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Diplomatic Message to Australia


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

To: Alexander J. Downer JamieA

From: Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Subject: Our Relationship

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Dear Mr. Alexander J. Downer

I'm writing to you today in the matter of our country relationship. Since the establishment of our government, we haven't contacted the Australian government yet. Our government would want to have an establishment of the Australian embassy in Bangkok at 181 Wireless Road Bangkok 10330. We would like to has the Australian government provide an embassy as well.

If you accept the offer from our government I would love to see us meeting at the Australian embassy I mentioned above. I would want to talk about the Relationship and the possible Australian cooperation in our country. There is one subject I would like to talk about with you in person.
I will tell you when we meet in person.

At last, if you are not comfortable meeting me in person, We can have a call to discuss the matter instead.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Sukhumbhand Paribatra
Republic of Thailand


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

Encrypted & Secured by the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation (ASIO)​
To: <Thailand / @Bossza007>
From: <Australia>
Attachment: -
Dear Minister Paribatra,

Thank you for your email, I must express my apologises as I haven't gotten round to replying sooner. I am currently busy with various appointments however I have Cc'd the Ambassador to the Republic of Thailand into my reply. I shall make sure he arrives at the Foreign Affairs Office as soon as he can to begin talks with yourself or a member of administration. I look forward to meeting you in the near future to help better the relations between our two countries. Once again I am sorry for the late reply.

Andrew Downer
Minister of Foreign Affairs
📠 +61 2 6261 3111​
☎ +61 2 6261 1111​
🏛 Rg Casey Building, 10 John McEwen Cres, Barton ACT 2600, Australia​

Copyrighted @ Australia



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

With the email being sent for some time now, the Ambassador would board an awaiting government vehicle with a few aides. Once sat in comfortably, the driver would head towards the Foreign Ministry Building. After a short ride through the city, the car would stop and the ambassador along with his aides would step out the vehicle heading into the reception area booking himself and the aides in "Hi, I'm Ambassador Willems. I'm here to see Deputy Minister Paribatra I believe he is expecting me." the ambassador paused allowing the receptionist to their job


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the receptionist has been informed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs about the meeting, the receptionist would take Ambassador Willems to the meeting room and take him inside.

The Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs would see Ambassador Willems that just come into the room, he would greet the ambassador "Hi, I am expecting you to be here, we have a have some talk soon, let's relax first"

The deputy prime minister would serve the ambassador with tea and have some chit-chat before they would start the discussion.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

The Ambassador would nod his head to the receptionist as he followed the receptionist towards the meeting room, once in the room the ambassador would shake the Deputy Foreign Ministers hand along with introducing the aides. Once all the introductions have been done, the Ambassador would take a seat with the aides either by the side of him or behind him.

The Ambassador would reach for the tea taking a sip before speaking "Thank you for inviting me here Deputy Minister, as you have initiated this meeting it is only fair that you begin the talks. How can I be of service?" the Ambassador paused, allowing the aides to write down what is being said and/or agreed


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
The Deputy Minister of foreign affairs would stand up and begin to start the presentation.

"Okay, the first thing I would like to discuss is our relationship, since the first establishment of our government we decide to contact countries that are near us and now our contacting list has reached Australia. We have a plan to connect the people in each country by tourism. From our static information, Australian short term tourist that travels to Thailand has been growing slowly and steadily since 1990, the current Australian short term tourist is now almost 10,000 per year with making a massive culture exchange and income in our tourism industry. We see this as an opportunity to increase the relationship of people in our beautiful country. We would love to have a visa agreement which would make people from our country can travel more easily, we can offer a 30-day visa on arrival agreement which would be very appropriate for the short-term tourist that is increasing in Thailand. Our government believes that if the people in each country can befriend, the country can be as well."

The Deputy prime minister would take a little break and ask the Australian ambassador. "What is your opinion on this?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"Our current VISA application requirement is that, we require all nationals to submit visa application forms no later than 6 (OOC) months before entry into the Commonwealth, I do believe at this moment in time that the Prime Minister and the Australian Administration would be hesitant to lower this just after one diplomatic talk. I can put in a word in to the Prime Minister to ask to lower the requirement to 3 (OOC) Months and this will allow us to conduct further talks in the future to allow further reduction in the wait time for visa's. We also allow already a total of 3 weeks (21 days) visa for any citizen who has submitted an application."


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Oh, so this is your Visa application requirement, I respect what the other government laws are. I believe if it can lower the requirement to 3 (OOC) Months, it's would still be great for the tourist. Also, we can instead make a visa on arrival in our country, we are eager to see more tourists come to Thailand. We can make all the Australians who entry Thailand can request visa 30 days upon the arrival. Does the Australian Government have a plan for the tourist industry? We would love to have more connection of our people."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"We can look into a discussion with Qantas and ask for further flights into Thailand if that's beneficial for you. We can also as mentioned in the future look to lower the application requirements, once our administrations have met more and gained further relations." the ambassador paused allowing the aides to take notes as well as to take a drink before continuing "How is your administration stomping out the drug trade in your country?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"In order to stifle the drug trade in our country, we normally set up a checkpoint along a suspected drug-trafficking route, the most common of which is Myanmar. We also have some drug dealers in our country, which we generally raid, but we didn't take it seriously throughout the country, but current crime rates have dropped by more than 15%, thanks to the efforts of local police officers and local government officials. Is it possible for us to learn more about your anti-drug trade administration as well?"



