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Girls Night Out


Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
Continuation of Message to Britain

Margot steps out the bathroom barefoot with her hair and body wrapped in two separate white fluffy towels, she'd continue her conversation with her husband that initially began through the closed bathroom door as she desperately tried to explain the children's bedtime routine to her usually less-then-helpful husband. She's strut through the landing and into the bedroom as she said "Look, just put them both in bed for eight and make sure you leave a lamp on in case they need the toilet in the night!" as she began scrubbing her hair with the towel, removing as much moisture as she could before blasting it with a hairdryer. The loud noise of the hairdryer deafened out her husbands moans; she knew he was going to have to work it out in the end, she wasn't going to miss a night out because he couldn't manage putting two toddlers to bed. Once dry, she'd move on to brushing out and curling her hair and plastering her face in all sorts of difference make up products transforming her from a human to some sort of wax work.

Before she marches downstairs she'd pull a black leather pencil skirt and an orange t-shirt which accentuated her breasts and allowed a small but sophisticated amount of cleavage to be exposed. On her way out the door she'd slip on two black polished high heels and a long black trench coat, sending a quick text to Jessica before she scurried out to an awaiting taxi "Just got in the taxi, see you soon! x"


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