GA Member
- Oct 11, 2023
- 370
Empire de France
Ministère de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères
To: Minister of Foreign Affairs, Brazil (-_Free Pizza_-)
Classification: Confidential
Subject: Establishing Relations
Your Excellency,
First of all, I would like to congratulate you on the establishment of your new administration and your ascension to your office.
As neighbours on the South American continent, historical partners, and countries that share both a religion and linguistic roots, the Empire of France is strongly interested in positive relations with Brazil and I hope that feeling is mutual. To discuss the establishment of diplomatic relations and ideally the creation of some sort of agreement between our governments I would like to hereby extend a formal invitation to your Head of State to meet with the Empress in Paris. Here we would like to discuss possibilities in the areas of economics, culture, education, security and perhaps most interestingly considering your potential as a global power, access to French military technology.
I look forward to what the future may bring in our bilateral relations.
Sophie Dubois,
Ministre de l'Europe et des Affaires étrangères,