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Children of Amaterasu


GA Member
Jun 10, 2024
If the 1990s had been difficult for Japan, the early 2000s had been disastrous. While initially much hope had been placed in the Prime Minister from the Mitsubishi clan to bring Japan into a new age through a combination of democracy and corporate influence, the Yakuza terrorist gas attacks had been a rough awakening for the Japanese nation and only the first in a long change of attacks by various factions to destabilize the government and secure complete control over the state. When it wasn't a terrorist attack or a criminal attempt to overtake some regional government, it would be assassinations from various groups in Japanese politics. By early 2004 it had rapidly become clear that either something drastic needed to happen or Japan was going to descend into a full civil war. It was at this point that the then recently reformed Japanese Ground Force took the initiative. In a carefully orchestrated operation they would convince the Prime Minister to declare a state of emergency and suspend the constitution, allowing the Army to take far-reaching measures against suspected yakuza, terrorists and even politicians implicated in the chaos. The fact that this coup was readily welcomed by much of Japanese society and even much of the political opposition showed just how significantly the chaos had affected Japanese morale.

The military however had no interest in re-establishing some Shogunate. It was clear that Japan needed strong leadership but domination by the military had often led to even worse conditions for the common Japanese person. Instead the military and political leadership would look to the House of Yamato, the Imperial family and the direct descendants of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu. The Imperial Family had been essentially removed from daily governance after World War 2, and even more so when the Mitsubishi government sought to complete the transformation into a presidential republic but now it was thought that the symbol of the Japanese nation and unity would be the best chance for Japan to come together again. Emergency powers would be passed granting the Emperor the authority that had been envisioned for the future President. While the plan was genius, the architects of it had however made one critical mistake. They assumed the very cause of the crisis was defeated when the Yakuza still had fight left in them. Realizing that a strong monarchy supported by the military and political leaderships would be the final nail in the coffin of their reign of terror, they rallied what forces they had left to make one final move to keep Japan in chaos. The House of Yamato was large but so was the Yakuza and the military was overstretched enormously. Throughout Japan attempts would systematically be made on the lives of adult male members of the Yamato line, though women and children closer to the then reigning Heisei Emperor would also be targeted for assassination. In what was perhaps the bloodiest stage of the entire crisis three hundred members of the House of Yamato and its connected clans, as well as thousands of civilians and soldiers caught in the crossfire, and finally over ten thousand Yakuza would find their bloody deaths. While their final attempts had all but sealed the end of the Yakuza as an organized entity in Japanese society with now all but a handful of members dead or in prison, their goal of destabilizing the nation once more had also worked.

With the Emperor dead and the nearest male heir being so distanced from the throne that they might as well pick a regular civilian the hope for the Chrysanthemum Throne to serve as a symbol to unify Japan had also ended. Prime Minister Shimada had one final Hail Mary to attempt. In the decades prior with neither son of the late Emperor Heisei producing a male heir discussion had started on amending the Imperial Household Law to allow for absolute primogeniture. While the closest male heir was generations removed, the closest female member was still a member of the House of Yamato and still could lay a claim to descendancy from Amaterasu. At 23 years she was still very young but with guidance she could just be what the nation needed. Not taking the same risk as before Princess Aimi would be taken to Camp Utsunomiya and placed under the direct protection of the 700-man strong Central Readiness Regiment. Normally intended for rapid deployment these soldiers' sole duty now would be guaranteeing the safety of the greatest hope for the Japanese nation.

Now that Shimada had a candidate and she was properly protected it was time for the legislative effort to commence. Several laws would be introduced into the National Diet; firstly a law amending the Imperial Household Law that would include previously included female descendants into the order of succession, a law merging the Offices of Emperor and President, and a final emergency law allowing the continued suspension of the Constitution and state of emergency until January 2005. While no party prior to the crisis had ever wanted any of these changes, by now there wasn't even a single vote against anymore. Everyone just wanted peace and quiet to return.

Aimi looked through the window of the barracks that had become her home the past two weeks. Even though the Army had left the barracks to her these accommodations were far from what she was used to, but at this point she didn't care much about it either. Facing the deaths of so many of the people she had grown up with, and even seeing her own brother executed before her eyes, had left her shell shocked but it also had made her a lot more conscious of what a person actually needed and what was pure luxury. Right now the safety provided to her by the hundreds of soldiers risking their own lives was all she needed to not collapse. Just as she wanted to get ready to change so she could shower she heard a knock on the door.