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"It's good to hear that your administration is stomping out the drug trade within your region. I'm sure I can put a request into the Department of Defence to see if they're able to deploy a small teaching force to help the Thai Forces in cracking down the drug trade, this could be in a form of boots on the ground or even a small vessel in joint cooperation with the Thai Royal Navy to stop even the drugs reaching the lands. Let me know what you would need from the Australian Administration and I shall put the request in for you" the Australian paused before continuing "What's your current views on the situation in Russia?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"The Situation in Russia? We don't know anything else other than the news from itself. It would be good if we deploy a small vessel to stop the drugs from reaching the lands. We talk about the drug trade already let's talk about trade goods as well. Does Australia is currently lack Resources? These are resources we can offer.

1. Machinery including Computers $2,500,000.00
2. Electrical Machinery, Equipment $2,750,000.00
3. Rubber, Rubber Articles $2,000,000.00
4. Plastics, Plastic Articles $2,000,000.00
5. Mineral Fuels including Oil $2,500,000.00

Can you ask the Trade Minister about this? We would be very appreciated."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"I'm sure we can arrange for a small vessel to be deployed to Thai Waters in joint effort to stop the drug trade. Australia can welcome exports of Mineral fuels, Plastics, Rubber, Electrical Machinery and Machinery including computers. If and when ready, we are willing to take ships bi-weekly into the port of Sydney, Australia can offer the following to Thai Administration;

1. Coal
2. Aluminium
3. Natural Gas
4. Petroleum
5. Iron Ore


Would any of these be beneficial to yourself and the civilians?"


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Coal, Aluminium, Natural Gas, Petroleum, and Iron Ore are beneficial to both us and civilians. The bi-weekly into the port of Sydney, Australia could work bi-weekly ship to the port of Bangkok, Thailand, Because the Australian resources price is not expensive. We are willing to trade all the resources you mentioned.

About the small vessel to be deployed to Thai Waters, I can ask the minister of Defense and the general to meet with the Australian minister of Defence. Do you think this is a good idea? The drug trade should be stopped no matter where it is."



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018

"Wonderful, once this meeting is over. I shall pass over the information relating to trade to the trade department to get, the necessary information to be turned into official trade routes." the Ambassador paused to allow to catch his breathe before continuing "Yes, a meeting between your Minister of Defence along with ours, can go ahead. I agree the drug trade should be stopped at all costs however this will be a lengthy and costly thing but it will be worth it." the Ambassador paused once again to allow the aides to keep taking notes, along with getting the notes sent up to the Trade Department for the trade routes to be set up


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
"Great, we have agreed finally. We will prepare the port to be ready for the Australian ship to anchor at our waters. We will be waiting for the Australian goods. I will tell the ministry of defense to prepare for the upcoming meeting with the information on the drug trade and a plan to stop it. I will tell you when the schedule is finished so you can forward it to your ministry and minister.

Well, I guess I have nothing for further talk. Do you have something to discuss more?"

If the Ambassador has nothing to discuss more, The deputy minister of Foreign affairs would goodbye to an ambassador and thank him for his time. A receptionist would assist the ambassador in signing a proof of participation and an ambassador is now free.



Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
The ambassador got up and shook the mans hand, before getting up. Signing the piece of paper stating he participated. The Aides would also leave once the notes having finally been taken, the aides would also notify the Ministry of Defence for the meeting regarding drug trade. All personnel would head back to the embassy


I am From Thailand
GA Member
World Power
May 4, 2021
As the confirmation of the meeting between Thailand Minister of Defense Wattanachai Wuttisiri and Australia Minister of Defense, the Ministry of Defense of Thailand has been prepared the anti-drug trade for a long time but never has a chance to propose it. The Ministry of Defense of Thailand would send an invite via email to the Australian Department of Defence on behalf of the Ministry itself.

To: Australia Department of Defence

From: Thailand Ministry of Defense

Subject: Drug trade meeting

Security Type: Secure Encrypted Method - Protect by NIA Counter-Intelligence Service
Greeting Ministers

We do hope the Australian Minister of Defence has got notify by the aide regarding the drug trade. It is our pleasure to see an Australian Department of Defence participate in the topic that the Ministry has been interested in for a long time, so we are happy to share the intelligence of our navy dockyard, ships, and drug trade in the region.

We Invite Minister the Minister of Defence of Australia and other staff to the meeting at the Sanamchai Rd, Bangkok 10200 Thailand at the most convenient time for Australia. In the meeting, we will show you our information on the drug trade and listen to the Australian decision to cooperate with us at the end.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Ministry of Defense of Thailand
Republic of Thailand


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