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Irish Armed Forces on Alert


United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Classified Information

Irish Air Corps gets put on 48 hour recall. Operation Constitution has been pushed down from high command. Brigadier General Rory O'Conner (Irish Air Corps) has placed Colonel Patrick (Irish Air Corps) in command of the preparation phase. Brigadier General Patrick Flynn (Irish Army) has placed Lieutenant Colonel Stevens (Irish Army) in command of the peacekeeping force. They have not released a scheduled deployment date. For now Only the Air Corps has been placed on recall.
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United Mexican States
Aug 14, 2020
Classified Information
Strait from Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel. Colonel Patrick (Irish Air Corps) has reported that all supplies are staged in Baldonnel and ready to be transported to Zaire. A report has been made to high command. Colonel Patrick is waiting to hear back from the Zaire government. Once he does he will announce when the Irish Air Corps will deploy to Zaire and Zimbabwe.

JJSmithJr J.Hyde