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France Withdraws From Global Assembly


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
After clearing his office, making sure all files have been removed and his office computer secured in a private car, former ambassador DuPont answers a few questions to a group of reporters outside the main building of the GA.

"Well, the decision was obviously a miscarriage of justice. How a law firm, that issued a cease and desist order that was followed and that already accepted restitution payments have their human rights abused is beyond the understanding of credulity.

On top of that, one judge was clearly biased against the defendant in the case, and another had to withdraw, which should have resulted in a mistrial.

For these reasons France will be withdrawing from the GA, effective immediately."

With that, DuPont and an assistant hop into the car and make their way to the Amsterdam airport where they will take the first Air France flight back to Paris.


Kingdom of Denmark
GA Member
Oct 3, 2018
Considering you can't leave the GA the Danish ambassador would hear the ruffling in the French office and just laugh to himself


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Deeply concerned about the repercussions this action could have on a fellow European the Swedish Department of Foreign Affairs issues a reminder to the Republic of France that the Global Assembly is a strong unity of nations that are like-minded and striving for change not just globally but also within the organisation itself.

The Swedish Government will do everything in its power to support the recoupling of relations between the Global Assembly and the Republic of France. It would gave catastrophic consequences for the French economy and those that actively trade with and rely on it.


Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Jul 1, 2018
Egypt would welcome the French Republic's attempt at leaving a flawed organization that seriously threatens multiple aspects of national sovereignty.


The Ethiopian Federation
Oct 20, 2019
After seeing such a bold stance against the international institution, the Ethiopian Federation is interested in developing relations with the government of France. A Minister will be in contact soon.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
As no one would be in the French office, the Danish would be literally laughing to themselves and the noises inside their heads.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
The British Government has requested that as opposed to pulling away when something doesn't go in their favor, to work with the GA if it truly feels the decision was wrong with the ICJ to better it going forward. Advising that attempting to leave an organisation because something didn't go their way could be seen as something of a tantrum. Requesting the French continue their investment into the global institution that works to do nothing but promote cooperation.

Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Syrian Government would congratulate France on having declared its intention to cease its involvement in the Global assembly and asserting the importance of national sovereignty over the interests of those seeking to undermine French interests in the name of collective security and world peace.


His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The British Government has requested that as opposed to pulling away when something doesn't go in their favor, to work with the GA if it truly feels the decision was wrong with the ICJ to better it going forward. Advising that attempting to leave an organisation because something didn't go their way could be seen as something of a tantrum. Requesting the French continue their investment into the global institution that works to do nothing but promote cooperation.

Promotes human rights but not the right to voluntarily leave an organization it no longer feels is compatible with its morals and does not best suit the interests of its people? If the GA is so great, why restart NATO? Why have a Nordic Council? Hypocrites.
Last edited:


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
Taken aback by the hostility from the French Government, it was queried why it was such a hostile return when Britain was offering nothing but the intent of a peaceful resolution for the mistrust France has for the Global Assembly?
It was further that Britain has never stated it's opinion on the inability to leave the Global Assembly, it also has no part of thje Nordic Council nor has NATO been restarted. Unsure why the u-turn has occurred on Frances relations with the UK and where the insult is originating, on top of the misinformation that was provided.



His Dudeness
Jul 2, 2018
The British position to criticize France's decision to leave an organization that it no longer feels benefits France's inclusion, but you do not criticize other nations for forming or creating additional organizations that will benefit them is stupefying To equate it to a tantrum is equally childish.


GA Member
World Power
Jan 6, 2018
It was advised that the decision to leave the organisation was counter productive to international cooperation, irrespective of the fact that it's not legally possible to leave the Global Assembly and the British's lack of intervention for other countries is simply because it considers France a friend so wouldn't want to see it burn down bridges.
All that was offered was an apology and Britain ought to say no more on the matter, unlike the French Government, Britain sought to make bridges, not take them down. It was queried why the British Government would criticize other groups such as the Nordic Council when they've done nothing wrong to harm freedom of people or democracy?

In private, the British government raised a concern of instability within France based on the fact they had turned hostile simply by Britain advising to work with the GA, not against it.



GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018
The Norwegian Foreign Ministry echoed the statements of the Swedish Foreign Department in that it would like to help rectify whatever issue the French Republic has with the Global Assembly, seeing as it and its appendages are instrumental diplomatic elements that allow countries to resolve their disputes peacefully and civilly. The Foreign Ministry began compiling information in order to understand why France wished to leave the Global Assembly, because it was hard to believe that it was being done over just losing a single court case.


Kingdom of Greece
Apr 16, 2019
The Chinese government would secretly watch these events very closely but would refrain from commenting.


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Turkish Foreign Affairs Ministers would begin a detailed examination of these past events by recalling past files and footage of the action in the GA archives. This would be done in secret as to not alert other GA members. The purpose of this is to examine how Turkey could leave the GA diplomatically. The operation would be headed by GA representative Plümer Aytug.

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