- May 4, 2021
- 3,295
Treaty on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Framework for Collaboration and Partnership between the Republic of Thailand and the Kingdom of Spain
The Government of the Republic of Thailand (hereinafter referred to as "Thailand") and the Government of the Kingdon of Spain (hereinafter referred to as "Thailand"), collectively referred to as "the Parties", desiring to consolidate and expand the historical ties of friendship, goodwill, and mutual understanding between their respective nations, and acknowledging the importance of fostering cooperative relations to promote their respective economic, technological, cultural, and social development, and to advance their shared interests within the international community, have agreed to enter into this Treaty on the Establishment of a Comprehensive Framework for Collaboration and Partnership (hereinafter referred to as "the Treaty").
Chapter II
The objective of this Treaty is to establish a comprehensive, well-defined, and adaptable framework for collaboration and partnership between the Parties in various fields of mutual interest, aimed at fostering sustainable development, enhancing bilateral relations, and contributing to regional and global peace, stability, and prosperity. This framework shall encompass, but not be limited to, sectors such as transportation infrastructure, renewable energy, technology, tourism, information technology, food and beverage, fashion, and culinary arts. The Parties shall strive to identify and pursue opportunities for cooperation that not only bolster their respective national interests but also promote the shared values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law, in accordance with the principles of the Global Assembly Charter and international law.
Chapter III
Area of Cooperations
Area of Cooperations
Article 1: Transportation Infrastructure: The Parties shall collaborate on the development, modernization, and enhancement of transportation infrastructure, focusing on projects such as the Mass Rapid Transit Master Plan in the Bangkok Metropolitan Region and the Double-Track Railway Initiative Projects. This collaboration shall involve sharing technical expertise, best practices, and experiences in planning, financing, constructing, and maintaining efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation systems.
Articl 2: Renewable Energy: The Parties shall promote cooperation in the field of renewable energy, including sharing expertise, technology, and best practices in the research, development, production, and deployment of clean, sustainable, and cost-effective energy sources, with an emphasis on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fostering energy security and independence.
Article 3: Technology: The Parties shall work together in the field of technology, encouraging innovation, research, and development in sectors such as telecommunications, information technology, artificial intelligence, and other emerging technologies, with a view to promoting digital transformation, enhancing productivity and competitiveness, and addressing global challenges.
Article 4: Tourism: The Parties shall collaborate on initiatives aimed at boosting tourism between their nations, including the development of joint promotional campaigns, exchange of best practices, investment in tourism infrastructure, and facilitation of travel through visa facilitation and other supportive measures.
Article 5: Food and Beverage Industry: The Parties shall foster cooperation in the food and beverage industry, exploring opportunities for joint ventures, technology transfer, and exchange of culinary expertise and traditions, with a view to promoting the growth and diversification of this sector, as well as enhancing food security and quality standards.
Article 6: Fashion and Textile Industries: The Parties shall collaborate in the fashion and textile industries, promoting bilateral trade, exchange of knowledge, joint ventures, and capacity-building initiatives, with a view to fostering innovation, enhancing market access, and supporting the development of environmentally sustainable and socially responsible practices.
Article 7: Additional Areas of Cooperation: The Parties shall endeavor to identify and pursue other areas of cooperation that may arise from time to time, in accordance with their respective national interests and priorities, and the evolving global context. Such areas may include but are not limited to, education, culture, health, environment, defense, and security.
Chapter IV
Article 8: Establishment of Joint Committee: The Parties shall establish a Joint Committee, composed of representatives from both nations at appropriate levels, to oversee the implementation of the Treaty and the various projects and initiatives outlined therein. The Joint Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and monitoring the progress of cooperative activities, as well as facilitating communication and information exchange between the Parties.
Article 9: Meetings of the Joint Committee: The Joint Committee shall convene at least once a year, or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Parties, to evaluate the progress of the projects and initiatives, identify new areas of cooperation, and resolve any issues that may arise in the course of implementing the Treaty. The meetings of the Joint Committee may be held in person or through electronic means, as appropriate, and shall alternate between the two countries, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 10: Working Groups and Subcommittees: The Joint Committee may establish working groups or subcommittees, as required, to address specific areas of cooperation, to develop and implement joint projects, and to provide technical advice and support. These working groups or subcommittees shall report to the Joint Committee on their activities and progress.
