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Declaration of Incorporation.


Jul 1, 2018
Aleksandar Jablanović, Leader of the Serb List Party in the now-disbanded Kosovo Assembly, Would be appointed the Interim Governor of the Serbian District of North Ibar, consisting of the four municipalities of North Kosovo. Alongside this appointment would be the declaration by the Serbian Parliament that this district was now an incorporated part of the Serbian Union, fully subject only to the laws thereof, and in no way subject to the laws of the occupied territory of Kosovo.

Serbia would declare the District of North Ibar (all of Kosovo north and west of the Ibar River a safe zone for all Kosovo Serbs, including those in exclaves across Kosovo as well as those 200,000 IDPs in Serbia proper.)


Aug 4, 2018
(Roleplaying as Kosovo)

After ousting and expelling all Serbian military forces from North Kosovo in a quick, brutal, and violent December Uprising, the Kosovo Liberation Army would immediately arrest Aleksandar Jablanovic, along with all other Kosovar nationals who worked with the Serbian government, as collaborators of the enemy and place him in prison indeterminately until he can be tried in front of an international trial for working with human rights violators.

In tandem with this, the Republic of Kosovo, completely free of Serbian forces and having fought for their sovereignty and won, would reject the Serbian declaration.