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French Military Seizes Control of the Nation


Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Dec 4, 2019

There was something that the French people had dealt with countless times throughout the centuries since the French Revolution, something which had weakened the French to collapse and collapse again. That something was incompetence. First the Kings, then the Council of Elders during the First Republic, the restoration of the Bourbons, the July Monarchy, the National Assembly of the Second Republic, the would-be Napoleon of the Second Empire who lost against the Prussians, the government during the Second World War which refused to see the imminent German threat and allowed them to occupy the nation because of it, de Gaulle's Fourth Republic, and lastly the incompetence of President Le Pen who nearly personally brought the Fifth Republic into chaos, war, and ruin. In all of the instances before the Fifth Republic; the army of France were the ones who fought, sweated, and bled for France. It was the army whom died to preserve its history, culture, ideals, and people and it was the army who always stood aside and followed whoever sat on a throne or who took power through elections. It was always the army that kept France together and now, it would be the army that would lead France and the Sixth Republic.

With President Le Pen abroad in the People's Republic of China a sudden and convenient scramming of communications between the Parisian government and the Armed Forces with the French Central Missile Command had brought the suspicions of Chief of Staff of the Army, Amédée Marc Monchal and his second-in-command, Bernard Barrera, that something ominous was currently happening. Their suspicions were revealed to be true when a command was given to all the branches of the French Armed Forces: highest alert, imminent war. Amédée Marc Monchal as the highest ranking member of the French Army had not been contacted by the President to discuss any war, nor had there been any news of any nation declaring war on France. At this moment, Monchal knew that this was not a preparation for a defensive war, but instead, an offensive one. Tired of Le Pen's dictatorial senses, incompetence, and now his carelessness towards French and foreign lives; Monchal refused Le Pen's orders and promptly contacted the leaders of the other French Armed Forces branches. Within an hour, the Air Force and the Navy had joined their disregard of Le Pen as President of France. Due to the scramming of communications with the French Central Missile Command, it was believed that Le Pen had ordered the man in charge of the Branch to fire France's ballistic missile stockpile to powers which had protested against his Presidency and decisions: the United Kingdom, the United States, and potentially the headquarters of the Global Assembly. Therefore, mass actions were taken to launch the armed forces to secure every missile base that France had before it was too late. The army raided and captured all France mainland bases while the navy captured all overseas bases. General DuMont, responsible for the Central Missile Command confirmed Monchal's fears and was promptly arrested for treason against the French Republic. The French Armed Forces leaders unanimously agreed to keep this near-war situation secret from other nations.

With the capture of all missile bases and the arrest of General DuMont, the next steps to assure Le Pen's Presidency was terminated took place: the capture of Paris and government officials. Thousands of troops marched through the streets of Paris and seized strategic locations: City Hall, National Assembly, Élysée Palace, Hôtel Matignon, and the Senate. Mass arrests followed; every Minister who had been working under the Le Pen government were dragged from their offices and brought to be interrogated and investigated to determine their role in Le Pen's leadership. Troops remained in the streets of every major French city to assure that no stability was lost with the capture of Paris and the expulsion of the elected government. While arrests were made, there were still some government officials who were currently abroad and could not be currently arrested: Minister of Foreign Affairs, DuPont, who was currently in Italy and President Le Pen, who was currently in China.

Regardless of these two officials currently evading the law, France was not secure until a new leadership was instated. With a full twenty-four hours of debate and arguing between the leaders of the Armed Forces of France, it was finally decided that the Armed Forces themselves would serve France as its government. The President of this new Republic had been decided to be the one who led the removal of Le Pen and his government: Chief of Staff of the Army, Amédée Marc Monchal. His Prime Minister had been decided to be his second-in-command: Major General of the Army, Bernard Barrera. They were sworn into office in the early morning of August 3rd 1995. To assure the people of France that all of this was for the better good, the new President of France would hold a speech beneath the Arc de Triomphe.

"Good people of Paris, France, and the world. You may have noticed the recent numerous movements made by the French Armed Forces throughout France and its overseas territories. This is not, by any means something you should worry yourselves nor fear about. It was decided with difficulty on the 2nd of August, that the French Armed Forces, for the betterment of France and her people and its future, that President Le Pen and his government; after countless acts of incompetence, warmongering, and neglect towards the people they served, had to be removed from power." At this time, countless cameras would begin to flash as photographers captured everything. "I am now happy to say that Le Pen and his government will no longer have the power or authority to ruin France and the lives of the French and no more shall he ruin our nation's great name. As a measure to assure stability and economic security, it was decided that I and my second-in-command, Bernard Barrera, would take national leadership as President and Prime Minister of France. Have no fear, as this is nothing more than a temporary decision and we will only remain in national leadership for the remainder of Le Pen's presidency three years from now in 1998. In the mean time, we will re-work the French constitution, laws, and its ways of governance to assure that nothing like Le Pen's Presidency can ever happen again, to assure the French people that a governmental collapse shall never happen again, to assure that dictatorships will never happen again! Once our three year mark has been reached, an election will be held and new leaders shall be elected by the people of France..." Monchal and Bernard would then salute as the old French flag was taken from its flag pole and a new flag was erected. "Let us celebrate as Le Pen dictatorship, economic ruin, labor slavery, and war was averted this day! Let us celebrate the birth of the Sixth French Republic!" With his speech over, the camera which had broadcast the speech across the world would pan up to the new French flag and soon the broadcast was over.

Perhaps it was the relief of not having Le Pen as President, perhaps they were finally happy to have a stable government, or perhaps the people of France only waited for moments to party but once Monchal's speech had concluded, thousands of French across the country and its overseas territories took to the streets and celebrated. Drinking, dancing, music, fireworks, and everything in between had begun in every street of every major city. Many governments would had assured this party to be dispersed, but Monchal thought that the people of France had deserved the chance to finally celebrate something good within the nations: stability. Therefore, nothing other than assuring the law was done about these celebrations and they would carry on for days from now.


French troops march through the streets of France to assure stability


Amédée Marc Monchal and Bernard Barrera are sworn into federal power


Celebrations en masse throughout France and its overseas territories


Flying Damascas

Kingdom of Belgium
Dec 14, 2019
The Government of The Syrian Arab Federal Republic would express it's dismay with regards to the sudden change of regime as experienced by the French people but would nevertheless seek to maintain a working relationship with the recently established Sixth Republic.


GA Member
World Power
Jul 12, 2018

SUBJECT: The State of France
RECIPIENT: Publicly Issued Statement

The Kingdom of Norway finds it to be very regrettable that the high command of the French armed forces found it necessary to overthrow the democratically elected government of the French Republic. It is the greatest hope of His Majesty's Government that the French military organizes free, independent, and democratic elections as soon as possible. In regard to organizing such elections, Norway offers its assistance in any way possible.


Anthony Vinter
Minister of Foreign Affairs


GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Imperial Germany would privately watch this unfold with grave concern, especially given the democratically elected Government being disposed by the Military raises various doubts on the future of France, due to the history of democratic nations being transformed into dictatorships after various removals of power. However would be relieved that the French people somewhat welcomed the move.

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