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[ET] A Message to France


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
Private and Classified

[To] The French Government
[From] Minister of Economics and Commerce Soraya Hakuziyaremye
[Bcc] Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

"To the leaders of France and it's great people. We in the Ethiopian Federation are always looking to expand our horizons to the rest of the world and increasing relations with other nations. Whether it be an economic relationship or a diplomatic one, we take pride in having alliances all around the world with many unique and complex cultures. We have came here today to propose a trade agreement with the French Government. We would like to give you our plentiful gold deposits for 50000 a kilogram. The price may be negotiated, but we feel, through multiple weeks of discussing, that this is a fair deal that could lead to various great opportunities."



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Top Secret Encrypted Message


From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jean Le-Pen
To: Minister of Economics and Commerce Soraya Hakuziyaremye

Thank you the kind and generous offer. I believe I have already sent a message to your minister of foreign affairs, but I enjoy diplomatic calls on all fronts.

At this moment I do not believe we could afford, even your generous price for pure gold. However we would like to open trade routes for all of the items you have listed in the national export registry. In exchange we could export machinery, vehicles, electronic equipment, pharmaceuticals and plastics to Ethiopia.

To assist you you your export efforts, we would be willing to offer you our Jules Verne Class container ship at cost.


I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours, Jean Le-Pen



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The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
[To] The French Government
[From] Minister of Economics and Commerce Soraya Hakuziyaremye
[Bcc] Prime Minister Meles Zenawi

While it is very unfortunate that you could not accept our previous offer, you have came up with a more generous offer than we thought. We will be looking into purchasing the ship in the coming months, but we will see. We really look forward to the future trade relations between France and Ethiopia.



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Top Secret Encrypted Message


From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Jean Le-Pen
To: Minister of Economics and Commerce Soraya Hakuziyaremye

Well, we thank you for your consideration. When you would like to open direct trade talks, we will be more than happy as we do wish to import and export the aforementioned items. We hope to hear from you soon.


Jean Le-Pen.


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