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Commonwealth of New Zealand | Message to Thailand


GA Member
May 24, 2024
nz mbie.png

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Recipient: Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Nattawut Saikua, Thailand < Bossza007 >
Sender: Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment Jim Anderton < >
Date: 19th of January
Subject: Development of Social Housing Program

Greetings Minister Saikua,

To alleviate the pressure upon the New Zealand people, my Ministry has identified a number of key areas of New Zealand's infrastructure and social systems that should be developed or upgraded. These include public transport infrastructure and systems, social housing networks and road infrastructure improvement. To give some context, public infrastructure is all made up of buses. In Auckland and Wellington, however, there is a small train network.

GlobalTech Infrastucture Solutions and Thailand have been identified as potential key partners in this development, due to Thailand's extensive effiecent social systems, developed by GTIS. As such, we wish to know the potential costs of GTIS' developing a solution to the following issue/s:
- increase public transport usage in large cities
- increase public transport quality in cities
- improve New Zealand's innercity and intra-city road infrastructure
- improve the efficiency of the public transport

Thank you,

Hon. Jim Anderton, Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment
Commonwealth of New Zealand


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021


To: <Jim Anderton, Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment of the Commonwealth of New Zealand> Basedcnt
From: <>
Subject: Development of Social Housing Program
Security Type: NSST 1.0 Architecture

Minister Anderton,

The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperative of the Republic of Thailand acknowledges the receipt of communication from the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment of the Commonwealth of New Zealand.

GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions (GTIS), a registered worker-cooperative, is indeed a highly reputable entity within our cooperative sector. While GTIS operates independently of direct government control, the cooperative model under which it operates ensures adherence to our core principles of social justice, equity, and sustainability. As such, the Ministry maintains an oversight role to ensure alignment with the broader objectives of our socialist economic framework.

Potential Costs and Collaboration

GlobalTech Infrastructure Solutions is equipped to address the complex challenges outlined in your request:
  • Increasing Public Transport Usage in Large Cities: GTIS can develop and implement strategies to boost public transport utilization through innovative solutions such as integrated ticketing systems, user-friendly mobile applications, and targeted public awareness campaigns. The cost of such initiatives would involve research and development, technology deployment, and marketing strategies. A preliminary estimate would place this investment in the range of NZD 50-70 million, depending on the specific technologies and scale of implementation.
  • Enhancing Public Transport Quality: This includes upgrading infrastructure, enhancing vehicle standards, and ensuring reliable service delivery. The cooperative’s experience in managing high-quality public services can be leveraged to improve efficiency and user satisfaction. Costs are projected at NZD 80-100 million, covering infrastructure improvements, vehicle upgrades, and training programs for personnel.
  • Improving Inner-city and Intra-city Road Infrastructure: GTIS can offer solutions for road network optimization, including smart traffic management systems, road safety enhancements, and sustainable urban planning. Investment for comprehensive road infrastructure improvements could range from NZD 150-200 million, encompassing design, construction, and maintenance.
  • Boosting Public Transport Efficiency: Implementing smart technologies and optimization techniques to enhance the efficiency of public transport systems is vital. This includes Algorithm-driven scheduling, dynamic routing, and real-time tracking. Estimated costs for these advanced systems are in the vicinity of NZD 60-85 million.

Please feel free to reach out if further details are required or if a formal proposal is needed to outline specific terms of engagement.


Nattawut Saikua
Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives
Republic of Thailand

Digital Diplomatic Communication​


GA Member
May 24, 2024
nz mbie.png

Encrypted, Secure - Sensitive

Recipient: Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Nattawut Saikua, Thailand < Bossza007 >
Sender: Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment Jim Anderton < >
Date: 19th of January
Subject: Development of Social Housing Program

Thank you for your hasty response. The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment is still exploring available options but yours does seem to be the best-suited for New Zealand.

I will be in contact soon. Thank you,

Hon. Jim Anderton, Minister of Business, Innovation and Employment
Commonwealth of New Zealand

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