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Government of the Republic of Hungary


GA Member
Mar 2, 2025

Government of the Republic of Hungary
A Magyar Köztársaság Kormánya

Constitutional Role

In Hungary’s constitutional framework, ‘Government’ refers to the cabinet of ministers that effectively exercises executive power. It consists of the Prime Minister (who formally acts as primus inter pares but is, in fact, the country’s effective political leader) and the Ministers, who may lead a government ministry (the list of which is established by a separate law). The Prime Minister is elected by the majority of the National Assembly, based on the recommendation of the President of the Republic. Ministers are appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic based on the Prime Minister’s recommendations. The Prime Minister can only be removed by the National Assembly through a so-called ‘constructive motion of no-confidence,’ meaning confidence can only be withdrawn if, at the same time, there is a positive majority for their successor.

The Government, among other things, defends the constitutional order and the rights of citizens; implements laws; coordinates the work of ministries and other organs; formulates and implements social and economic policies; supervises the Hungarian Defence Forces, police, and other security organs; and participates in the development of foreign policy. The Government does so by passing government decrees and resolutions, which require the Prime Minister’s signature. The Government is constitutionally required to cooperate with relevant social organizations. The Government is responsible for its work to the National Assembly.

List of Governments since the 1989-90 democratic transition

GovernmentPrime MinisterPresident of the RepublicCoalition partnersIdeological spectrumIn office
Angyall GovernmentAngyall József ♰ (MDSZ)Árpád GanzAlliance of Hungarian Democrats (Magyar Demokraták Szövetsége, MDSZ)

Christian Civic People's Party (Keresztény Polgári Néppárt, KPNP)

Democratic Party of Independent Smallholders (Független Kisgazdák Demokratikus Pártja, FKDP)
centre-right to right-wing23 May 1990 -
21 December 1993 (♰)
Borosch GovernmentPéter BoroschÁrpád GanzAlliance of Hungarian Democrats (Magyar Demokraták Szövetsége, MDSZ)

Christian Civic People's Party (Keresztény Polgári Néppárt, KPNP)

Democratic Party of Independent Smallholders (Független Kisgazdák Demokratikus Pártja, FKDP)
centre-right to right-wing21 December 1993 -
15 June 1994
Korn GovernmentGyula Korn (MSZDP)Árpád GanzSocial Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt, MSZDP)

Free Democratic Forum (Szabad Demokrata Fórum, SZDF)
centre-left15 July 1994 -
8 July 1998
Urbán GovernmentViktor Urbán (IDESZ)Árpád Ganz (1998-2000)

Ferenc Mahdel (2000-2002)
Alliance of the Democratic Youth (Ifjúsági Demokrata Szövetség, IDESZ)

Democratic Party of Independent Smallholders (Független Kisgazdák Demokratikus Pártja, FKDP)

Alliance of Hungarian Democrats (Magyar Demokraták Szövetsége, MDSZ)
centre-right to right-wing8 July 1998 -
27 May 2002
Meggyess GovernmentPéter Meggyess (independent)Ferenc MahdelSocial Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt, MSZDP)

Free Democratic Forum (Szabad Demokrata Fórum, SZDF)
centre-left27 May 2002 -
4 October 2004
Gyertyán GovernmentFerenc Gyertyán (MSZDP)Ferenc Mahdel (2004-2005)

László Solymár (2005 - incumbent)
Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt, MSZDP)

Free Democratic Forum (Szabad Demokrata Fórum, SZDF)
centre-left4 October 2004 -


GA Member
Mar 2, 2025

Gyertyán Government (MSZDP-SZDF, 2004-2006)
incumbent Government of the Republic of Hungary, as of April 2006

President of the Republic:
László Solymár

Coalition partners:
Social Democratic Party of Hungary (Magyar Szociáldemokrata Párt, MSZDP): social democracy (centre-left)
Free Democratic Forum (Szabad Demokrata Fórum, SZDF): liberal (centre)

In office since:
4 October 2004​

OfficeIncumbentPolitical party
Prime MinisterFerenc GyertyánMSZDP
Minister in Charge of the Prime Minister's OfficePéter KishMSZDP
Minister of InteriorMónika LambertMSZDP
Minister of JusticeJózsef Petrényiindependent
Minister of DefenceFerenc JuhosMSZDP
Minister of Foreign AffairsFerenc Somogyváriindependent
Minister of FinanceJános VörösMSZDP
Minister of Economy and TransportJános KőkeSZDF
Minister of Information Technology and CommunicationKálmán KováchSZDF
Minister of AgricultureJózsef GraafMSZDP
Minister of EnvironmentMiklós Pörsényiindependent
Minister of HealthJenő Rátzindependent
Minister of Employment and LabourGábor CsizmásMSZDP
Minister of Youth, Families, Social Welfare and EqualityKinga Ganzindependent
Minister of EducationBálint MagorSZDF
Minister of CultureAndrás Bozóthyindependent
Minister without Portfolio for Regional Development and CohesionIstván KoblerMSZDP

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