"Your Highness, Prime Minister Shimada is here to speak to you" She heard the soldier on the other side of the door to the barracks say over the radio they had given her. After picking up the device she would answer to let him in. Showering would have to wait another hour. As the door opened she saw the tired looking man walk in. Shimada Hideo was only in his 40s but the last few years had seemingly made the man age two decades.

"Your Highness, I have good news. The National Diet has approved the amended laws unanimously. Or perhaps I should say, Your Majesty" Hideo said, for a moment Aimi thought she could even see a smile on his face. In the months that she now knew him she had never seen him smile before.

"Unanimously? But how? Even the communists?" Aimi said stunned before rapidly regaining her manners and offering the man to sit down.

"Even the reds are tired of this and just want peace to return. We will need to work out an enthronement at some point in the future. But for now it is important to get you to the National Diet and broadcast a message to the nation and the world that the era of chaos is over and that peace and quiet will return to Japan. I have already talked to the Chairman of the Joint Staff Council and the Grand Steward, the Japanese Ground Forces are securing the road to the National Diet and will continue providing your security while the speech writers are working on your statement and staff from the Imperial Household Agency are on their way to get you dressed. It is important that we act fast now that the laws are in place"

Aimi was stunned as she listened to him speak. Even though this result had been likely, she still never had imagined at one point in her life becoming the Empress. Even if she had, she would have never been willing to allow for the amount of death and destruction that had brought it about. Every moment she felt on the verge of tears, but the time for those was not now. So many people had lost way more than her and certainly suffered way more and they were still going on. Even now thousands of people were involved in enabling her path forward. She would truly be a coward if she could not make the required steps now.

Despite that resolve the next few hours still felt a daze as staff from the IHA had come to get her out of the Army fatigues that she wore, cleaned up and in an outfit more befitting the Empress of Japan, before being handed over to those same soldiers of the Central Readiness Regiment to take her to the National Diet where the throne usually intended for the Emperor to do a speech every time the National Diet was opened awaited her.

By the time she was there and the red light on the camera indicating they were live turned on close to 8 hours had already passed and it was now 10pm.

At that moment every tv channel in Japan would interrupt their regular broadcasting and turn to the young Empress Aimi at the National Diet. Barely managing to hold in a nervous sigh she would begin speaking.

"Proud People of Japan,

Only a few times before in history has our nation been shaken so fundamentally to the core as it has these past few years. We thought ourselves save in our homes, in our public squares, in our halls of government. Compelled purely by greed and their lust for power thousands of people have caused untold suffering for tens of millions. That ends today.

Following the operation by the Japanese Armed Forces to protect the State of Japan from its domestic enemies the National Diet has in its infinite wisdom voted to amend the law to allow for those measures needed to return order and peace for our home. Effective immediately the Imperial Household Law has been amended to implement true gender equality, the offices of Emperor and President have been merged to establish clear leadership and the state of emergency has been extended to January 2005 so those measures can be taken that are required to keep our streets safe and keep the criminals and terrorists from regaining power.

With these changes the National Diet has asked me to accept the solemn duty of becoming the next Empress of this beautiful country. While I have never sought to assume this power, when Japan calls it is the duty of every Japanese citizen to answer. This applies to me as much as everyone else so I have solemnly accepted the responsibility and am honored to receive the trust of the Japanese nation.

There is much work left to be done but today is the first day of a new era. Today we woke up in fear but we can go to sleep with hope. For just as we have always done, the Empire of Japan will stand the test of time. I promise to each and everyone of you that I will work tirelessly with the civilian and military leaderships to create the conditions for a safe and peaceful Japan so that when 2005 arrives we can regain that which we have lost. Peace, quiet, safety and order.

To the international community, especially our friends and neighbors. Even though a lot of time has passed, I can imagine these developments bring back bad memories of the last time this nation embraced its status as an Empire. To you I promise that our policies are no different from the ones we had the past half century. We will continue to strive for peaceful coexistence within a rules based international order. I do hereby extend an open invitation for everyone to reach out and re-establish formal relations as we work to regain our internal stability and seek to return as a responsible actor for peace and global prosperity."

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