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[FFCU] Message to Russia


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019

Message to the Russian Federation
Private & Encrypted

To: Alexei Kudrin, Minister of Finance
CC: Ministry of Defence of Russia
From: Viktor Pynzenyk, Minister of Finance of the Federation of Free Communes of Ukraine

Your Excellency,
The Federation of Free Communes of Ukraine offers its condolences to the immense economic difficulties that have impacted Russia. In the spirit of mutual support and regional stability, the Federal Coordination Council has voted in favour of extending an offer of economic assistance to aid in Russia's recovery and industrial revitalization.

As part of this initiative, the communes of Ukraine are prepared to provide financial backing and manpower to establish and operate factories within Russian territory. These facilities will employ Russian workers, ensuring job creation and economic activity, while being funded and managed by Ukrainian communes. The goods produced in these factories will be listed on our export storefronts to secure a steady stream of international revenue.

The Council is offering Russia the full share of the revenue generated from these exports, foregoing any commission or profit retention by Ukranian communes. In return, we seek domestic production licenses for all products manufactured under this initiative, allowing Ukrainian industries to locally produce the same military goods as your nation.

Furthermore, should the Russian government require additional assistance in reconstructing civilian and humanitarian infrastructure, Ukraine is prepared to deploy manpower and technical expertise to assist in such efforts. This support extends to key sectors such as housing, healthcare, and transportation, ensuring long-term stability and development.

We await your response and remain open to negotiations to refine the terms of our assistance.

With Great Respect,
Viktor Pynzenyk
Minister of Finance
Federation of Free Communes of Ukraine

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