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[Israel]: Call to Sweden


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid would make an encrypted phone-call to his counterpart within the Swedish Government. He was joined by an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as they awaited a response from the Swedish Government.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
With the ongoing situation in South Africa the Prime Minister was preoccupied with meetings and matters of national security; however the telephone call would be passed to the Deputy Prime Minister of Sweden, Åsa Romson, who would answer from the sanctuary of her private office on an encrypted line. Once answered the Deputy Prime Minister would speak clearly into the receiver.

"Good Morning, Deputy Prime Minister Romson speaking?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Deputy Prime Minister Romson, this is Alternate Prime Minister Yair Lapid calling from the State of Israel, what a pleasure it is to speak to you, how are things going in Stockholm?" he asked, taking a sip from the glass on his desk. He was ready to take down notes of the meeting for use in meetings later on.



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"What a pleasure to hear from you Mr Alternative Prime Minister! Stockholm is very busy at the moment as you can expect coming out a state of war, we're on the fast roads to recovery though, just working through this difficult period one step at a time - what prompts you call this morning?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We have been watching developments here in Israel and want a peaceful end to the drama which has unfolded, it is good to see that stability has been/is going to be returned to the region. Overall, my call to you today was regarding the instability currently within the Middle Eastern region, I'm making calls to important partners and wanted to gather your governments opinion on the matter."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"In all honesty I am not aware of the situation in the Middle East; I understand there is some conflict between yourselves and Turkey which appears to have come from nowhere as far as I am aware - are you able to enlighten me?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Israeli media reported that the Israel Defence Force was going to be conducting a military exercise near the border with Gaza, a location which was chosen by the Ministry of Defence months in advance, no troops have however been deployed at this current moment. We have tried to sit down with the Turkish President but he is not having any peace negotiations as Israel is, and I quote 'weasel its way out of serious predicaments using weak diplomatic summits and meetings which hold no real substance and only serve to distract from the issue.' which we have still wanted to meet even though he has given us a list of demands and though, we have met some of them, is also using threats of using military force, we are confident of the Israel Defence Force using any means necessary to defend the Israeli people but said force could happen at any moment."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I am concerned by the statement that peaceful diplomacy holds no substance. It's sounding a lot to me like Turkey is attempting to wage a war against Israel and potentially your friends and partners - I simply do not see how summits and meetings can dither the reality of the genuine risk to life. What demands were you sent and to what degree what you seen any military movement by Turkey in relation to this conflict?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I have forwarded the demands and the ultimatum to your office, we haven't seen any military movement at this moment but this could come at any single moment."

Forwarded message. (Through an encrypted line.)



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"I see, I am concerned that this may envelop a number of hungry countries looking for political appreciation - there's a lot of unclaimed credit in a conflict of this kind and I would encourage you to make decisive action to ensure the safety of your nation early on. I am happy to attempt a host of peace talks in Stockholm between senior figures in a neutral environment?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"This was not the reason why I decided to call you Deputy Prime Minister." He paused, taking a sip from his water before continuing on. "Hypothetically speaking, what is your stance if certains areas of Palestine was to become under control of the State of Israel and certain areas would remain with the Palestinian National Authority, but under the security umbrella of the Israel Defense Forces and Shin Bet to ensure quiet, suppress Palestinian terrorism, and prevent Hamas from taking over. Palestinians would also be offered citizenship and/or permanent residency rights. We would also like, if able under any agreement, we would begin investment in many areas across the regions taken under our wing, such as new industrial zones, infrastructure investment, education, security, healthcare, there's loads of areas that the State of Palestine are lacking in."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Well... you've put me in quite the position here. I can't say whether we do or do not support your movements towards Palestine at this stage, we have a lot going on with South Africa and it would require consultation with advisors within the National Security Council. I can say though that Sweden has a longstanding support of those that provide investment i nto the often forgotten areas of infrastructure, education, industry and healthcare - if these are areas that Palestine are slacking in and Israel has the means to promote that kind of development then that's certainly something Sweden would look at supporting. Whether or not that includes the adoption of a neighbouring state remains to be said..."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Well Deputy Prime Minister, your support would be very much appreciated as we see Sweden as one of the most powerful nations in the world and a pioneer of peace and stability within many regions such as South Africa. I'm not blackmailing you here Deputy Prime Minister but we can offer Sweden something that you may be needing now and in the future ahead."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Yes, I have to say Sweden has had some successes in recent history but we have also been littered with mistakes as every human being is. We do our best for the people we serve... Well now I'm intrigued? Please do go on..."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"We have news that Turkey has been up to some dirty antics.... and has been harbouring the former President of South Africa and his family, he has made his way to the State of Israel but doesn't know that I am speaking to you at this moment. I am sure that you would like to have him in Sweden at your earliest convenience, for your support, we will allow you to capture the former President and his family if you do wish to do so."



Kingdom of Sweden
GA Member
Jul 23, 2018
"Ah, now that changes things! P. W. Botha is a slimy individual, a war criminal, a racist and vermin to modern society. If you can ensure he is securely kept within Israeli custody, alive, I will have Special Forces deployed immediately as part of our ongoing military operation in South Africa in order to execute his arrest. I must stress that we need him alive for trial so please ensure he is thoroughly searched and kept in a dry cell. In return, we will support your opposition with Turkey."



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Deputy Prime Minister, I have just received word that he has just been taken into custody. We shall pass on any information regarding his location once it has been decided where he shall be hosted until your forces are in the area. We're trying to keep this out of the public eye for now."


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