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Diplomatic Cable < Australia >


GA Member
Oct 3, 2018


Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Security Clearance: Secure and Encrypted​
[Recipient]: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Australia< Owen >
Embassy of the Russian Federation, Australia < >
[Subject]: Confidential Request for Meeting to Discuss Rising Violence and Protection of Foreign Nationals
Dear Your Excellency,

I am writing to you in my capacity as Chief of Consular Affairs at the Russian Embassy, in light of the ongoing disturbances and violence targeting certain communities in various parts of Australia. We are deeply alarmed by the reports of racial violence that have led to considerable harm, with Russian nationals being caught up in the turmoil. The Russian Embassy unequivocally condemns these acts of hooliganism, which threaten not only the safety of individuals but also the broader principles of peace, harmony, and respect within Australian society.

In response to the grave situation, we urge the Government of Australia to take immediate and effective measures to protect all foreign nationals residing within its borders, including Russian citizens. We are particularly concerned that these attacks are based on racial misconceptions and have led to attacks on individuals without any provocation or justification. This is wholly unacceptable, and it is imperative that the perpetrators of such violence be identified and swiftly brought to justice.

To this end, the Russian Embassy formally requests a meeting with senior officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to discuss these developments and explore ways in which the Australian Government can further enhance its efforts to combat this deplorable racial violence. We also urge the Australian authorities to pursue all available legal avenues to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

As a nation committed to the protection of its citizens and upholding international standards of human rights, the Russian Federation wishes to discuss the next steps to address these challenges. In addition, the remaining threats to Russian nationals and what measures Australia can take to protect Russian nationals both residents and tourists from acts of racial hooliganism.

We await your favorable reply to arrange a suitable time for this important discussion.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Sofya Shkuratova
First Secretary
Consular Affairs Officer
Embassy of the Russian Federation


Commonwealth of Australia
GA Member
Jul 2, 2018
16 December 2005
Dear Ms. Shkuratova,

I am currently in Ottawa at the moment so the information I have received is limited and through my advisors. The Government of Australia unequivocally condemns what has occurred in Cronulla. However, as I am sure you are aware, we are a federation and we have a constitution. This matter is a criminal matter, it primarily resides in the responsibility of the New South Wales Police Force and the New South Wales courts. The Government of New South Wales is solely responsible for law and order in New South Wales and the New South Wales Police operates independently of government. I am sure that the New South Wales Police will identify those who they need to identify and swiftly charge them and put them before the courts.

From what I understand, the situation is solely concentrated in Sydney and has not spread to other parts of the country. And within Sydney it is solely around the southern and south-eastern suburbs, particularly Cronulla and surrounds but also Maroubra and surrounds. It has primarily resulted from conflict between Anglo-Australians from those areas and Lebanese-Australians from the western suburbs of Sydney. I understand that some Russians have been caught up in this and have been unfairly targeted because they have been mistakenly identified. Australia, like Russia, is a multicultural society and behaviour like that is absolutely not tolerated.

Whilst I believe the situation is now under control and has simmered, Russian officials from the Embassy are more than welcome to meet with the Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade in my abscence, though DFAT is a foreign relations agency and so I believe that you are probably better off and will get more out of meeting with the Minister for Home Affairs, Bill Shorten, because of the nature of this matter being related to law and order rather than foreign relations. Whilst this is a matter for the New South Wales Government, the federal government has agencies within the Department of Home Affairs, such as the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation and the Australian Federal Police which assist with investigations and monitoring of certain individuals if those individuals have violated or are likely to violate a federal law, such as terrorism.

Your Consulate-General in Sydney, which I believe is in the suburb of Woollahra, is more than welcome to send officials to meet with Russian citizens who may be within hospital at this time getting treated for injuries they have received. NSW Health has a switchboard which can be contacted on 9391 9000 and they will be able to give you information and direct you to which hospital certain individuals may be at and whether visitation can be arranged. I am sure your officials can also arrange to meet with the NSW Police Commissioner or Minister for Police, John Watkins.

Please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.

Yours sincerely,
Kevin Rudd.
Parliament House, CANBERRA, ACT 2600
Telephone: (02) 6277 7700
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