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Commonwealth of New Zealand | Domestic News Agencies


GA Member
May 24, 2024
30th January 2005
“Good evening, this is 1News. First up, breaking news, just coming in. On the first day of Parliamentary sessions in 2005, the ratification of the Strategic Partnership treaty has been blocked in the House of Representatives. We go now to our politics expert, Jim.”

Jim would be sitting to the right of Amy, and the camera would pan to him as he spoke to the presenter.

“Thank you, Amy. This unprecedented event will change this upcoming election, that is for sure. The opposition, composed of the recently created 05 Alliance and a few minor parties, has voted against the ratification of the Strategic Partnership treaty between Thailand and Australia. This was decided by the United Future party and 2 Greens and 2 Labour MPs, who all swapped loyalties from government to opposition at the last second. To be completely honest, this sort of event has not occurred I think ever in my long journalist career, and it seems that for once a politician did what they’d say would be done.”

“Thank you for that analysis, Jim. What can you predict will happen with relations with Thailand?”

“I predict that the Thais will not be particularly happy with this development, and I expect some sort of diplomatic protest to be lodged. If this is correct remains to be seen.”

“We go now to our man outside the Beehive, Mike. Mike, what is happening there?
Mike would be standing outside the Beehive, with an obviously happy crowd of about 150 waving banners in support of the 05 Alliance Party.

“Good afternoon. A small demonstration in support of the blocking of the Treaty has formed and are handing out flyers, and waving banners in support. It seems to be related to the 05 Alliance.”

“Thank you, Mike. In other news, the government has announced a new program to increase the use of public transport…”

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