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Closure of the Thai Embassy


GA Member
May 22, 2020
As the final seconds ticked away that would mark the end of the forty-eight hour grace period marking the closure of the Thai Embassy, and the lack of movement from the Thai embassy itself, the Policja and Office of State Protection Department I agents would prepare themselves to make entry into the building. The Policja district chief would allow the Thai personnel within the building another ten minute window of grace before the unarmed Policja and POSP agents would move to make entry into the building.

As the building was officially back under the jurisdiction of Polish forces they no longer required permission to enter the building, they would make entry into the building and loudly announce themselves as Policja and order each personnel to stop what they were doing as everything in the building now belonged to the Polish government. As they moved through the building, the Policja forces would escort each member of the Thai staff to the awaiting government cars recently purchased. POSP agents would insure they would photograph each member of the embassy staff and finger print them to insure their records were inside the Policja and POSP systems to insure there was no future espionage activities. Once a vehicle was full of staff, the government driver would drive their passengers to the international airport in Warsaw where a ticket would be purchased by the Polish government and they would be unable to leave the airport lest they be arrested for illegally entering Poland. Should any Thai staffers have family residing within Poland, a Policja officer would pick them up and allow them to pack their personal belongings before escorting them to the airport as well.

Back in the former Thai Embassy, the Agents and Policja officers would carefully catalogue everything found within the building and carefully box it up and place it in vans utilized by the Policja to be escorted to the Polish Institute of Research and Implementation. As there had been no activity by the Thai staffers within the building to secure classified information or destroy it, it is assumed this was the biggest cache of classified documents information a foreign government has allowed to fall into the hands of another government in modern history.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
By the time the Polish authorities arrived at the location of the Thai embassy in Warsaw, the Thai Foreign Ministry had meticulously completed the closure of its mission, strictly adhering to the request of the Polish Government. This comprehensive operation meant that every element within the embassy — including all diplomatic personnel, sensitive documents, and proprietary information — had been systematically and securely transported back to Thailand. The operation was executed with such precision and swiftness that, by the time Polish officials set foot in the vacated building, it was devoid of any tangible evidence of the confidential activities that had previously been conducted there.

Furthermore, the electronic systems within the embassy, including communication networks and data storage devices, had been thoroughly wiped clean and rendered inoperable. This ensured that no residual data, not even the slightest digital footprint, could be retrieved or reconstructed. The embassy's physical space, once bustling with diplomatic activity, was left in a state of pristine emptiness, with only the bare structural elements remaining, a silent testament to the Thai Ministry's attention to detail and commitment to operational security.



GA Member
May 22, 2020
As the Thai government had not made any previous effort to clear their former embassy prior to the Policja entering the building, all efforts to destroy encrypted data and files was immediately hampered by the Polish Policja ordering every member of the Thai staff to cease and desist all activities as all materials within the former embassy currently belonged to the Polish government and any further destruction would result in criminal charges for destruction of government property. This would all be relayed to the Thai staff by the district chief of the Policja in command of the ‘raid’. While all involved were certain there would be diplomatic ramifications from this action, the Polish government had been very clear that due to Thailand’s actions the prior two days, they would receive zero leeway.

Anything that could be considered useful to the Polish government would be packed up and prepared to ship to the Polish Office of Research and Implementation. The Policja and POSP agents would continue to ferry Thai staff to the airport where their flight home would be arranged by the Polish government. The Thai ambassador would be given extra leeway for his role as a former mission head but he would not be allowed to remove anything from the office without prior approval from the POSP agents. As his role as head of mission and been revoked, so had his diplomatic immunity and for anything in his possession to be immune from search and seizure.

Once all staff, and the ambassador, had been relocated to the airport, the Policja and POSP task force would conduct searches of the former homes of all staffers and the Ambassador to further recover sensitive documentation and equipment. With the prevalence of human nature, the likelihood of the agents and officers of finding a password that would allow access into the former Thai systems, while low, was not zero.



I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
Yeah, because of the insistent, a Thai augur would tell the Thai embassy, personnel, and government that is was smarter to not do anything since the Polish wanted it that way. The augur was a smartass.

The staff of the Thai embassy, encompassing all security personnel, were found leisurely relaxing in the embassy's front room. This particular room was adorned with the Polish flag, an array of folklore artifacts, and numerous national symbols representative of the Polish nation, symbolizing a cultural bridge between Thailand and Poland. As the raid infiltrated the room, regardless of the raiders' fierceness or aggression, the embassy staff maintained their composure, engaging in light-hearted conversations and enjoying the refreshments and banquet laid out before them. This atmosphere of calm and nonchalance pervaded every part of the embassy, which was uniformly adorned with decorations celebrating Polish nationalism, creating a vivid tableau of Polish cultural pride. When the raid burst into the scene, a speaker announced with a theatrical flair, “It’s begun now! The raid of the Thai embassy.” This announcement was met with a collective expression of 'woah' from the staff, reflecting a blend of surprise and amusement, rather than alarm, underscoring their composed and unflappable demeanor in the face of the unexpected intrusion.

Since Thailand was renowned as an advanced and technologically superior nation, they had implemented a cutting-edge method for document storage within their embassy. In this modern system, not a single paper document was to be found across the entire premises, encompassing all staff areas. Every piece of information was digitally stored, safeguarded by the robust National Security System of Thailand (NSST). This digital security protocol was further reinforced by a routine practice adhered to during events like carnivals or daily occurrences: an automatic logout system. As a result, no device within the embassy was ever left open or accessible. Even if the Polish raid team somehow discovered the passwords, they would find them of little use. The passwords were so complex and secure that even the embassy employees themselves could not memorize them, relying instead on the NSST system, along with supplementary measures like Google Authenticator or other similar security apps, for access. In the unlikely event that the Polish raid team anticipated discovering passwords on site, such expectations would be deemed archaic by the Thai people, earning the raiders the moniker of "dinosaurs." This label stemmed from a perception that those outside of Thailand's advanced digital sphere were not in tune with the realities of technological progress and digital security advancements.

Also, if the Polish team persisted in their belief that they could decipher the password, being a nation, whose technological capabilities were considered to be five years behind Thailand's, they would still confront the formidable challenge of multi-factor authentication. In this era, reliance on mere passwords was antiquated, as underscored by frequent email notifications urging users to upgrade their security measures. The standard practice of enhanced security was not just a recommendation but a necessity in the modern digital landscape. Therefore, even if the Polish team somehow bypassed the initial password hurdle, they would likely find themselves at a loss regarding the operational intricacies of the National Security System of Thailand (NSST). The NSST’s advanced security protocols, which included multiple layers of authentication, were not common knowledge and were designed to be impenetrable to those unfamiliar with Thailand's sophisticated cybersecurity infrastructure. This complexity rendered the system virtually inscrutable to outsiders, ensuring the safeguarding of sensitive information within the Thai embassy.
