The Kingdom of Norway
- Sep 26, 2020
- 1,091
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To: Zeki Eker, Minister of Foreign Affairs Axis12
This is a termination notice of the French Diplomatic Mission to the Republic of Turkey. With the failure of diplomacy, and the dangerous state of global tensions, we feel it unwise to keep noncombatants in what could potentially become a warzone. This morning, The French Mission will assist in scheduling flights back to France for all Diplomatic staff as well as all French citizens currently located in the Republic of Turkey. We will be vacating the premises of Paris Caddesi no' 70 - Kavaklidere, 06540 Ankara. We will be diverting additional civilian airlines towards Istanbul Airport to assist in the repatriation of these citizens. We would ask that they be treated with all the respect shown to ambassadors and world travelers alike.
The Republic of Turkey as always has the right to keep it's embassy and staff here in Paris. Should you feel the need to recall your staff or citizens from French soil, they will not be hindered in returning.
Kindest Regards.
Hubert Védrine
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The French Republic