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[GA] Message to world leaders

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The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Executive Office of the Secretary General
Private & Encrypted

To: People's Republic of China (@KangNa), State of Japan (@Zak), People's Republic of the Union of Myanmar (@Moira), Democratic People's Republic of North Korea (@king4turtle), Republic of the Philippines (@Apingdaldal), Imperial Germany (@Fairhold), Republic of France (@Moe), Roman League (@Logan), Sovereign Order of Malta (@Odinson), The Parliamentary Monarchy of Portugal (@Strix), Russia (@HeadlessSeeker), Spanish State (@Spitfire), Kingdom of Sweden (@Connor), The State of Ukraine (@JJSmithJr), Great Britain (@Jamie), United States of America (@John), Republic of Madagascar (@Nathan)
Subject: Finances & Global Police Organisation
Classification: B2 (Confidential)

Respected leaders,

It is with great honour that I can address you as Secretary General of the Global Assembly. This message is to detail various requests I have, which you as member states will hopefully be able to fulfill. One of the most important requests that I have is the crucial need for voluntary contributions over the coming year. In order for the Secretariat to operate efficiently and achieve the goals set by the Assembly, it will require financial input from your nations. The financial system of the Global Assembly has been designed to be as transparent and open as possible, therefore the financial accounts of the Global Assembly are managed by an independent agency, namely the Global Bank. This agency is responsible for managing the revenue and expenses of the Organisation, giving it full ability to audit the financial actions of the Secretariat. An annual audit will be presented to the Assembly at the end of each year, however it remains possible for member states to request information in regards to the financials of the Organisation at any time.

If you decide to transfer any amount as part of your voluntary contribution, please ensure that the Global Bank is the designated recipient.

Continuing, I wish to inform you about is the need for volunteers to operate as part of the Global Police Organisation. The Secretariat is seeking specialised personnel to fill the various departments of the GA Police, including the Diplomatic Security Service, Special Investigative Service, Special Response Unit and Campus Police. I will proceed to detail the various responsibilities of the departments with the hope that some nations are willing and able to contribute personnel to the Global Police Organisation.

The Diplomatic Security Service is responsible for the personal security of both members of the Executive Staff (Secretary General, Undersecretaries, etc.) as well as the various representatives from all member states. The Diplomatic Security Service protects these individuals on a 24/7 basis while they act in service of the Global Assembly. For these positions we seek individuals trained in the ability of providing personal security.

The Special Investigative Service is a department which has a diverse range of tasks. It is responsible for gathering, analysing and investigating information. While mainly focusing on providing an independent body for nations to call upon, it can also be used by the ICJ to investigate cases and provide evidence. Therefore we are seeking investigators, forensic scientists, analysts and detectives.

The Special Response Unit is the department of the Global Assembly tasked with high-risk security operations. Comparable with a SWAT unit, we are seeking highly skilled and qualified individuals to fill these positions.

Lastly the Campus Police is responsible for security and policing of the extraterritorial territories of the Global Assembly as well as buildings the Global Assembly maintains. This position requires individuals experienced in law enforcement and building security operations.

As the position of Undersecretary for Security & Peace Operations remains unfilled, please contact my Chief of Staff, Josephine de Jonker if you wish to provide personnel for the Global Assembly Police Organisation.

Clark Stone
Secretary General
Global Assembly
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