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India World News


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020

After the intro a man and woman would be sitting behind a desk and behind them would be 3 large television screens. The screen on the left would show stock prices, the one in the middle would say 'World News' and the one on the right would have weather.
Adri: "Good Evening, and thank you for joining us today. I'm Adri and this is Niloufer."
Niloufer: "Thank you Adri. Tonight, India's economy, politics, and world events."
Adri: "That's right Niloufer."
It would pan to Camera 2, focusing only on Adri. "Reports from the market indicate India traveling further into debt. India's government has been spending everything on Government agencies and the military. Many tax payers are angered by the Governments spending. With India's debt currently at $15 Billion in debt, and an estimated $1.8 Billion being spent on Ukrainian trucks for the military. India's debt is expected to reach $30 Billion by the end of the year with the way the Government has been spending. This is leading to increased crime, and being listed as 'Readvise Travel' listings in foreign countries. Many citizens have also shown sympathy to the growing communist movement due to Government's failings."
It would pan to Camera 3, focusing on Niloufer.
Niloufer: "Current polls show 26% support for the current government. While the growing Communist movement is showing 30% support. The Communist are growing in support, showing an increase of support of 5% since last month. Diplomats of India have been speaking with other nations such as Brazil, South Korea, Germany and Italy. Much of these talks have to do with trade, however it would seem that the Indian Government is looking to create an economic alliance between select countries. Korean soldiers have been authorized to enter India, to assist in the Bombing of Mumbai that occurred back in January. Latest reports have shown growing riots in Mumbai, and a great distaste for foreign intervention. Russian debt has significantly decreased since the passing of the Global Assembly Resolution, allowing many countries to donate funds to the Russian economy. Now to Adri for Sports.
It would pan back to Camera 2.
Adri: "World sports, a constant past time that keeps going despite turmoil in these troubled times. The International Racing Championship is looking to start soon, with about 22 racers registered at the current moment. Last year India was not a participant, however this year India has put forth 2 drivers to compete. Many nations had a redesign of their cars. Mumbai Racing F1 has released the design of their car. Can we get that on the screen behind us please?"

"As you can see on screen, India will be racing the MR-F1-12 car. It sports Orange, Green, and White colors, with a bluish Tiger on the back. Mumbai Racing was originally sponsored by TVS Motor Company, and India Coal Limited, however it looks like they have new sponsors in that of TATA and Rajesh Exports. The two racers are that of Vanni Ghosh and Raj Chabra. We look forward to seeing them in action on race day. Also in sports, the Winter Olympics, being held in Japan this year. Japan has recently been brought under fire by the Ukrainian Government for not allowing women to compete in all sports. Well some might argue tradition while others argue modern day. Japan recently announced that all sports will now allow women to compete, however they will not be integrated with the exception of figure skating. India is currently only sending one athlete to the Olympics. Shiva Keshavan, Male, 16, he will be competing in Men's Luge. Best of luck to all athletes competing."

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