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[CANADA]: Message to France


Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018


To: King Louis XX of Francia

Good day,

I would like to bring to your attention to current status and future of Saint Pierre et Miquelon, the French islands off of the coast of Newfoundland. It would appear that the way of life for the over six thousand people living there has been greatly decreasing since 1992. As of 1992, the economy of Saint Pierre et Miquelon has been in steep decline, following the depletion of their fish stocks due to over fishing, the limitation of fishing areas and the ban imposed on all cod fishing.

As of now, the archipelago is no longer delivering what historical France has kept it for to begin with; fish. Now, the islands are declining in economy and are having a difficult time delivering fish stock to mainland France. Thus, it would seem that the Kingdom of Francia is losing a good sum of money trying to keep Saint Pierre et Miquelon from economic failure.

However, the Canadian Federation has a proposal for your Kingdom. Canada is in a far more suitable position to support Saint Pierre et Miquelon and its people as Newfoundland is no more than a ferry in distance. With that being said, the Canadian Federation would like to take Saint Pierre et Miquelon off of French hands and spare your great Kingdom from further unnecessary spending.

The Canadian Federation is open for the Kingdom of Francia to begin discussion on a possible contract for the islands.

Best Regards,
Jacob Henderson
Prime Minister of Canada
Head of the Canadian Brotherhood



Imperial Austria
Jul 1, 2018


To: Jacob Henderson, Prime Minister of Canada
From: King Louis XX of France
Subject: Saint Pierre et Miquelo

Dear Mr Henderson,

The Kingdom of Francia respects your interest in the wellbeing of the residents of Saint Pierre et Miquelo, islands which have belonged to France since 1536. However, we have to decline your offer of taking the islands into Canadian ownership. We are currently at a time of national restructuring and that too can be said for the islands themselves. We have representatives which are working hard to help the population of Saint Pierre et Miquelo and work towards giving them a future which is both beneficial to residents of the islands and beneficial to France. When it comes to French territory, especially historic territory like this one, France will always strive to have a responsibility and duty of care. I shall forward your concerns over the fishing conditions to the President of the Territorial Council.

France hopes that despite our declining of your offer, our two nations can build a strong and mutually beneficial relationship in the future.

Highest regards,

Louis XX of France


Kingdom of Francia



Indian People's Democratic Federal Republic
Sep 4, 2018
To: King Louis XX of Francia,

While I understand your feeble attempt at maintaining what little is left of your once enormous presence in North America before you lost it all to the English, I must ask you to reconsider your insulting refusal to the Canadian Federation.

You say that you wish to build a strong and mutually beneficial relationship between our countries, yet you spit in my face.

Saint Pierre et Miquelon are a threat to Canada. The natives of the islands are illegally smuggling contraband into Newfoundland and the Canadian Federation, mainly tobacco and alcohol. While the RCMP of Newfoundland have done their best to prevent this, your citizens continue to find other ways to smuggle.

If the islands weren't so close to Canadian territory I would ask that you discipline your children and show them that they are still doing illegal actions, even if their economic situation demands it. However, the islands are too close to Newfoundland for me to feel comfortable with French forces moving freely.

I will say again; the Canadian Federation is willing to discuss a contract for the islands, whether financial compensation or perhaps militaristic equipment.

Regardless of what you want for them the Canadian Federation has demanded these islands.

Think hard about the next words you send to me, King of France.

Jacob Henderson
Prime Minister of Canada
Head of the Canadian Brotherhood


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