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[Israel]: Message for Egypt


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, Minister of Defence, Arab Republic of Egypt (Thomas R. Jones)

I, alongside many of my advisers have been conducting research on products to introduce into the Israel Defense Force and we have came across the S-300 missile system that we would like to introduce into our arsenal to protect the Middle Eastern region for many years to come. The Egyptian Government has been a great friend to the State of Israel over the past few months and order dependant will come to a high price and we would like to work a deal out to pay the cost through an installment package.

I look forward to hearing your response.

Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defense
Feb 4, 2021
The President was in his apartment in the Polish palace, checking and rechecking his files, when his secretary entered and told him the Israelis had emailed him on military equipment. Curious, he got to his computer and quickly read the email. He then called in a senior military officer, who was with him. The officer gave him the relevant information, and then the President replied.


From: President Mohammed Hussein Tantawi

To: Minister Avigdor Lieberman [ Zak ]


I have read your email, and after consulting with my staff, I am pleased to say that we will be able to produce the S-300 for you. We have decided that we can offer you the S-300 at the price of production, 84 million a unit. As for the instalment method, you may pay us any amount at any time, with the total price to be paid within 6 months.

If this is acceptable to you, you can reply with further details of your order. I look forward to your reply, Minister Liebermann.


Mohammed Hussein Tantawi
President of Egypt


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: President Mohammed Hussein Tantawi, Arab Republic of Egypt (Thomas R. Jones)

Thank you for your response Mister President, this deal will further show the friendship and allow the State of Israel and the Arab Republic of Egypt to cooperate in many other areas down the line, we would like to purchase eight units of the S-300 missile system with the option of potentially purchasing up to six more in the coming months ahead. We would like to begin with a payment of $224,000,000 and will then further pay this amount twice which will conclude the repayment plan if this suffices with your government.

Kind Regards,
Avigdor Lieberman
Minister of Defense
Feb 4, 2021

From: President Mohammed Hussein Tantawi

To: Minister Lieberman [ Zak ]


This is fine. We can start production whenever you wish, and you have six months from the time it is delivered to you for you to pay us. If you wish to arrange the payment with three instalments of $224,000,000, that is also fine. Egypt only wishes to protect our Middle Eastern friends.

If there are any details you wish to add, please tell me. You can be assured of our fullest support in all matters.


Mohammed Hussein Tantawi
President of Egypt


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The Office of the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt would be informed through a private and encrypted channel that the first payment of funds had been transferred.

Thomas R. Jones


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Through an encrypted line, Israel has requested that the sum of $224,000,000 be transferred back to Israel since the order was stopped by Russia which will see the money be used by the Ministry of Religious Services.

Thomas R. Jones

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