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INTBF | Message to Iran


Jul 1, 2018
From the CEO of the Independent Nigerian Trade and Banking Federation, Igho Sanomi
To the Minister of Trade/Foreign Affairs of Iran

Greetings, it is with eagerness that I write this message with the hopes of securing several trade routes and trade goods for the Independent Nigerian Trade and Banking Federation. Trade Routes, their management, and maximum effectiveness are a complex and difficult task. The demands of trade in our opinion require a dedicated conglomerate, that is what the INTBF is. With an already established trade network out of Nigeria with several countries, and the world's largest trade fleet, we offer to provide negotiation, logistics, and servicing of trade in and out of your country. In exchange we simply ask for 3% of the trade profits as well as the right to free trade of your goods to Nigeria. If you are interested we will fax over a copy of a Trade Contract, or perhaps open a phone line for negotiations if that is required.



Islamic Republic of Iran
Jan 14, 2019
To: CEO of the Independent Nigerian Trade and Banking Federation, Igho Sanomi
From: Ministry of /Foreign Affairs
CC Ministry of Trade

We would definitely be interested in a trade partnership with Nigeria. Please, can you send all particulars to us and we can discuss any questions we have once we have overseen the terms of the agreement. We hope that this is the beginning of a fruitful partnership between our nations.
