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Holy See Message to the United States of America

The Young Pope

Nov 20, 2019

Transmitted By the Authority of the Holy See

From: Secretariat of State of the Holy See, Cardinal Angelo Sodano
To: United States Department of State, Mr. John Kerry

Your Excellency,

Holy See-USA relations have been conducted in an unofficial capacity ever since the Republic's foundation in the late 18th century, through informal contacts as well as the limitless amounts of immigrants that have settled on American soil professing the Roman Catholic faith. There have been times when disagreements on certain matters, as well as hysterial anti-American and anti-Catholic agendas had been pushed forward by both sides with no absolute, concrete reasons at all other than to increase unnecessary antagonism.

All of this slowly but surely came to an end through the announcement of establishing formal diplomatic relations on January 10th 1984, between the Holy See and the United States of America. William Wilson was shortly appointed as the first U.S. ambassador to the Holy See, whilst Archbishop Pio Laghi was named as the first Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to the United States. Relations between President Roland Reagan and Pope John Paul II arose from a shaed stance of anti-communism as well as keen interests in forcing the Soviets out of Poland. Also, the two men forged a common bond over having survived assassination attempts just six weeks apart in the spring of 1981.

The election and ascension of Pope Peter II on April 19th 1995 marked him as not only the youngest Pope in modern times at age 47, but also becoming the first Pope from the Americas and the United States in particular. Prospects for increasing our relationship has never been this high and potentially strong until now. It's thus our hope that the Holy See and the United States of America can embark on a shared, grand destiny together as the world's eminent moral compass. We're looing forward to future encounter between the President and the Holy Father as well to facilitate these desires.

Take Care and God Bless,

H.E. Cardinal Angelo Sodano
Secretary of State of His Holiness The Pope

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