Article 11: Public-Private Partnerships: The Parties shall encourage the participation of relevant public and private sector entities in the projects and initiatives outlined in this Treaty, recognizing the valuable contributions of diverse stakeholders in promoting sustainable development, innovation, and capacity-building.
Article 12: Exchange of Information and Best Practices: The Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the areas of cooperation, through mechanisms such as joint research, seminars, workshops, training programs, study visits, and other appropriate means.
Article 13: Financial Arrangements: The Parties shall provide, within the limits of their respective national laws, regulations, and budgetary resources, the necessary financial and technical support for the implementation of cooperative activities under this Treaty. The specific financial arrangements for each project or initiative shall be agreed upon by the Parties on a case-by-case basis.
Article 14: Dispute Resolution: Any disputes or disagreements arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Treaty shall be resolved amicably through consultation and negotiation between the Parties, without recourse to any external arbitration or judicial mechanisms.
Article 15: Reporting and Evaluation: The Parties shall regularly report on the implementation of the Treaty to their respective governments and other relevant stakeholders, and shall jointly evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the cooperative activities, with a view to informing future planning and decision-making processes.
Article 9: Meetings of the Joint Committee: The Joint Committee shall convene at least once a year, or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Parties, to evaluate the progress of the projects and initiatives, identify new areas of cooperation, and resolve any issues that may arise in the course of implementing the Treaty. The meetings of the Joint Committee may be held in person or through electronic means, as appropriate, and shall alternate between the two countries, unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 10: Working Groups and Subcommittees: The Joint Committee may establish working groups or subcommittees, as required, to address specific areas of cooperation, to develop and implement joint projects, and to provide technical advice and support. These working groups or subcommittees shall report to the Joint Committee on their activities and progress.
Article 11: Public-Private Partnerships: The Parties shall encourage the participation of relevant public and private sector entities in the projects and initiatives outlined in this Treaty, recognizing the valuable contributions of diverse stakeholders in promoting sustainable development, innovation, and capacity-building.
Article 12: Exchange of Information and Best Practices: The Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information, knowledge, experiences, and best practices in the areas of cooperation, through mechanisms such as joint research, seminars, workshops, training programs, study visits, and other appropriate means.
Article 13: Financial Arrangements: The Parties shall provide, within the limits of their respective national laws, regulations, and budgetary resources, the necessary financial and technical support for the implementation of cooperative activities under this Treaty. The specific financial arrangements for each project or initiative shall be agreed upon by the Parties on a case-by-case basis.
Article 14: Dispute Resolution: Any disputes or disagreements arising from the interpretation or implementation of this Treaty shall be resolved amicably through consultation and negotiation between the Parties, without recourse to any external arbitration or judicial mechanisms.
Article 15: Reporting and Evaluation: The Parties shall regularly report on the implementation of the Treaty to their respective governments and other relevant stakeholders, and shall jointly evaluate the impact and effectiveness of the cooperative activities, with a view to informing future planning and decision-making processes.
Article V
Amendments and Modifications
Amendments and Modifications
Article 16: Proposal of Amendments and Modifications: Either Party may propose amendments or modifications to this Treaty. Any proposed amendments or modifications shall be submitted in writing to the other Party through diplomatic channels, specifying the desired changes and providing justifications for such amendments or modifications.
Article 17: Negotiation and Consultation: Upon receipt of a proposed amendment or modification, the Parties shall enter into negotiations and consultations in good faith, with a view to reaching a mutual understanding and agreement on the proposed changes. These negotiations and consultations may take place through the Joint Committee or other appropriate channels, as agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 18: Adoption and Entry into Force: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall be deemed adopted when both Parties have provided their written consent to the proposed changes. The adopted amendments or modifications shall enter into force on a date agreed upon by the Parties, or, in the absence of such agreement, on the thirtieth day following the receipt of the last written notification of consent.
Article 19: Effect on Treaty Provisions: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from the provisions of the Treaty in force prior to the entry into force of the amendments or modifications unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
Article 20: Language and Authenticity: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall be drafted in the Spanish and Thai languages, both texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the interpretation of the provisions of the Treaty, as amended or modified, the Parties shall consult each other and arrive at a mutually acceptable interpretation.
