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[Germany] Message to Sweden


The Netherlands
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

Recipient: Isabella Lövin, Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Sweden (Connor)
Subject: Nordic Council Accession

Dear Deputy Minister Lövin,

I hope you are doing well. I am contacting you with the hope of being able to schedule a meeting in Stockholm where we could discuss Germany's Accession to the Nordic Council. Your Ambassador to Germany recently met with Foreign Minister Kohl where this topic was touched upon, I hope that we will be able to delve deeper into the subject during this meeting. I am available at your earliest convinience.

I also wish to mention, something I hope you can relay it to the Prime Minister, that Germany condems the declaration of war upon your nations by the Republic of South Africa. You can be assured that you will have our full diplomatic support.

Yours Sincerely,

Matthäus Schäfer
Minister of State for Europe


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018

Government of Sweden
Löfven Administration

Dear Minister Schäfer,

Thank you for your correspondence, it has been gracefully received by my officer staff and I write to you personally to inform you of my hopefulness that the Nordic Council is reunited with a key member, Germany. I have been in consultation with the Secretary General of the Nordic Council who has concurred that the standard practices of return to status will be honoured - as standard, to show our commitment to the continuation of global cooperation, any state holding full membership may be welcomes back to the council upon the election of a new government should they so choose. This of course is dependant on other political affiliations and ideology.

I would be keen to discuss this matter with you - you are welcome to Stockholm at your leisure, as standard a room will be arranged for you at the Grand Hôtel and the National Security Office will provide transportation for you throughout your stay. Please make me aware of any additional aides or security personnel travelling with you and they too will be facilitated as appropriate.

On the subject of South Africa we have been enlightened to see a vast wealth of support worldwide. We were worried that the declaration of war by South Africa may spark additional conflict in the Antarctic or Sub-Antarctic regions which we have only just seen the back of. Nonetheless, we fought off the greed of Argentina and we will have absolutely no problem doing exactly the same with South Africa. Rest assured, we have no intention of this matter being promoted into physical conflict but we are yet to see their government approach any form of diplomatic path to resolution.

There appears to be much to discuss, I will try to save myself for seeing you face-to-face. Safe travels.

Isabella Lövin
Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Kingdom of Sweden


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All information is subject to the Swedish Document Classification and Security Act 1995

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