T129 Helicopter and potentially other advanced weaponry that Turkey cannot yet produce. We chose KDIA instead of the United States or Sweden because of the great bond the State of Turkey has between Korea and we know that Korea has not interfered in the recent events in the Middle East which we applaud, unlike the United States who seems to think it is the world police in a way. Therefore we are offering the technical details of the Otokar Yavuz AFV, T129 ATAK helicopter, and the Otokar Kaya MRAP which we will permit the Korean Government to resell to foreign nations that are of course on good standing with Turkey and additionally we will need the Korean government to produce this equipment for Turkey. How does this sound to you?”


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Yes, we have been happy to oversee the strong Turkish-KDIA relations that have grown the past couple of years. We have been happy to facilitate a number of agreements with the Turkish Government to better strengthen your countries needs in an appropriate manner. The KDIA has a vast array of facilities and production lines that allow us to continue to provide advanced, quality, and affordable options to all countries. As part of the Korean Government's export laws, the KDIA has been formed to help coordinate and centralize in a humane, lawful, and just way the transfer of weapons, munitions, and spare parts.

As for your proposal, the KDIA is very interested in the proposed technological rights and domestic production rights for the three Turkish weapons platforms. We would be interested in making an arrangement for the KDIA to have a production right for all three items that would allow the KDIA to produce three items for both Korea and Turkey at any quantity and without restriction. Additionally, the KDIA would be willing to produce these weapons on behalf of Turkey for re-exporting to a third party under Turkish restrictions and national laws.

We are eager to find new ways to advance Korea's technological capabilities to bring meaningful change, justice, and development to the globe. We look forward to your response and how the KDIA can act as a bridge for a more prosperous Turkey."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Excellent! We will transfer the technical layouts and the required materials for production shortly. Additionally the Prime Minister would like to give a gift to the Korean Government for its good will and acceptance of our deal, because as you know Turkey has bought the K9 SPG only in the past year but has worked to improve apon it with the brand new T-155 Firtina that we will authorize your government to produce under supervision.

Now, I would like to discuss a different matter right now on the subject of the Korean Main Battle Tanks that the Turkish Government purchased last year. After trials and testing we have found while these tanks are excellent and very advanced in the Middle Eastern Theatre they have had problems coping with the extreme heat of the Middle East and the high expense of running foreign made heavy armor. Therefore, we ask if it would be possible for the Korean Government to buy back these tanks at the same price for which the Turkish Government bought them for. As compensation, we will offer the Korean Government a 10% discount on the next purchase made from Turkish Defense Exports International if it is below four billion USD. Could this be possible for the Korean Government? And if not would it be possible to adjust the deal?


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
"Director. The T-155 and K9 are both intellectual property of Korea. While we have allowed you to export and produce it due to our friendly relations, the T-155 remains Korean intellectual property. Intellectual Property which is under the supervision of the KDIA for exporting. Whilst we appreciate your intentions behind this gift, we can not accept that Turkey has any superior claim on the T-155.

As for the K1 and K1A1 produced for Turkey, it is not in the KDIA's capacity to reacquire weapons previously sold. We can offer to add desert combat packages at an affordable price to the K1 and K1A1 or that under our consent, Turkey re-sell the main battle tanks to a third party for use. Alternatively, we could arrange for the ROK Army to take the tanks currently used by Turkey in exchange for credit on future purchases through the KDIA. We will of course require a manifest of how many tanks, their condition, and service record before we can discuss purchase costs, credit applied, and so forth."


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