Article 17: Negotiation and Consultation: Upon receipt of a proposed amendment or modification, the Parties shall enter into negotiations and consultations in good faith, with a view to reaching a mutual understanding and agreement on the proposed changes. These negotiations and consultations may take place through the Joint Committee or other appropriate channels, as agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 18: Adoption and Entry into Force: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall be deemed adopted when both Parties have provided their written consent to the proposed changes. The adopted amendments or modifications shall enter into force on a date agreed upon by the Parties, or, in the absence of such agreement, on the thirtieth day following the receipt of the last written notification of consent.
Article 19: Effect on Treaty Provisions: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall not affect the rights and obligations of the Parties arising from the provisions of the Treaty in force prior to the entry into force of the amendments or modifications unless otherwise agreed upon by the Parties in writing.
Article 20: Language and Authenticity: Amendments or modifications to this Treaty shall be drafted in the Spanish and Thai languages, both texts being equally authentic. In case of divergence in the interpretation of the provisions of the Treaty, as amended or modified, the Parties shall consult each other and arrive at a mutually acceptable interpretation.
Article VI
Duration and Termination
Duration and Termination
Article 21: Entry into Force: This Treaty shall enter into force upon the exchange of instruments of ratification between the Parties, following the completion of their respective internal legal procedures for the approval and ratification of the Treaty.
Article 22: Initial Duration: This Treaty shall remain in force for an initial period of ten (10) years from the date of its entry into force unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties.
Article 23: Extension: Unless either Party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the Treaty in accordance with Paragraph 4 of this Chapter (Article 24), the Treaty shall be automatically extended for successive periods of five (5) years, under the same terms and conditions.
Article 24: Termination: Either Party may terminate this Treaty by providing written notice of its intention to terminate through diplomatic channels at least six (6) months before the expiration of the initial period or any subsequent five-year extension. The termination shall take effect upon the expiration of the relevant period, or on a such later date as may be specified in the notice of termination.
Article 25: Continuing Validity of Projects and Agreements: The termination of this Treaty shall not affect the validity, duration, or implementation of any projects, agreements, or arrangements entered into or undertaken pursuant to this Treaty unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties. Such projects, agreements, or arrangements shall continue to be governed by their respective terms and conditions until their completion, expiration, or termination, as applicable.
Article 26: Settlement of Disputes: Any disputes arising in connection with the interpretation, application, or termination of this Treaty shall be resolved through diplomatic channels or other peaceful means agreed upon by the Parties, in accordance with international law and the principles of good faith and mutual respect.
Article 27: Survival of Provisions: The provisions of this Treaty relating to the settlement of disputes, the continuing validity of projects and agreements, and the survival of provisions shall survive the termination of the Treaty and remain in force until all outstanding issues have been resolved unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties.
Article 22: Initial Duration: This Treaty shall remain in force for an initial period of ten (10) years from the date of its entry into force unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties.
Article 23: Extension: Unless either Party notifies the other of its intention to terminate the Treaty in accordance with Paragraph 4 of this Chapter (Article 24), the Treaty shall be automatically extended for successive periods of five (5) years, under the same terms and conditions.
Article 24: Termination: Either Party may terminate this Treaty by providing written notice of its intention to terminate through diplomatic channels at least six (6) months before the expiration of the initial period or any subsequent five-year extension. The termination shall take effect upon the expiration of the relevant period, or on a such later date as may be specified in the notice of termination.
Article 25: Continuing Validity of Projects and Agreements: The termination of this Treaty shall not affect the validity, duration, or implementation of any projects, agreements, or arrangements entered into or undertaken pursuant to this Treaty unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties. Such projects, agreements, or arrangements shall continue to be governed by their respective terms and conditions until their completion, expiration, or termination, as applicable.
Article 26: Settlement of Disputes: Any disputes arising in connection with the interpretation, application, or termination of this Treaty shall be resolved through diplomatic channels or other peaceful means agreed upon by the Parties, in accordance with international law and the principles of good faith and mutual respect.
Article 27: Survival of Provisions: The provisions of this Treaty relating to the settlement of disputes, the continuing validity of projects and agreements, and the survival of provisions shall survive the termination of the Treaty and remain in force until all outstanding issues have been resolved unless otherwise agreed upon in writing by the Parties.
Done in duplicate, in the Spanish and Thai languages, both texts being equally authentic.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date(s) indicated below:
The Thai Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain
(Nattapong Suwanpakdee)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
(Rafaela Lizardo)
The Thai Ambassador to the Kingdom of Spain
(Nattapong Suwanpakdee)
Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation
(Rafaela Lizardo)