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[Israel]: Message for Turkey


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018

State of Israel
Security Classification: Encrypted

Recipient: Mesut Yılmaz, President of the Pan-Turkist Republic of Turkey (Axis12)

Firstly, I would like to offer my governments congratulations on your election as Head of State and Head of Government within Turkey and to pass on congratulations to your cabinet as they represent the Turkish people domestically and abroad. I would also like to resume our peace talks that were undertaken before the Turkish elections as certain progress was being made which included the Israeli recognition of a Palestinian state and an Israeli minister being responsible for overseeing the peace process as we need to meet with the Palestinian Authority in the coming weeks ahead which we would like to see the Turkish Government apart of.

Best Regards,
Naftali Bennett
Prime Minister of Israel
State of Israel


People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021

Government of Turkey
Official Communiqué


Naftali Bennett, Zak


Zeki Eker, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Security Classification-Private-Encrypted

Last Updated: N/A

Dear Prime Minister Bennett,

The President will not be available to discuss this matter but I will be able to negotiate on the behalf of the President. I will notify you now that the talks must be solely based on Israeli concessions and the immediate acceptance of all demands made by the Arab Joint Statement and If this is not acceptable then talks will not take place and we will have to use other means to achieve our goals. Do be alarmed, but this is a threat and we are not afraid to use force to achieve our goals and unlike the previous leftist administration we care for the unity of all followers of Islam against any oppressor large or small, western backed or not. This message is also a formal statement to your government that we now recognize Palestine as the legitimate government of the West Bank and all of Israel, meaning that your government has now been deemed an illegitimate state. This does not hinder our communications and we will treat your government the same in regards to diplomatic procedures even though your legal status has changed.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Zeki Eker
Republic of Turkey


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Prime Minister Naftali Bennett would return to his office upon the acceptance of negotiations with the Turkish Government. The Prime Minister would call the Turkish Foreign Minister on an encrypted line as he sat down in his chair awaiting a response from the Turkish Minister.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
Deputy Prime Minister Devlet Bahçeli would enter a secure room within MHP headquarters surrounded by TRRT Rapid Response Guards and his secretary. He would sit down his chair and pick up the phone on an secure line to respond to the Israelis. This Call would be recorded.
Mr. Bahçeli would wait for the Israelis to speak first.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
Once the caller was verified, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett would answer the call on a secure line which had been prepared by the Israel Security Agency as agents listened in to verify the caller. Upon it being verified as the Turkish Deputy Prime Minister, the call was recorded on the Israeli end of the call which was unknown to any outside callers.

"Deputy Prime Minister Bahçeli, thank you for taking my call, it's good to speak to you. I wish we were calling under better circumstances. How are things in Turkey?"



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Things are… decent Mr. Prime Minister, of course under different circumstances I’m sure they would be better as I’m sure you know, especially with all of these rumors(Turkey IC has not released anything on the topic and there has only been a single civilian post on Twitter confirming a mass of Turkish Vessels sailing by) swirling around about a potential conflict between our two nations. I’m just going to let you know right here and now before we continue since I know where you are heading here… that you have my promise that the supposed invasion that some in the media have been speaking about is completely false in so many ways, we were simply to the best of my knowledge conducting sea trials outside Göcluk which has started all of this pandemonium. It’s completely ridiculous as I’m sure you’d agree that all of these travel bans are being put in place because of a twitter post but I guess the world can be so easily swayed these days, yes?“
  • Sad
Reactions: Zak


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"I'm not here to call you a liar Deputy Prime Minister but your Saudi Arabian friends have dropped you in things by admitting to participating in conducting an upcoming arms embargo against a state that does not exist which is namely the State of Israel, not only will this devastate the Israeli economy but it will also sink the Turkish economy which is already billions of dollars in debt, are you willing to participate in plumitting your country into even more debt Deputy Prime Minister as well as violating the International Law of the Sea.

You can protect your country Deputy Prime Minister, stand your forces down. You simply cannot afford a war, you're putting millions of lives on the line and are you willing to sit back and see your country plummet further into debt when other countries start to enforce trade bans, travel bans and so on. We have recognised the State of Palestine as an independent country and it has been since since 1967 with the Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa mosque remaining under Palestinian control (OOC: MN recognises the 1967 borders for Israel and Palestine with Palestine as an independent state.) so what do you say Deputy Prime Minister?"



Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Stand down your Armed Forces, Deputy Prime Minister. The Middle East has suffered enough blood and tears in the past few years. We can work on a mutual agreement of peace and prosperity for our region. We can agree to work in union between Israel and Turkey to develop the State of Palestine to develop infrastructure, housing and provide a better quality of life for all, if you declare war then this is just going to affect millions of Israelis, Palestinians and even people in your own country with the amount of debt that you're in."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
“Stand down my armed forces? You must be joking, and the Saudi Arabian Government does not have access to any of our military deployments so I believe you are lying in an attempt to make me say something that will damage our great reputation around the world. Furthermore you speak of better living conditions but should I remind you of the living stands of Palestinians right now? Additionally these so called projects to improve the Palestinian people have Been touted in the media yet the Palestinian media has seen zero improvement of lifestyle and not one investment yet into the state of Palestine. Even if you do invest we know that it is a only an attempt to slowly take control of Palestine by increasing its dependence on Israel which we will not allow. If we want to talk about factual information Then let’s continue, but if you want to discuss rumors and lies then I don’t see any point in continuing discussion.”


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
"Mister Deputy Prime Minister, I have no reason to lie. Turkish Media reported the mass movement of Turkish vessels into the Eastern Mediterranean which ties in within moving towards the State of Israel and the Saudi Arabian Government have stated in a private meeting with our Australian counterparts that they are participating in conducting an upcoming arms embargo against the State of Israel, if you don't want to believe this then I cannot force you to believe it but I'm simply telling the truth.

Mister Deputy Prime Minister, these projects have been touted in the media, you are correct on that matter. But we want to work with other countries in the region, such as Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to bring a better quality of life to the State of Palestine which has been an independent country. You may have seen in the media in the past few days that the Knesset (Israel's unicameral parliament) has been able to push through a historic deal to invest over five billion dollars into Israeli Arab communities with a focus on Arab women and children.

I'd like to invite you to Israel in the coming days to see the efforts undertaken by my government, I am also going to invite President Yasser Arafat from the State of Palestine to attend a meeting between our three countries, I would like you to attend Deputy Prime Minister. I know deep down that you want peace and prosperity for the Middle East, not another bloodshed for our beloved region."



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs would inquire into what the status of this meeting is after the election of Benjamin Netanyahu as the new Prime Minister.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The meeting would be ended due to the peace talks between Israel and Turkey under the mediation of Australia.



People’s Republic of China
Feb 11, 2021
The Ministry would also privately inquire about the status of the Hobart Peace talks now that Naftali Bennett is not the acting Prime Minister Of Israel and holds no real power.


Kingdom of Spain
GA Member
Jul 1, 2018
The peace summit is still going ahead as planned with Naftali Bennett serving under his new position of Minister of Foreign Affairs.


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